I will change from my old COS to my new one over time, it is a lot of cards and a ton of work so it won't all happen instantly. Expect constant updates on this thread.
There is PDF documents for every set listed here, just PM me if you want to request those. The PDFs contain a full block or are split by the amount that fits in the folder (which is 480 slots each). However, sets themselves are not split up into multiple folders, except for DMX-19 which is more than 480 cards in itself, so splitting it was unavoidable. Due to upload limit I won't be able to pass you more than a couple PDFs at a time, you also shouldn't hoard them as they're chunky files and get constantly updated.
SUSPENDED SHIPMENTS DUE TO WAR SITUATIONS: Due to the escalation of various conflicts around the world all shipments to Ukraine, Russia, Gabun as well as Israel and all its bordering countries are indefinitely suspended.
What do I have?
All sorts of OCG. Old and new up to the newest sets. It's way too much to list. Over 53k, and another 2k or so unsorted bulk. The stuff comes and goes, I'm a global trader after all. Just ask and I'll check. My TCG stack is fairly small and I hardly trade anything from it.
- JAPANESE ONLY. The only exception are TCG exclusives that have no equivalent OCG printing, they are listed here as well.
Condition Upgrades Mint only or flawless frontside minimum.
- ONLY WHAT'S LISTED HERE. Pay attention to card numbers and additional markings (H.C. etc.)
Scans or well-lit pictures of everything you offer. Front and backside for valuable cards. For more common stuff front is enough, unless it has backside damage.
Offers via PM or below, talk can be extended to facebook or Discord
For navigation, you can search for specific cards by using the browser quick search. I require multiple printings of many cards, so it is possible for the same card name to show up multiple times in these lists. Pay attention to set/card numbers!
To give this thread an easier read, I have split the blocks by color. This thread is intended to be read in dark mode.
- DM: White
- DMR: Grey
- DMRP: Black
- DM''-RP: Brown
- DMART: Copper
- DMSP/DM''-SP: Gold
- DMSD/DM''SD: Yellow
- DM''-EX Orange
- DMC: Red
- DMX: Magenta
- DMEX: Purple
- PROMO: Blue
- OTHER: Light Blue
- DMD: Teal
- DMBD: Light Green
- DM''-BD: Forest Green
Sets follow Japanese numeration but English names.
CU = Condition Upgrade needed (offer M/NM only)
EN = English printing needed and offer M/NM only
H.C. = Heroes Card
V.C = Visual Card
(Card Number)m = Mode Change Card
Beginner's Block:
DM-01 Base Set:
S1/S10 Hanusa, Radiance Elemental (CU)
S2/S10 Urth, Purifying Elemental (CU)
S5/S10 Deathliger, Lion of Chaos (CU)
S9/S10 Deathblade Beetle (CU)
6/110 Gigargon (CU)
15/110 Holy Awe (CU)
17/110 Aqua Knight (CU)
DM-02 Master of Evolution:
S2/S5 Crystal Paladin (CU)
1/55 Ethel, Star Sea Elemental
3/55 Dark Titan Maginn (CU)
4/55 Bolzard Dragon (CU)
DM-03 Master of Destruction:
S1/S5 Miar, Comet Elemental (CU)
S3/S5 Giriel, Ghastly Warrior
01/55 Sieg Balicula, the Intense
04/55 Überdragon Jabaha
05/55 Gigamantis (CU)
07/55 Alex, Solidity Enforcer
08/55 Logic Sphere (CU)
10/55 King Neptas
11/55 Streaming Shaper
13/55 Scratchclaw
17/55 Blaze Cannon
18/55 Dawn Giant
31/55 Armored Warrior Quelos (CU)
43/55 Liquid Scope (CU)
51/55 Volcanic Arrows (CU)
DM-04 Challenge of Black Shadow:
S1/S5 Rimuel, Cloudbreak Elemental (CU)
S3/S5 Ballom, Master of Death
S4/S5 Galklife Dragon (CU)
S5/S5 Niofa, Horned Protector (CU)
