Duel Masters Reborn

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    Welcoming Thread - Introduce Yourself


    Posts : 556
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    Location : Finland

    Welcoming Thread - Introduce Yourself Empty Welcoming Thread - Introduce Yourself

    Post by Admin 22.11.16 13:52

    Welcome to Duel Masters Reborn!

    This thread is for introductions. You are not supposed to write a novel here, but we'd appreciate it if you could tell us something about yourself and when you got your first contact with Duel Masters. It would also be nice to know if you have had a hiatus before joining us here.

    If you have anything to ask, just contact me or other members of our administration team either via private messages or optionally write a message in this forum section.

    You are warmly welcome to our forum and we hope that you'll have a good time here,
    ELTP - admin of DM Reborn

    Last edited by ELTP on 21.01.19 6:00; edited 5 times in total

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    Welcoming Thread - Introduce Yourself Empty Haiken's introduction

    Post by Haiken 20.01.17 23:39

    Greetings, my fellow Duel Masters enthusiasts!

    Many of you may already know me from Pojo, DMfinland, DM's sub-reddit, tradecardsonline or eBay.
    I first got into Duel Masters in 2005, when free samples were included in an issue of Donald Duck & Co. It soon became very popular at school, and I had much fun playing and collecting. Eventually Duel Masters lost its popularity, and I went on a long break. 8 years later I decided to start collecting Duel Masters earnestly, after looking through my old collection and playing a bit with my friends. I have now completed my initial goal of acquiring one copy of every single TCG card (including the promos) and have moved on to more obscure goals. (Such as collecting all 530 combinations of Puzzle Card and Advertisement, collecting misprints and collecting magazines and other Misc items.)

    -WARNING- Shameless boasting ahead -WARNING-
    In addition to being a devoted collector, I am also a contributor on the Duel Masters Wikia. My contributions include the Puzzle Card page, the Duel Masters Starter Deck 3 page, the addition of several promos, pictures, information, and more.

    My proudest achievements regarding Duel Masters would be collecting all seven Burger King promos in English, acquiring a promo Scream Slicer, and discovering the previously unknown Italian promo and revealing it to the DM community.

    If you want to trade, check out my trading thread.

    Posts : 556
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    Join date : 2016-11-22
    Location : Finland

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    Post by Admin 21.01.17 1:41

    Welcome to DM Reborn Haiken,

    You surely are well known in DM world especially for your acquirement of the Scream Promo. Not an easy feat to pull.

    I will also tell you guys and gals something about myself. I'm currently as an exchange student in Hamburg, Germany but in few months I'll move back to Southern Finland to continue my studies there.

    I first started dueling November 2006 after I got my first taste of the cards with a person, who still is my most important dueling partner, although we don't live in the same city anymore. He is usually known as Ambazar in DM forums. In 2008 I started moving to OCG with Ambazar after I got introduced to this German DM community via Pojo. That's how we ended up visiting Germany in 2011 for this amazing tournament there. Also, that's a reason why I had my exchange semester here of all places (thought also about Singapore).

    I have always been mainly into dueling and building decks but after I started forwarding and selling DM cards to other Finns, I realized in 2012 that I could quite easily start collecting TCG. Now I'm missing 10 TCG cards but I'm already quite happy with that achievement. My goal is to get at least those Longhorn and Hulcus promos I'm missing, one day. Burgerkings and the infamous Scream might be a bit too challenging for me but I won't give up just yet.

    In autumn 2014 I started establishing a Finnish DM community by founding Duel Masters Finland forum and this project has went far more better than I could ever had imagined: We are having big meetings a couple of times a year and have registered association Duel Masters Finland ry based in Finland. During my stay here in Germany I have met with both my old and relatively new German contacts and it seems like we are getting a healthy community also here again. It was sad that in Finland (with 5 million people) had a bigger community than Germany (with 80 million people) but things seem to be in change.

    Quite recently I felt it was finally time for this forum so that it would become easier for everyone to join in an international DM community and also strengthen/establish their local DM community.

    With these words, I welcome you all here.

    Keep on dueling,

    Posts : 9
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    Post by awesomezxc 22.01.17 9:46

    Hey everyone, awesomezxc here! Sorry it took so long for me to post something, been busy catching up with assignments.

