Duel Masters Reborn

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Duel Masters Community Forum - Duel, Discuss, Trade, Share

    Trading Rules


    Posts : 556
    Feedback Points : +8
    Join date : 2016-11-22
    Location : Finland

    Trading Rules Empty Trading Rules

    Post by Admin 25.11.16 20:16

    0. Introduction
    Welcome to the wonderful world of Online trading. Before you start trading you need to read and understand our ground rules regarding trading. This way you avoid breaking them and getting your trading right temporarily suspended.

    Duel Masters Reborn's commandments regarding trading:
    1. DM Reborn's Trading Rules will always beat your rules.
    2. A Moderator and an administrator's word is law.
    3. Reading our Guide to Trading is an absolute must for those wanting to trade.
    4. You are only allowed 1 active trading thread.
    5. All trading threads must follow minimum standards before being posted.
    6. The amount of Feedback Points determines who is sending first.
    7. If an item is not at least M/NM, it's condition must be provided to the other trader.
    8. A person has only up to 7 business days to send out after confirmation/receiving.
    9. The person sending is responsible for their end reaching safely and unharmed the other trader.
    10. For a trade to be evaluated, it must adhere to our criteria.
    11. Never post a person's personal information.

    By reading and understanding the following rules and our Guide to Trading, you get the right to trade in Duel Masters Reborn. The staff may adjust these rules when they see fit. When you are trading here you commit to respect these rules.

    1. DM Reborn's Trading Rules will always beat your rules.
    Simply put, we expect our users to always respect our rules and trading is not an exception. If you are uncertain what is allowed and what is not on our forum, feel free to contact our moderators and staff or send us a question on our General Question thread. More information on our rules can be found on that thread too.

    2. A Moderator and an administrator's word is law.
    Our moderators are not just upholding our rules and standards on DM Reborn but they are also ensuring the safety and well being of all of its users in the best possible way. When a Moderator tells you something, rest assured it's for the good of everybody.

    3. Reading our Guide to Trading is an absolute must for those wanting to trade.
    This thread and our Guide to Trading contain everything you need to know about trading on our forum. If you wish to be safe and successful while trading, this is the way to go.

    4. You are only allowed 1 active trading thread.
    A user is allowed to have only one active trading thread. We recommend you to delete your passive trading threads since they might cause confusion. Furthermore, a group of buddies may create one group-specific trading thread, but it must be somehow stated in the trading thread that it's for several people instead of just one. In addition of having a trading thread, a user may have one active selling and buying thread, but they might get interfered if the structure of Trading section becomes too unclear due to all these different threads.

    5. All trading threads must follow minimum standards before being posted.
    A) A set of rules - These include where you ship to, who you ship to, and any other things that you want the other traders to know. Just make sure that your rules do not break any of our rules here.
    B) Haves - These are items that you or your group are able to offer. You can also list your friends' cards, but then you are responsible that the cards are as promised. You don't need to put everything you own, but we recommend listing at least 10 items for trade.
    C) Wants - These are the items you or your group want. You don't need to put every single thing, but put enough so that people can get a general idea. We recommend listing at least 10 items. You can sell your cards for money, but you should preferably have at least one positive Trading point first. However, our main focus is trading cards.

    Every trade thread must contain at least your haves or wants, but preferably both. Furthermore, we recommend adding your set of rules.

    When the basic form of your trading thread is good, you can focus on decorating it but keep in mind that your thread should be easy to read and clear. It's recommended to subscribe your own trading thread so that you don't miss your chances.

    6. The amount of feedback points determines who is sending first.
    The "Feedback Point Rule" states that the person with the lower feedback point score while confirming the trade (Exchanging Addresses) has to send first unless stated otherwise. However, if both have at least 5 or more (>=5) positive feedback points, a user with most negative or neutral feedback points is sending first. First you compare your negative and then your neutral feedback points. If in this case both users have the same amount of negative and neutral feedback points, they are sending at the same time. A situation differing form this rule must always be possible to be proved.

    In other words, if both users have 5 or more positive trading points and none of negative or neutral points, they are sending at the same time.

    The only times when Feedback point rule isn't saying who sends first, is when:
    A) The Administration or our moderators have determined that a user has to send his end of the deal first for a determined time interval.
    B) Users have agreed that the other sends first. However, point A) always overrules an agreed order.