1/55 Alcadeias, Lord of Spirits (CU)
02/55 Astral Reef (CU)
03/55 Trox, General of Destruction (CU)
04/55 Doboulgyser, Giant Rock Beast
05/55 Supporting Tulip
06/55 Aeris, Flight Elemental (CU)
09/55 Smile Angler
11/55 Hydro Hurricane (CU)
12/55 Gregoria, Princess of War
13/55 Photocide, Lord of the Wastes
14/55 Chains of Sacrifice (CU)
15/55 Chaotic Skyterror
16/55 Magmarex (CU)
17/55 Mega Detonator (CU)
18/55 Ancient Giant
19/55 Mystic Inscription
20/55 Sword of Benevolent Life
21/55 Re Bil, Seeker of Archery (CU)
22/55 Fu Reil, Seeker of Storms (CU)
25/55 Screaming Sunburst
26/55 Hunter Cluster (CU)
27/55 Volcano Smog, Deceptive Shade (CU)
28/55 Mongrel Man (CU)
35/55 Dew Mushroom
39/55 Sarius, Vizier of Suppression (CU)
43/55 Marine Flower (CU)
52/55 Kamikaze, Chainsaw Warrior (CU)
55/55 Torcon (CU)
DM-05 Return of the Survivor:
S1/S5 Syrius, Firmament Elemental
S2/S5 King Tsunami
S3/S5 Death Cruzer, the Annihilator
S4/S5 Bilion-Degree Dragon (CU)
2/55 King Mazelan (CU)
3/55 Sinister General Damudo
Fighting Spirit Saga:
DM-06 Invincible Soul:
S4/S10 Crystal Jouster (CU)
S7/S10 Lava Walker Executo
S9/S10 Ultra Mantis, Scourge of Fate
2/110 Invincible Aura (CU)
3/110 Aeropica (CU)
6/110 Invincible Abyss (CU)
8/110 Invincible Cataclysm
10/110 Invincible Unity
12/110 Forbos, Sanctum Guardian Q
13/110 Gariel, Elemental of Sunbeams
15/110 Telitol, the Explorer (CU)
16/110 Bonds of Justice (CU)
19/110 Midnight Crawler (CU)
21/110 Kyuroro (CU)
23/110 Frost Specter, Shadow of Age (CU)
24/110 Gnarvash, Merchant of Blood
25/110 Schuka, Duke of Amnesia (CU)
27/110 Vile Mulder, Wing of the Void
31/110 Bazagazeal Dragon
32/110 Badlands Lizard
34/110 Crisis Boulder
36/110 Clobber Totem (CU)
37/110 Factory Shell Q
38/110 Forbidding Totem
39/110 Charmilia, the Enticer
40/110 Mystic Treasure Chest
50/110 Thrash Crawler
66/110 Bliss Totem, Avatar of Luck (CU)
77/110 Vess, the Oracle (CU)
DM-07 Invincible Charge:
S2/S5 Cosmic Nebula (CU)
S4/S5 Sky Crusher, the Agitator
S5/S5 Headlong Giant (CU)
1/55 Gandar, Seeker of Explosions (CU)
2/55 King Benthos (CU)
3/55 Battleship Mutant
8/55 Justice Jamming
9/55 Trenchdive Shark (CU)
10/55 Aqua Fencer (CU)
12/55 Phantasmal Horror Gigazabal
14/55 Hopeless Vortex
15/55 Valkrowzer, Ultra Rock Beast
16/55 Kipo's Contraption
18/55 World Tree, Root of Life (CU)
19/55 Cursed Totem (CU)
20/55 Tangle Fist, the Weaver (CU)
25/55 Curious Eye (CU)
27/55 Three-Faced Ashura Fang
30/55 Otherworldly Warrior Naglu (CU)
41/55 Titanium Cluster (CU)
50/55 Astronaut Skyterror (CU)
DM-08 Invincible Legend:
S3/S5 Super Necrodragon Abzo Dolba
S4/S5 Überdragon Bajula
S5/S5 Super Terradragon Bailas Gale
6/55 Sasha, Channeler of Suns (CU)
7/55 Thrumiss, Zephyr Guardian (CU)
8/55 Nariel, the Oracle
11/55 Marine Scramble (CU)
12/55 Necrodragon Galbazeek (CU)
13/55 Scream Slicer, Shadow of Fear
15/55 Kyrstron, Lair Delver (CU)
16/55 Slaphappy Soldier Galback
17/55 Furious Onslaught (CU)
18/55 Terradragon Gamiratar (CU)
19/55 Carbonite Scarab (CU)
20/55 Root Charger (CU)
DM-09 Invincible Blood:
S2/S5 Aqua Master
S3/S5 Stallob the Lifequasher
S4/S5 Magmadragon Ogrist Vhal (CU)
1/55 Glena Vuele, the Hypnotic
3/55 Azaghast, Tyrant of Shadows (CU)
4/55 Balesk Baj, the Timeburner (CU)
5/55 Vreemah, Freaky Mojo Totem (CU)
6/55 Mihail, Celestial Elemental
7/55 Micute, the Oracle
8/55 Nexus Charger
9/55 Emperor Maroll
10/55 Zeppelin Crawler (CU)
11/55 Abduction Charger
12/55 Gabzagul, Warlord of Pain
14/55 Slash Charger
15/55 Shock Trooper Mykee
