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    DuelMastersAmerica MegaMeet - GenCon 2025 + Discord Server


    Posts : 2
    Feedback Points : None
    Join date : 2020-07-12

    DuelMastersAmerica MegaMeet - GenCon 2025 + Discord Server Empty DuelMastersAmerica MegaMeet - GenCon 2025 + Discord Server

    Post by Furirinprimus 26.08.24 15:02

    GenCon 2025

    Where: GenCon 2025 Indianapolis, Indiana

    When:  July 31st 2025 – August 3rd 2025

    Formats: To be determined (will be voted on as the event approaches, potential candidates include but not limited to DM01-12 / DM01-05 / Modern Japanese)

    Prizing: To be determined

    Entry fee: To be determined, event will be a not for profit so entry fee will exist solely to cover event hosting fees

    We will potentially be looking into getting an AirBNB or shared Hotel for the event for those who wish to save a little on housing.

    We are currently organizing on the new Duel Masters America Discord Server and do additionally intend on hosting some Webcam based Duel Masters Tournaments in the Near Future.

    The remote webcam events will be open to those even outside of America and will follow the same format as the current IDC events to incorporate all of our busy schedules.


    DuelMastersAmerica MegaMeet - GenCon 2025 + Discord Server Duelma10

      Current date/time is 07.12.24 20:50