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    Kaze's road to 100% OCG (Buy/Trade) - JAPANESE ONLY.


    Posts : 108
    Feedback Points : +1
    Join date : 2017-02-02
    Age : 31
    Location : Hamburg, Germany

    Kaze's road to 100% OCG (Buy/Trade) - JAPANESE ONLY. - Page 2 Empty Re: Kaze's road to 100% OCG (Buy/Trade) - JAPANESE ONLY.

    Post by KazeBlack 31.10.24 16:06


    - Added list for DM24-RP1
    - Added list for SpDeck10
    - Updated backups.

    DM-09 42/55 Kelp Candle
    DM-18 26/140 Aqua Surfer
    DMRP-01 S3㊙/S10 Asaraam, Red Attack Silver
    DMRP-01 S4㊙/S10 Sharkuga, King of the Sea
    DMRP-01 S5/S10 Georges Bataille
    DMRP-01 S5㊙/S10 Georges Bataille
    DMRP-01 S6㊙/S10 Mukade, Asura
    DMRP-01 S7/S10 Spike 7K, Ganzan Tank
    DMRP-01 S7㊙/S10 Spike 7K, Ganzan Tank
    DMRP-01 S8/S10 Dope Double Boarder
    DMRP-01 4/94 Octopa, Sublime Knowledge
    DMRP-01 7/93 Geekogils, Misfortune Demon 06
    DMRP-04J S10㊙/S10 Sieg Nachtfalter
    DMRP-04M S1㊙/S7 Atari Ponnosuke
    DMX-25 S2/S10 The Lionel, Zenith of "Leo"
    P9/Y3 Melnia, the Aqua Shadow
    P42/Y4 Dark Salamandaz, White Tiger Swordsman
    P48/Y8 Galaxy Lupia
    P72/Y12 Strokes, Explosive Right God
    P75/Y12 Necrodragon Abayo Shabayo

    Changed to Condition Upgrade:
    DM-09 12/55 Gabzagul, Warlord of Pain
    DM-10 S5/S10 Core-Crash Lizard
    DM-10 14/110 Pala Olesis, Morning Guardian
    DM-10 95/110 Mykee’s Pliers
    DM-10 110/110 Thirst for the Hunt
    DM-17 9/55 Aqua Meister
    DM-17 33/55 Tyrant Kuwazari
    DM-18 34/140 Lost Soul
    DMR-05 S7/S7 Codename Hungry Elegance
    DMRP-01 S2㊙/S10 Wonder Turtle, Great Labyrinth Turtle
    DMRP-01 S6/S10 Mukade, Asura
    DMRP-01 S8㊙/S10 Dope Double Boarder
    DMC-01 38/43 Snip Striker Bullraizer
    DMC-20 83/102 Magmadragon Melgars
    DMC-20 99/102 Silver Axe
    DMC-27 20/55 Brutal Charge
    DMC-34 S2/S5 King Aquakamui
    P26/Y3 Fever Nuts
    P12/Y4 Gyulcas, Sage of East Wind
    P34/Y4 Funny Crawler
    P9/Y5 Honoo, the Brave Blow
    P18/Y5 Priusriser, Spirit Knight
    P47/Y5 Kira, of the Dragon Sound
    P46/Y6 Fuuma Garmagias
    P35/Y7 Cocco Lupia
    P19/Y8 Gigappi Ponto
    P33/Y8 Helios Tiga Dragoon
    P52/Y8 God Lupia
    P33/Y9 Lunar Kororo
    P50/Y9 Kagekiri, Bird of Fire
    P19/Y10 Hyperspatial Vice Hole
    P71/Y12 Pearljam, Faerie Left God
    P89/Y17 Joragon Reload

      Current date/time is 07.12.24 19:50