16/55 Simian Warrior Grash
17/55 Blizzard of Spears
18/55 Storm Wrangler, the Furious (CU)
19/55 Terradragon Anrist Vhal (CU)
20/55 Mana Bonanza (CU)
21/55 Tra Rion, Penumbra Guardian
22/55 Betrale, the Explorer
23/55 Unified Resistance (CU)
25/55 Hokira (CU)
26/55 Submarine Project (CU)
28/55 Venom Worm
30/55 Snaptongue Lizard (CU)
31/55 Gigio's Hammer (CU)
32/55 Fists of Forever (CU)
33/55 Silvermoon Trailblazer (CU)
34/55 Whispering Totem (CU)
35/55 Vine Charger (CU)
36/55 Cyclolink, Spectral Knight
37/55 Jil Warka, Time Guardian (CU)
38/55 Kalute, Vizier of Eternity
39/55 Cosmic Wing (CU)
40/55 Tentacle Cluster (CU)
42/55 Kelp Candle (CU)
43/55 Impossible Tunnel (CU)
49/55 Steam Rumbler Kain (CU)
50/55 Aerodactyl Kooza (CU)
51/55 Relentless Blitz (CU)
52/55 Solid Horn (CU)
53/55 Whip Scorpion (CU)
54/55 Cavern Raider (CU)
55/55 Dance of the Sproutlings (CU)
Holy Fist Saga:
DM-10 Eternal Arms:
S1/S10 Elixia, Pureblade Elemental
S3/S10 Hurricane Crawler
S4/S10 Necrodragon Bryzenaga
S5/S10 Core-Crash Lizard
S6/S10 Ultimate Dragon (CU)
S7/S10 Bodacious Giant
S8/S10 Terradragon Dakma Balgarow
S9/S10 Bluum Erkis, Flare Guardian
1/110 Balza, Seeker of Hyperpearls
2/110 Ryudmila, Channeler of Suns (CU)
4/110 Kejila, the Hidden Horror
5/110 Gajirabute, Vile Centurion
6/110 Gaulezal Dragon (CU)
7/110 Carnival Totem
9/110 Bombazar, Dragon of Destiny (CU)
10/110 Techno Totem (CU)
11/110 Glais Mejicula, the Extreme (CU)
12/110 Poltalester, the Spydroid
13/110 Ikaz, the Spydroid (CU)
14/110 Pala Olesis, Morning Guardian
15/110 Rapid Reincarnation (CU)
17/110 Crystal Spinslicer (CU)
19/110 Zaltan
20/110 Charge Whipper
21/110 Transmogrify (CU)
22/110 Zero Nemesis, Shadow of Panic
23/110 Uliya, the Entrancer
24/110 Gigandura
25/110 Spark Chemist, Shadow of Whim
26/110 Upheaval (CU)
27/110 Armored Raider Gandaval
28/110 Hurlosaur
29/110 Burnwisp Lizard
30/110 Minelord Skyterror (CU)
31/110 Smash Warrior Stagrandu(CU)
32/110 Earth Ripper, Talon of Rage (CU)
33/110 Terradragon Cusdalf
34/110 Bubble Scarab
35/110 Shaman Broccoli (CU)
36/110 Soulswap
37/110 Aqua Skydiver
38/110 Soderlight, the Cold Blade (CU)
39/110 Dolmarks, the Shadow Warrior (CU)
41/110 Lukia Lex, Pinnacle Guardian (CU)
42/110 Berochika, Channeler of Suns (CU)
44/110 Clearlo, Grace Enforcer (CU)
45/110 Pinpoint Lunatron (CU)
48/110 Siren Concerto
49/110 Dedreen, the Hidden Corrupter
50/110 Spinal Parasite (CU)
53/110 Taunting Skyterror (CU)
54/110 Explosive Trooper Zalmez (CU)
56/110 Supersonic Jet Pack (CU)
58/110 Ancient Horn, the Watcher
59/110 Sporeblast Erengi
60/110 Karate Potato (CU)
61/110 Estol, Vizier of Aqua
62/110 Tajimal, Vizier of Aqua
64/110 Melnia, the Aqua Shadow (CU)
65/110 Galek, the Shadow Warrior (CU)
66/110 Ulex, the Dauntless (CU)
67/110 Wind Axe, the Warrior Savage (CU)
70/110 Sanfist, the Savage Vizier
71/110 Lemik, Vizier of Thought (CU)
73/110 Kaemira, the Oracle (CU)
74/110 Messa Bahna, Expanse Guardian
76/110 Tulk, the Oracle (CU)
83/110 Torpedo Cluster (CU)
84/110 Aqua Strummer (CU)
88/110 Benzo, the Hidden Fury
89/110 Hourglass Mutant (CU)
94/110 Infernal Command
95/110 Mykee's Pliers
101/110 Phantom Dragon's Flame (CU)
105/110 Jiggly Totem (CU)
108/110 Adventure Boar (CU)
109/110 Faerie Life (CU)
110/110 Thirst for the Hunt
DM-11 Eternal Wave:
S3/S5 Miraculous Plague (CU)
S4/S5 Miraculous Meltdown (CU)
S5/S5 Miraculous Rebirth (CU)
1/55 Evil Incarnate
3/55 Diamondia, the Blizzard Rider
4/55 Miraculous Snare
5/55 Miraculous Truce
10/55 Fantasy Fish