    Anyways, I first started playing Duel Masters back when it first came out - oh the sweet memories. I’ve never looked back ever since. Nowadays I rarely play since I’m only duelling with a small group of friends who meet yearly. But I am still actively collecting cards (i.e Promos). I remembered I took almost quite DM a few years back, even sold part of my collection (I cheaply sold my Bluum Erkis - I'll never forget that). But then I felt something wasn't right and instead, I bought more cards. And eventually collecting one of every card became my main goal haha

    I’ll have to say that I’ve met many great people through DM (both in real life and on forums) and they have also helped me achieve my goal of collecting every card from DM 01-12. And now I’m hoping more people will discover and play DM and keep it alive! tongue

    Thanks for including me in the forums. Quite excited to see what’s in store and I’ll try my best to help in any way possible!
    Zach Hartigan
    Zach Hartigan

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    Post by Zach Hartigan 27.01.17 20:12

    Legendary Zach Hartigan reports for duty! First i apologize my grammar. I understand english "perfectly" but its a bit difficult to form sentences. But hey, we understand each other and thats the most important thing to unite all duelists.

    Im from Finland like ELTP and many other. I have played DM when i was child. Game was very popular around 2004 to 2007. Most of guys from my class played but then they "grew up" and abandon DM. I were smart little piece of shit and buy their cards very cheap. Massive lots of cards, 500 to 1000 cards and what i paid? 20 or 30 euros and lads use it to buy cigarettes Very Happy

    In next few years i often browse my collection but time after time put them aside. Played few times with my closest friends but then started to study car mechanics. Life changes you know. But one evening... Like lightning from the clouds i found ELTP online! Found his buy/sell topic and wondered "wow, is there really people who plays this awesome and forgotten game". First i tought that i just buy few holos which i never get when i was child. But hunger grows more and more. Now we are here. Two amazing years have passed but golden era of last duelists is still coming in near future!

    I have quite a nice collection of both TCG and OCG. Around 40 decks and almost complete TCG promo collection. BK promos are too hard to find but still looking for holo Aqua Hulcus, Stampeding Longhorn, Neve the Leveler and Scream Slicer. Im ready to offer crazy trades for those...

    My hobbies are floorball, icehockey, fishing and hunting. I love electronic music and tuning cars. I drive VW Golf mk5 Cool
    My lovely cats are most important thing to me. They are part of the family. Remember to love your family, i lost my father year ago and its hardest thing i ever have faced...

    Now i am post officer but everything is so unstable nowdays... Lets see what future brings and aim to brighter days. Cya around dudes!

    Your Eyes are like a space. So bright and deep. I just want to drown in to em'...

    Welcoming Thread - Introduce Yourself Promo114

    Posts : 556
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    Location : Finland

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    Post by Admin 27.01.17 21:04

    Welcome to Duel Masters Reborn, awesomezxc and Zach Hartigan!

    Quite many of us have done the same mistake of selling a part or even their whole collection, regretting that and started dueling again. I suppose even more of us have bought those crazy cheap card lots either directly from your friends or online. If you have done either, both or neither, you are still welcome here. Even relatively lately we have met even newbies in Finland but they don't tend to keep on dueling.

    Promos seem to be in many collectors' mind and they seem to be harder to get day by day, which is only logical. Maybe we'll see new ways of cards coming from the states again in the near future. That happens from time to time, like once there were all the BKs for sale on eBay. Didn't offer enough back in the day.

    I'm glad we are even this many still and eagerly waiting what the future hold for us.

    Keep on dueling!

    Posts : 106
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    Join date : 2017-02-02
    Age : 31
    Location : Hamburg, Germany

    Welcoming Thread - Introduce Yourself Empty Hello, hello!

    Post by KazeBlack 02.02.17 20:35

    Hello my fellow duelists, collectors and traders!

    I see quite a few familiar faces here and some of you may know me already (even in real life), but still for those who don't a quick post about myself.

    I'm Kaze, a 23 year old gamer girl from Germany and one of biggest DM collectors in entire Europe. I have a completed unique card TCG collection (including Promos, basically only lacking the Burger King stuff and other crazy stuff which is just too ridiculous to find) as well as a ton of OCG and am currently at over 16000 cards home stock. I started collecting from the very first day the game came out here in Germany (2004) and am stuck with it ever since. Was never the greatest duelist really as I strongly focused on collecting but still somehow managed to become German Champion in 2011 and I got a few decks prepared so don't take me lightly Wink

    I'm a professional trader for more than 7 years by now, running an OCG import business together with 6 other traders around the world in order to support people who have trouble getting cards from Japan, or can't because of the restrictions within their countries. That's not my main occupation though, I'm actually a Graphic Designer and Illustrator and I made the logo and banner you see here.