    A Trading Penalty is shown in the form of ”USER sends his end of the deal first for XX days or after XX successful trades”. This message is added on the trading thread of the user in question.

    If you are afraid that another user is trying to benefit from your lower feedback point score or you just want to play it safe, you may choose to perform the trade with the use of a middle man, on which you can read more on our Guide to Trading.

    Only feedback points acquired through DM Reborn will count toward trades on DM Reborn. You can check the feedback points of our users on our Feedback thread.

    7. If an item is not at least M/NM, it's condition must be provided to the other trader.

    In other words, you can't plead on the other person not asking, when he is not happy with a badly conditioned card he traded from you. Not informing the other trader about your items is deceitful and lazy and the other trader has a full right to give you a negative feedback point for it.

    8. A person has only up to 7 business days to send out after confirmation or receiving.
    When a trade is confirmed (with the exchanging of addresses) or a person receives a package, the user sending out has up to 7 business days to send out their end.

    Not sending within those 7 business days can officially result in the trader receiving a neutral feedback (+0) for slow shipping. If the trader takes over 14 business days to send, then they can be officially given a negative feedback (-1) for slow shipping.

    If there is to be a delay in the package shipping then it is the duty of the trader to inform their partner of this prior to confirming the trade (with the exchanging of addresses). If there is to be a delay in shipping after the trade is confirmed (due to emergency, Acts of God, Etc.), then they are to inform there trading partner as soon as possible. If it's legitimate, then the delay will be excusable.

    Regardless on how long the package takes to get from point the sender to the receiver, as long as they have sent within that time frame they are safe from receiving a bad feedback (whether that be a Neutral or Negative) due to slow shipping. The only exception to this is if they had to re-send due to insufficient postage. If the postal office has screwed up, the situation might be different, but then you have to be able to offer your trading partner sufficient proofs.

    If you have agreed on different kind of arrangement regarding sending, you have to be able to prove it when facing problems. If you wish to prove when you sent out, keep the receipt and save your private messages.

    9. The person sending is responsible for their end reaching safely and unharmed the other trader.
    If a package is damaged during shipping and it was preventable, then the person shipping can ALWAYS be held responsible. To prevent damage from happening use Toploaders, Bubble Mailers and Cushioning on all your packages. A seller can give his trading partner a possibility for a cheaper unregistered shipping. In this case, a buyer is responsible that the package reaches him safely; this commandment is only applicable for a seller that has more than 5 positive feedback points. If this is not the case, a seller is ALWAYS responsible for his end reaching the other partner.

    10. For a trade to be evaluated, it must adhere to our criteria.
    A) All trade negotiations must have been started and be connected on our forum and when asked you must be able to offer us a chat history either here or on another messaging platform or on e-mail.
    B) Both users have sent their items through the mail. If you are trading for money, then you have to transfer the money online. In other words, trading in person doesn't constitute. If either trading part don't do as agreed, then it's allowed to give that user a neutral or a negative feedback point according to the rules of this forum.
    C) Both users cannot be close friends or family relatives who see each other on a regular basis, so at least once a week.
    D) Both users must live a substantial distance apart. (Being a few blocks away doesn't count).
    E) At least one of the persons must have sent cards during the trade.

    Giving a feedback point while not fully adhering to the above criteria is accounted as feedback scamming and a penalty will follow.

    11. Never disclose anyone's personal information.
    Since we are a public board, do not disclose anyone's personal information at any time - Including your own. Such things include: name, address, telephone number, and e-mail address.

    The only exceptions to this rule is when you are confirming a trade or when a moderator demands this from you, but in such case it still done using private messages.

    Useful Threads
    The Rules of DM Reborn
    Guide to Trading
    Trading Feedback
    Reporting Frauds
    Trading Using a Middleman

    The staff may adjust these rules when they see fit. When you are trading here you commit to respect these rules.

    DATE: 2.2.2017 - February the 2nd 2017

    ELTP - in Behalf of Duel Masters Reborn's Staff

    Last edited by ELTP on 12.03.20 10:08; edited 10 times in total (Reason for editing : Fixed the link)

      Current date/time is 13.09.24 5:24