11/55 Squawking Lunatron
12/55 Gazer Eyes, Shadow of Secrets
13/55 Hazaria, Duke of Thorns
14/55 Roulette of Ruin (CU)
16/55 Eviscerating Warrior Lumez
17/55 Jabaha's Automaton
19/55 Royal Durian
20/55 Skyscraper Shell
21/55 Baraid, the Explorer (CU)
25/55 Jagila, the Hidden Pillager (CU)
27/55 Bonfire Lizard
30/55 Macho Melon (CU)
31/55 Rise and Shine (CU)
41/55 Revival Soldier
51/55 Ten-Ton Crunch (CU)
54/55 Hearty Cap'n Polligon (CU)
DM-12 Eternal Vortex:
S2/S5 Wise Starnoid, Avatar of Hope (CU)
4/55 Punch Trooper Bronks
7/55 Cosmic Darts
10/55 Gigavrand (CU)
13/55 Mechadragon's Breath (CU)
14/55 Pincer Scarab (CU)
17/55 Hydrooze, the Mutant Emperor
18/55 Phantomach, the Gigatrooper (CU)
19/55 Nemonex, Bajula's Robomantis (CU)
20/55 Comet Eye, the Spectral Spud (CU)
DM-13 Eternal Phoenix:
S2/S5 Auzesu, Demonic Elemental (CU)
S4/S5 Dolgeza, Strong Striker (CU)
S5/S5 Galamuta, Matchless Fear Lord (CU)
1/55 Balhols, Demonic Elemental (CU)
4/55 Gaulzaganta, Spirit of the Woodland Ridges (CU)
15/55 Courtney, Summer Breeze Faerie
16/55 The Grave of Angels and Demons
18/55 Fortification Against Barrage and Ambush
31/55 Judgement of the Flame's Spear and the Water's Blade (CU)
32/55 Queen Maiden, the Eternal (CU)
39/55 Pulpy Goobie
50/55 Pixie Cocoon (CU)
51/55 Spectral Worm Giunair (CU)
Reincarnation Saga:
DM-14 Generate Gear:
S2/S10 Glorious Heaven's Arm (CU)
S4/S10 Emerald Mist (CU)
S6/S10 Diablost, the Shady General (CU)
12/110 Moritz, the Spydroid (CU)
20/110 Dejiron (CU)
21/110 Triple Brain (CU)
22/110 Typhoon Bazooka (CU)
23/110 Bangren, Ancient Arhat (CU)
24/110 Leila, Butterfly Shogun of Death (CU)
25/110 Wrangle, the Hidden Heretic (CU)
27/110 Time Tripper, Shadow of Stagnation (CU)
29/110 Crimson Back Dragon (CU)
39/110 Mirumeru, the Love Fairy (CU)
40/110 Evolution Blueprint (CU)
43/110 Regi Pael, Purple Shrine Guardian (CU)
46/110 Shining Defense (CU)
47/110 Starbase Lunatron (CU)
48/110 Nostalgia Fish (CU)
51/110 Deep Juggler (CU)
52/110 Spiral Aura (CU)
55/110 Gyasuka, the Malicious Madman (CU)
67/110 Cloud Mayfly
68/110 Mind Capture (CU)
69/110 Faerie Gift (CU)
70/110 Neo Sledgehammer (CU)
73/110 Rias, Vizier of Recovery (CU)
76/110 Cubela, the Oracle (CU)
77/110 Martial Law (CU)
87/110 Delorin, the Hidden Surprise (CU)
89/110 Automobile Man (CU)
91/110 Bloody Cymbal (CU)
93/110 Toxic Vibe (CU)
94/110 Quake Staff (CU)
96/110 Gankloak's Magnifying Glass (CU)
97/110 Explosion Lizard (CU)
98/110 Rugeeza, Assault Soldier (CU)
103/110 Surprise Totem (CU)
104/110 Brave Bell (CU)
110/110 Emerald Claw (CU)
DM-15 Secrets of Hidden Gear:
S5/S5 Octillion Force
8/55 Patrial Flame (CU)
15/55 Moby, the Powerful Artilleryman (CU)
DM-16 Origin of Perfect Gear:
S2/S5 Cosmoview Lunatron (CU)
S3/S5 Super Necrodragon Abas Nonaris (CU)
S4/S5 Überdragon Valkyrias (CU)
6/55 Rustle, Vizier of Waltz (CU)
7/55 Heaven's Gate (CU)
DM-17 The Over-Technocross:
S1/S5 Astral Tempest
S4/S5 Neo Wave Catastrophe (CU)
S5/S5 Grand Cross Catastrophe
3/55 Tsunami Catastrophe (CU)
5/55 Prominence Catastrophe
6/55 Proteus, Holy Force Elemental
7/55 Proxion, the Oracle (CU)
8/55 Variable Poker
9/55 Aqua Meister
10/55 Lagoon Mermaid (CU)
12/55 Demonic Queen Meigas (CU)
13/55 Gigadeus
14/55 Phantasm Clutch
15/55 Magmadragon Garwind
16/55 Roaring Attacker Frendios (CU)
17/55 Lioness Saucer (CU)
18/55 Big Nasdeen, Great Veggie King (CU)
22/55 Voyager, the Paladin (CU)
23/55 Punish Hold (CU)
25/55 Luna Revolver Wheel (CU)
26/55 Funny Crawler (CU)
28/55 Denden Percussion (CU)