    Hit me up if you need anything or if you have any questions. I gladly answer. I love you

    Big thanks to ELTP who managed it to build up this place so quickly.

    Posts : 1
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    Welcoming Thread - Introduce Yourself Empty Re: Welcoming Thread - Introduce Yourself

    Post by heatedline 02.02.17 20:40

    Hey there heatedline here, thanks for a yet another DM forum, hoping this will last.

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    Post by Admin 02.02.17 21:13

    Hello @KazeBlack and @Heatedline! Welcome to the forum!

    It's nice to see you KazeBlack after so long time writing on a DM forum. I remember you kicking everyone's ass: You didn't even have mercy on me or @ambazar although we had traveled all the way from Finland to take part in your little tournament. It truly was amazing! Also, lots of thanks for the logo and the banner!! The forum wouldn't be the same without them. I'm impressed how damn good they look!! Cool

    This forum will last for years, heatedline. That much I can guarantee. Even Duel Masters Finland is alive and kicking after 2,5 years. Let's see how things will go here. You just have to actively take part in the international DM community.

    Enjoy Duel Masters Reborn, I'm so glad we could finally release it. We will be adjusting and modify our forum especially during the 1st month but there shouldn't be any major surprises. Necessarily.

    Posts : 140
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    Welcoming Thread - Introduce Yourself Empty Re: Welcoming Thread - Introduce Yourself

    Post by Yami_Michael 03.02.17 7:40

    I have amnesia. Why am I here again?

    Welcoming Thread - Introduce Yourself PyjoDV3
    Duel Masters Wiki - A site for all of your Duel Masters Information!

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    Post by Admin 03.02.17 11:32

    Hi Yami Michael, I don't really know... maybe you are blowing off steams since you have been working so hard on Duel Masters Wiki.

    In any case, it's nice to have you here. It's been too long since the last time I saw you on any forum. DM Wiki is still kept up to date, and that is truly awesome. Makes it lots easier fir everyone to keep on talking about cards and actually using them.

    You are very warmly welcome here!

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    Post by Yami_Michael 03.02.17 12:41

    Yeah, even with the video games I play (mostly WoW), it all comes down to time priority. Facebook is generally quicker for me to share stuff, so I tend to stick to that over forums. But sometimes I need just that little extra bit of content, and forums do have some pro/cons compared to facebook.

    I've even been experimenting with a Discord channel for Duel Masters recently for easier communication. I should maybe link that in my signature (it can also be joined from any page on the wiki)

    Welcoming Thread - Introduce Yourself PyjoDV3
    Duel Masters Wiki - A site for all of your Duel Masters Information!
    Black Shadow
    Black Shadow

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    Post by OcaVan 03.02.17 13:27

    Hi, i'm OcaVan.
    I am/was part of a german DM group but it's hard to find or play with others anymore because many quit the the game or stopped because of other more personal reasons.

    I think if started DM with DM-04 Shadowclash of blinding Night, quite came back later with a group in my hometown that last quite a impressive amount of years regarding the 'self organizing' part, we arranged some small tournamemts too. Then i quite for a longer time, then came back 1,5 years, paused again for half year and now i'm willing to stay with duel masters as long as possible.
    Since if been in contact with E.L.T.P. my passion came back =)

    I prefer monocoloured decks and but also play multicoloured decks and play tcg and ocg alike but prefering defintly ocg. Especially mono darkness decks so i'm a fan of mana arms abilitier and all ballom versions.

    I am mainly more a 'duelist' than ! collector, since most of my wantz will be going straight to my decks if i get them. And the more stranger the idea of a deck is, the more i love it...

    I like to get more in touch with you people, meet more espicially from germany) And i didn't know that you KazeBalck where part of such a big group/ card organizers. That explains your huge knowledge about some cards i asked you back then.

    Sorry, if my english is that bad, i'm trying my best. And i know that my commemt in somewhat written in a very 'general' way. If you have questions, and if i'm willing to answer them (as they don't get to personal).

    Last edited by OcaVan on 07.02.17 18:24; edited 1 time in total
    Master of Destruction
    Master of Destruction

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    Post by Mr-ex777 03.02.17 13:44

    Hello, i am Mr-ex777, you should know me as Rex700 in wikia and Lostofx in TCO. I am a collector, although i duel online in tco. I started since the beginning of the english game went to a hiatus in 2006 because i was young and did not get any good cards, but returned in 2014 and at first edited the wikia, but i also entered the facebook group kaijudo generation and the Trade cards online site in order to duel since i cannot duel irl (I collect real life cards however). I since 2014 only play OCG because i consider TCG an outdated game that will never improve while OCG improves forever.