29/55 Purgatory Force (CU)
30/55 Shubain, the Avenger
31/55 Flame Lance Trap (CU)
33/55 Tyrant Kuwazari
34/55 Reviving Vital Horn (CU)
36/55 Nicolaus, the Spydroid (CU)
37/55 Surfy, the Patroller (CU)
40/55 Coral Jel (CU)
43/55 Synapse Cube
46/55 Trouble Keyboard (CU)
47/55 Mind Reset (CU)
48/55 Meteorage Lizard (CU)
49/55 Crasher Burn (CU)
50/55 Toppa Runba (CU)
54/55 Vanguard Hatchet (CU)
55/55 Dandy Nasuo (CU)
DM-18 Best Challenger:
16/140 Re Bil, Seeker of Archery (CU)
17/140 Szubs Kin, Twilight Guardian (CU)
20/140 Pulsar Tree (CU)
21/140 Laser Wing (CU)
22/140 Bonds of Justice (CU)
24/140 Trenchdive Shark (CU)
25/140 Smile Angler (CU)
26/140 Aqua Surfer
28/140 Saucer-Head Shark (CU)
33/140 Scratchclaw (CU)
34/140 Lost Soul
35/140 Terror Pit (CU)
38/140 Metalwing Skyterror (CU)
46/140 Stampeding Longhorn (CU)
47/140 Rumbling Terahorn (CU)
48/140 Terradragon Gamiratar (CU)
54/140 Frei, Vizier of Air (CU)
55/140 Ruby Grass (CU)
58/140 Laser Whip (CU)
64/140 Shock Hurricane (CU)
65/140 Brain Serum (CU)
75/140 Armored Cannon Balbaro (CU)
76/140 Muramasa, Duke of Blades (CU)
78/140 Super Explosive Volcanodon (CU)
82/140 Cyclone Panic (CU)
83/140 Barkwhip, the Smasher (CU)
84/140 Feather Horn, the Tracker (CU)
87/140 Trench Scarab (CU)
95/140 Sarius, Vizier of Suppression (CU)
96/140 Ballas, Vizier of Electrons (CU)
99/140 Logic Cube (CU)
100/140 Solar Ray (CU)
103/140 Phantom Fish (CU)
104/140 Cetibols (CU)
105/140 Candy Drop (CU)
110/140 Wave Lance (CU)
113/140 Wailing Shadow Belbetphlo (CU)
114/140 Bloody Squito (CU)
118/140 Death Smoke (CU)
120/140 Ghost Touch (CU)
122/140 Explosive Dude Joe (CU)
125/140 Brawler Zyler (CU)
127/140 Kamikaze, Chainsaw Warrior (CU)
130/140 Volcanic Arrows (CU)
136/140 Bronze-Arm Tribe (CU)
138/140 Burning Mane (CU)
Phoenix Saga:
DM-19 Spectacle Nova:
S2/S10 Amshion, Protection Elemental
S4/S10 Fantasy Heart
S5/S10 Death Monarch, Lord of Demons
7/110 Supernova Mars Disaster (CU)
13/110 Roam, Spirit Knight (CU)
18/110 Fuuma Bagantis
29/110 Superhuman Mech Armor Valgett III (CU)
34/110 Jet Cyclone (CU)
DM-20 The Ultimate Nova:
S3/S5 Dolzabard, Superior Dragonic Phoenix (CU)
S4/S5 Supernova Lyra Bolstorm (CU)
DM-21 History of Devil Nova:
S3/S5 Jumasol, Bloodcurdling Fuuma
3/55 Death Arcadia, Devil Saint (CU)
DM-22 The Dragonic Nova:
S1/S5 Ultimate Galaxy Universe
S3/S5 Necrodragon Guljeneraid
S4/S5 Supernova Apollonus Dragerion (CU)
3/55 Babelginus, Demonic Dragon
4/55 Bolgalshack, Super Divine Dragon (CU)
5/55 Legendary Sante Gat De Paco
9/55 Melrosgalb, Blue Divine Dragon (CU)
12/55 Necrodragon Daft Head
16/55 Hot-Head Brave Maducas (CU)
17/55 The Universe Gate
21/55 Asteroid Mine, Light Comet (CU)
23/55 Flash Armor (CU)
25/55 Fuuma Gorgonshack (CU)
30/55 Asteroid Gauss, Flame Comet (CU)
50/55 Pop Rubin (CU)
DM-23 The End of the Universe:
S1/S5 Flare Fusion Dragoon (CU)
S2/S5 Supernova Bigbang Anastasis
S3/S5 Supernova Black Hole Thanatos (CU)
S4/S5 Batal Neptaras, Super Divine Dragon
5/55 Pointy-Head Bremo
6/55 Sald, Protection Spirit
7/55 Evekis, Light Divine Dragon
10/55 Fuuma Gariev Eirsole
11/55 Aqua Switch (CU)
12/55 Mystic Gastol
14/55 Nightmare Dragoon
15/55 Dragforce, Battle Phoenix Dragon
16/55 Bilifen the Explosion (CU)
17/55 Yulin, Ferry of the River Styx (CU)
18/55 Grimm Grime, Amazing Artiste (CU)
19/55 Out-of-the-Blue Snail (CU)
27/55 Fuuma Revenge Alast (CU)
29/55 Boneblade Dragoon (CU)
30/55 Ambitious Dragon (CU)
32/55 Skyrab, the Reckless Brat (CU)
33/55 Rabbirionix, Spirit Knight
37/55 Zebles Shaman, Spirit Knight (CU)
43/55 Filler Robo Concurion (CU)
45/55 Gallypay the Demonic Blade
47/55 Yapp, Nuisance Doll
51/55 Express Dragoon (CU)
God Apex Saga:
DM-24 Violence Heaven:
S1/S10 Ulpheus, Dragonic Elemental
S3/S10 Vacuum, the Hidden Curse
S4/S10 Bolmeteus Musha Dragon
S5/S10 Minmei, Beautiful Faerie
S7/S10 Mugen Ingmar, Mobile Elemental
S8/S10 Dorvolan, Striking Dragon Rider (CU)
1/110 God Apollonia Pegasus (CU)
4/110 Metsu, Dragon Ultimate God (CU)
5/110 God Earth Leopard (CU)
7/110 Balphalt, Spirit Meteor (CU)
12/110 Lugias, the Explorer (CU)
12/110 (C.C) Lugias, the Explorer
13/110 Ganastora, Vajra God
14/110 Civil Bind (CU)
16/110 Evil Ways God Kiki (CU)
16/110 (C.C) Evil Ways God Kiki
21/110 (C.C) Foreign Ways God Kaikai
22/110 Bilgias, Hardened Demon of Hellfire
23/110 Breakable Dragon
24/110 Toscynder, Secular Trooper (CU)
26/110 Universe Blast
28/110 Master Arms
31/110 Steel Meteor Pengkaiser
32/110 Gwem, Demonic Spirit Knight (CU)
34/110 Geo Mastercha, Unrivaled Dragon Spirit (CU)
35/110 Gulan Berze, Poseidon Destroying Dragon
36/110 Agart, Gaia's Cold Steel (CU)
37/110 (C.C) Rainbarrel, Viral Totem
38/110 Night Screamer, the Battle Meteor
38/110 (C.C) Night Screamer, the Battle Meteor
39/110 Blade of Enchanting Pulses
40/110 Zorbalard, Matchless Dragonic Machine
43/110 Erus Elixion, Dyed Sky Guardian (CU)
52/110 Infernal Smash (CU)
55/110 Kiritorawonga, Myriadblade Violence Elephant (CU)
62/110 Wheel, Viral Spirit Knight (CU)
64/110 (C.C) Elephaust, Phantom Beast Sage
66/110 Born Killer, Masked Mecha (CU)
66/110 (C.C) Born Killer, Masked Mecha
73/110 (C.C) La Bal Platoon, Red Lotus Guardian
76/110 Mamocannon, Saint Mecha
83/110 Deepsea Mecha Ganistar (CU)
85/110 (C.C) Spiral Drive
91/110 Romunas, Deepsea Firespirit (CU)
94/110 Skull Chainsaw (CU)
97/110 Jangaljan, Firespirit Beetle
99/110 Ralbin of Pop Mountain
99/110 (C.C) Ralbin of Pop Mountain
107/110 Metalbug, Saint Beetle
DM-25 Violence Creator:
S5/S5 Violence Thunder, Extreme Dragon Wizard
3/55 Fullmetal Lemon, Brave King Mecha
6/55 (C.C) Otto, Wordly God (CU)
7/55 (C.C) Super Spark
9/55 God Signal (CU)
10/55 Super Trash Train, Fuuma Devil (CU)
10/55 (C.C) Super Trash Train, Fuuma Devil
11/55 Gort, God of Sealing
13/55 Dimensional Thunder Ball (CU)
15/55 Rose Totem (CU)
18/55 Taurus, Battle God (CU)
19/55 (C.C) Dokkoi, Fantasy God
20/55 Paloro, God of the Cycle (CU)
21/55 Ultimus, Divine Law Elemental (CU)
22/55 Gastin, the Patroller (CU)
30/55 Olaswan, Knight of Gaia (CU)
33/55 Tragic Iolite
34/55 Lost Secrets of Gaia (CU)
40/55 (C.C) Mirror Egg (CU)
50/55 High Speed Racer Paralira
DM-26 Dragonic Wars:
S2/S5 () Bolshack Yamato Dragon
S3/S5 () King Alcadeias, Holy Gaia
S4/S5 Aku, Ultimate God (CU)
4/55 Crimson Mega Dragoon (CU)
5/55 Paradox, Gaia's Abyss
9/55 (C.C) Icaros, Holy Gaia
11/55 Great Reversal of Reality and Death (CU)
12/55 Reward of Punching and Slapping
13/55 (C.C) Jack Valdy, the Everlasting
15/55 Underworld, the Greatest God (CU)
16/55 Mist Gias, Gaia's Swordcerer
18/55 Daikazan, Brave King Totem (CU)
20/55 Albatross, Spirit Wing Treasure (CU)
27/55 (C.C) Beautician, Viral Lord of Fear
30/55 Amdul, the Powerful Lightning Flame (CU)
32/55 Turquoise Kraken, Holy Machine (CU)
34/55 (C.C) Persistent Prison of Gaia
38/55 El Kaiou, Spirit Mecha King (CU)
40/55 Bega, Vizier of Shadow (CU)
44/55 Fuuma Harisenmon (CU)
46/55 Antoinette, Beautiful Battle Dragon Princess (CU)
53/55 (C.C) Bisecting Skullcedony (CU)
DM-27 Perfect Heaven:
S3/S5 Zero Phoenix, Phoenix of Darkness
S5/S5 Perfect Earth, Planetary Dragon
9/55 (C.G.C) Dark Indora, God of Darkness
21/55 (C.G.C) Shine Valkyrie, Heavenly God (CU)
Sengoku Saga:
DM-28 Battle Galaxy:
1/3 Perfect Galaxy, Spirit of Immortality (CU)
3/3 Bolbalzak "Sword Flash" Dragon
S2/S10 Lorenzo the 4th, Divine Dragon of Thunder (CU)
S3/S10 Sanmaider, Special Dispense Unit (CU)
S4/S10 Titan Crash Crawler (CU)
S10/S10 Pulse Giant (CU)
1/110 Lion Third, Holy Emperor (CU)
3/110 Deepsea Searcher (CU)
4/110 King Maximillian, the Ice Fang
5/110 Fernando the 7th, Emperor of Mystic Light
6/110 Necrodragon Amadeus
7/110 Max, Crimson Blade Lord
10/110 Weaponized Sound - Jamming Beat
16/110 Magic Shot - Plus One (CU)
23/110 Bell Hell De Dios, Death Castle Beast Lord (CU)
26/110 Carnage, Lord of the Dark Path
27/110 Soul Advantage
28/110 Bolberg Shingen. Dragon General
28/110 (H.C.) Bolberg Shingen. Dragon General
30/110 Wasshoi Express, Straight Shooting Soldier
31/110 Power Force Dragoon
32/110 Burning Crimson Lord (CU)
33/110 Dragon Gear - Zangeki Mach Armor
33/110 (H.C.) Dragon Gear - Zangeki Mach Armor
34/110 Shinra, the Great Expanse (CU)
35/110 Tensei, Byakko God (CU)
36/110 Awakening Giant (CU)
37/110 Paol Nature
48/110 (H.C.) Cutie Heart (CU)
57/110 Magic Shot - Soul Catcher (CU)
64/110 (H.C.) Huckle Kirin Swayer, Jungle Governor (CU)
76/110 La Ura Giga, Sky Guardian (CU)
105/110 Biwanoshin, Wandering Travelers (CU)
DM-29+1D Rock-on-Heroes Plus One Dream:
1D/3D Black Lucifer, Sorcerer of Darkness
2D/3D Heavy, Dragon God
3D/3D Metal, Dragon God
DM-30 Ultra Duel:
S1/S5 Gabriella, Holy Princess (CU)
7/55 (H.C.) Elizabeth, Thunder Dragon Princess
18/55 (H.C.) Pony Nature, Forest Beast Fairy (CU)
53/55 (H.C.) Bucket Bucket, Fairy of the Enduring Snow
DM-31 Greatest Champion:
1/1 Shiden Galaxy, Super Champ
S4/S5 Shiden Galaxy, Super Champ (CU)
S5/S5 Greatest Caesar, the Dark Kaiser (CU)
10/55 (H.C.) Amaterasu, Founder of the Blue Wolves
19/55 Master Weapon - All Yes (CU)
19/55 (H.C.) Master Weapon - All Yes (CU)
Divine Evolution Saga:
DM-32 Evolution Saga:
S2/S10 Aldora, White Knight Elemental (CU)
S4/S10 Blizzard Moon, the Enlightened (CU)
S5/S10 Skull Moon, the Enlightened (CU)
S6/S10 Bell Hell De Gaul, Footprint of the Reaper
4/110 Emperor Gyulum (CU)
12/110 Phal Ken, Binding Light Elemental (CU)
20/110 (G.C.) Ana, Emperor of the Gods
22/110 Evolution Burst - Energy Spiral
23/110 Doggmag, Parasite of Decay
24/110 Ghoul Ginus, the All-Destroying Fear Lord (CU)
24/110 (H.C.) Ghoul Ginus, the All-Destroying Fear Lord
28/110 Evolution Burst - Gabra Hand (CU)
29/110 Überdragon Valt (CU)
36/110 Takasuki Giant (CU)
38/110 Coon, Golden Lion of the Dawn
40/110 Evolution Blueprint
50/110 (G.C.) Mani, Emperor of the Gods
55/110 (H.C.) Yata Izuna, Eight-Headed Parasite
63/110 B-Boy, the Explosive (CU)
66/110 (H.C.) Kishima Giant
67/110 Inaba Summoner (CU)
71/110 (H.C.) White Knight Ulphas, Lord of Spirits
DM-32+1D Evolution Saga Plus One Dream:
1D/3D Divine Machine Armor Valborg
2D/3D Saint Bolshack, Elemental Dragon Knight
3D/3D Geo Goctra, Armed Dragon
DM-33 Rising Dragon:
6/55 Wiz, White Knight Enlightener (CU)
6/55 (H.C.) Wiz, White Knight Enlightener (CU)
10/55 (H.C.) Hellrush Max, the Super-Electric
11/55 Psychic You (CU)
14/55 Giganima, the Reaper
14/55 (H.C.) Giganima, the Reaper
16/55 Ken Gou, Crimson Lord ~The Sundering~ (CU)
17/55 (G.C.) Titus, King of the Gods
21/55 Leonidas, White Knight Elemental (CU)
23/55 Peace Lupia (CU)
25/55 Yasaka Shark, Viral Torpedo (CU)