    My favourite block is episode 2 due to all the gigantic fatties and cost trampling and i have too many favorite creatures to choose any. My favorite type of decks are rushes, ramps and dragons and since many of them use Commands and Dragons, VAN Beethoven is quite crippling to me and is a great hinderance. Despite this, i have a highly varied playstyle and can use anything save for overly complicated loops such as the currently trendy Goemonkey and Optimus loops. I also don't like facing overly fast rushes (Gatling Rushes, Liquid people Rush etc.) or decks that are seemingly only serving to annoy you like Giovanni or Jolly the Johnny Joe (With the former thankfully being banned completely)...Unless i am the one using it of course. I use everything no matter how i hate them being used against me.

    Last edited by Mr-ex777 on 03.02.17 14:39; edited 1 time in total

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    Post by Yami_Michael 03.02.17 14:09

    OcaVan wrote:And i didn't know that you KazeBalck where part of such a big group/ card organizers. That explains your huge knowledge about some cards i asked you back then.

    There's some members of the Duel Masters community that have been around for many years now (many of them from around the start.) Kaze being one of those.

    Welcoming Thread - Introduce Yourself PyjoDV3
    Duel Masters Wiki - A site for all of your Duel Masters Information!

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    Post by Admin 03.02.17 14:34

    Hello OcaVan and Mr-ex777,

    It's been interesting to help you organize and participate in the meetings while staying in Germany. I have had lot's fun meeting new faces and some old ones too. I'm also more duelist than a collector, although I'm still collecting Duel Masters TCG. What comes to dueling, I'm again more into OCG but still TCG is very close to my heart.

    Good to hear that there are more active DM Wiki contributors, we definitely need you. I have mainly done minor edits every now and then but it's not irrelevant. Small things matter especially when there are more who do them.

    I used to be a fan of Dragons for a while but now that almost every cards is a dragon command of some kind, I don't really know. Nevertheless, still enjoy dueling although current REV era is a bit too much with all those Invasions and Revolution Changes and what not.

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    Post by KazeBlack 03.02.17 19:48

    Yami_Michael wrote:
    OcaVan wrote:And i didn't know that you KazeBalck where part of such a big group/ card organizers. That explains your huge knowledge about some cards i asked you back then.

    There's some members of the Duel Masters community that have been around for many years now (many of them from around the start.) Kaze being one of those.

    Yep. I tried building up a community in Germany a long time ago but always failed as in general it's really hard to find people who are interested or have the money/time to invest into the card game and if you find them they're so spread out but that's the nature of our country. I'm glad what we were able to build up in the past year though.

    @OcaVan, I realized long ago that many people in central Europe especially Germany have trouble importing the cards due to custom laws and other rulings affecting international shipment in their country, so as a result I started organizing private trades via local traders in varies countries together with the help of a friend (which allows you to mark the shipments as non-commercial/gifts as we aren't official sellers and which negates custom policy in most cases). It just became a thing after a while with more and more people asking to use our service. The profit we make out off those deals mainly offsets the fact that we need to do a lot of paperwork and phone calls around the globe so our own benefit is rather small, but the main reason we did it in the first place is getting the cards to people and that's why I'm still doing it today. My card knowledge comes mostly from trading and goes hand in hand with the meta as the meta strongly affects card prices as well and since it changes every few months or so you gotta stay up to date constantly.

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    Welcoming Thread - Introduce Yourself Empty Hey everyone!

    Post by shuriken16 03.02.17 20:06

    Hey all, my name's Nolan. I'm 24 years old and I'm from NYC. I started playing DM in Junior High (2004) and stopped playing when the game died in 2006. Then when God blessed me with a faster internet in 2008, I discovered the OCG thanks to DM AMVs on Youtube and my curiousity lead me to Kaijudo Portal and TCO two years later. I've been playing the OCG for 6 1/2 years and as an aspiring Novelist I started my very own DM series with the intent of having a series featuring the DM-13 and up sets called Duel Masters: Kaijudo Generation on fanfiction.net. Despite my intentions, the seris fell into a deep hiatus and after 4 stories I ultimately decided that 2017 called for a Reboot which just recently began last month. I'm always looking for feedback and such so don't hesitate to check out Kaijudo Generation RE or my other DM fics on fanfiction.net (shameless advertsing)

    Aside from that, when it comes to the OCG I tend to experiment a lot, which spurred an interest in card reviews on TCO (check that out too). I'm not a particular fan of the Metagame and would much rather see how far I can go with certain creatures and combinations, as when I began to play the OCG we were just beginning DM-36, with the introduction of the Psychics, so everything in between I pretty much missed out on. Nonetheless mixing old and new is something I love doing with my decks and I try to encourage others to do the same.