25/55 (H.C.) Yasaka Shark, Viral Torpedo
27/55 Deathraios, Cursed Blade Reaper (CU)
27/55 (H.C.) Deathraios, Cursed Blade Reaper
33/55 Harpoon Launcher (CU)
36/55 (H.C.) Astinos, White Knight Elemental
50/55 Piara Heart (CU)
DM-34 Cross Generation:
S3/S5 Beginning Romanov, Lord of the Demonic Eye (CU)
S5/S5 Heracles, Birther of Gods (CU)
7/55 (H.G.C.) EVE, God of Spiritual Creation
8/55 White Knight Spark (CU)
12/55 (H.C.) Gigajadou
17/55 Othello, King of the Gods (CU)
17/55 (G.C.) Othello, King of the Gods
19/55 Macbeth, King of the Gods (CU)
19/55 (G.C.) Macbeth, King of the Gods
DM-35 Neverending Saga:
/1 Romanov Kaiser NEX, the Super Enlightened (CU)
S4/S5 Romanov Kaiser NEX, the Super Enlightened (CU)
3/55 Atom, the Divine Core (CU)
4/55 Ken Geki, Absolute Ruler ~Final Flare~ (CU)
6/55 Victory Meteor Moon, the Enlightened
7/55 White Knight - Atomic Gainer (CU)
10/55 Svengali Crawler
12/55 (H.C.) Darkness Romanov, the Enlightened
13/55 Necrodragon Gizabakkar (CU)
14/55 Reaper - Atomic Destroyer
15/55 Soul Burn Dragon
16/55 Peacock Breath (CU)
20/55 Saga - Leo Shelter
21/55 Proton, the Original God (CU)
22/55 Pasha, the Oracle (CU)
23/55 White Knight Gate (CU)
23/55 (H.C.) White Knight Gate
24/55 Electron, the Original God (CU)
24/55 (G.C.) Electron, the Original God
29/55 Original Heart, Ancient Blackmoon Fortress (CU)
31/55 Borkov Shion (CU)
32/55 Super Burst Shot (CU)
33/55 (H.C.) Ida, the Great Enigma
34/55 Samba Totem (CU)
35/55 Pedona Nature (CU)
37/55 Lepton, the Original God (CU)
38/55 Makkor, Impregnable White Knight (CU)
41/55 Aqua Sparta (CU)
42/55 Quark, the Original God (CU)
48/55 Mach Phoenix, Super-Alloy (CU)
51/55 Critical EVO Charger (CU)
54/55 Snow Shunfist, Savage Fairy (CU)
55/55 Crest EVO Charger (CU)
Psychic Shock:
DM-36 Psychic Shock:
S2/S10 Alephtina, Spiritual Princess
S9a/S10 / S9b/S10 Japan, Temporal Enforcer / Japanica, Aggression Awakened (CU)
S10/S10 Banban Ban Ban, Earth’s Blessing
1/110 Almeric, Prophecy Elemental
11/110 (V.C.) Shinran, the Awakener
15/110 Giovanni the 10th, Thunder Mecha King
18/110 (V.C.) Fuuma Belarita
24/110 Necrodragon Gebuki Baza (CU)
25/110 Anvil, the Ghostly Count
25/110 (V.C.) Anvil, the Ghostly Count
27/110 Curse Guy, Suicidal Treasure
29/110 Valtyson, Fierce Armor (CU)
31/110 Double Revolver Dragon
33/110 Sonkun, the Blazing Meteor
37/110 Pugnosuke Sakumaru (CU)
37/110 (V.C.) Pugnosuke Sakumaru (CU)
46/110 Eternal Spark (CU)
55/110 Fuuma Belzebub
77/110 (V.C.) Hyperspatial Shiny Hole (CU)
DM-36+1D Psychic Shock Plus One Dream:
2D/3D Überdragon Fighbird
3D/3D Manly Pepper
DM-37 Dark Emperor:
S2a/S5 / 2b/S5 Dias Zeta, the Temporal Suppressor / Diabolos Zeta, Annihilation Awakened
10/55 (V.C.) Aqua Melge
11/55 (V.C.) Steiner, the Resurrecting Reaper
12/55 (V.C.) Black Ganveet, Wicked Soldier of Demise
15/55 Blazing Tiger, Crimson Lord
21a/55 / 21b/55 Untouchable, Temporal Hero / Untouchable Powered, the Awakened Protean (CU)
23/55 (V.C.) Hyperspatial Dravita Hole
DM-38 Angelic Wars:
S3a/S5 / S3b/S5 Storm Kaiser Double Cross, Temporal Kamikaze / Final Storm Double Cross, the Miracle Awakened (CU)
6/55 (V.C.) Five Star, Luck Elemental
9/55 Ribbity Frog (CU)
14/55 (V.C.) Bearta, the Wandering Bodyguard
15/55 Dimension Horn, of the Temporal Foundation (CU)
21/55 (V.C.) Logic Spark (CU)
34/55 Ashliger, Holy Dark Beast (CU)
DM-39 Psychic Splash:
21/55 (V.C.) Tulk SP (CU)
Last edited by KazeBlack on 04.08.24 15:40; edited 151 times in total (Reason for editing : See Obtained #23)