    My TCO name is shuriken6, and FF.net name is shuriken16 so don't hesitate to come find me Very Happy
    Zach Hartigan
    Zach Hartigan

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    Post by Zach Hartigan 03.02.17 21:16

    Glad to see few familiar faces here! All of you, my warmest welcome greetings ^^

    Your Eyes are like a space. So bright and deep. I just want to drown in to em'...

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    Post by BlazeWarrior 04.02.17 4:07

    Hey everyone! This is BlazeWarrior. I've been wanting to post here for a while but I've been drowning in tests and assignments. Anyways I'm free now and hopefully I can participate more.

    I'm 19 years old from Toronto. I first started playing DM way back in elementary school. Just fell in love with it and everything about it. My favorite card in Bolmeteus Steel Dragon. As you may be able to tell from my user name, my favourite civilization is fire. I do like experimenting with all civilizations though. I even played Kaijudo back in 2013 and 2014 when it was alive.

    Anyways hope to see more of all of you and hit me up if you wanna duel on tco!

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    Post by nitrox 04.02.17 6:19

    Hello, nitrox here! I've been playing DM online mostly, since the KP days. Switched to TCO after a while but left that later in favor of OCTGN, where I helped develop the game plugin and build up the OCTGN community.

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    Post by Admin 04.02.17 12:01

    Hi @shuriken16, @BlazeWarrior and @nitrox,

    Great that you all joined us. There's not many fanfiction writers when it comes to DM, so feel free to make yourself a thread where you can at least give the community updates regarding your creations. That makes it easier to everyone keep up to date. You started dueling rather late but I most likely started just a few years earlier than you, in 2008 or so. The game has become so much more aggro but I still like to make those non-meta decks and duel with them with my friends. Sometimes even on TCO, when I feel like it.

    I know the feeling BlazeWarrior, I'm actually in the middle of some examinations and deadlines the coming weeks but it won't be a problem and it's great we got DM Reborn released. We are always happy to see new (meaningful) content posted here. Looking forward to that.

    You have been very busy with the OCTGN community and you seem to be doing well. I actually haven't myself just yet even tried out the platform but I have heard lots of good about it. Maybe I'll give it a shot finally at the end of the month when things are less hectic.

    Welcome to DM Reborn, everyone!
    striker EX

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    Post by striker EX 05.02.17 9:15

    Hi everyone! Striker EX here. I am in my early 20s from Singapore. I started playing DM later than most people here, as booster packs were virtually gone by the time I started. Right now I love duelling locally and online, and collecting as well. My collection might not be as big as most here but still includes a sizeable amount of DM 10-12 foils and promos. I love thinking about new decks and exploring unique combos (eg the relevance of alcadeias in the current meta). Hoping to expand my collection here and discover more fun stuff about DM from u guys!

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    Post by mousukoshi 05.02.17 10:13

    hello everyone Smile i think it's been more than 10 years since the last time i played duel masters and maybe slipped away from the game as time passes.. i was in elementary school back then and had a lot of fun dueling with friends. now i am a licensed engineer and is working, and perhaps it's the memories of the game that i've been wondering if the game is still alive somewhere online, so i searched for an online game or anything related Smile but it's nice to see there are still people who are still a fan of the game, and who are playing it (although i'm not familiar about the online platform). anyways, it feels good and nostalgic, thanks xx

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    Post by Admin 05.02.17 11:32

    Hi @Striker EX and @mousukoshi,

    Singapore is still having quite a big DM playerbase: Maybe it's because Japan is relatively close, which makes importing cards easier. I'm certain you'll be able to expand your collection via our forum. Just make a trading thread and you are good to go.

    It's then been quite a while since your last duel mousukoshi! Maybe our forum helps you get more action and duel more. There are multiple online dueling platforms, but OCTGN and TCO are the biggest. I'd encourage you trying them both if you want to see how it's to duel online. Most of the playerbase is nowadays either studying for a degree or working. But it doesn't make Duel Masters any less fun.

    Welcome to DM Reborn!


    Last edited by ELTP on 05.02.17 14:37; edited 3 times in total

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