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Duel Masters Community Forum - Duel, Discuss, Trade, Share

    Trading Guide


    Posts : 556
    Feedback Points : +8
    Join date : 2016-11-22
    Location : Finland

    Trading Guide Empty Trading Guide

    Post by Admin 25.11.16 20:05

    0. Introduction
    I want to welcome you, dear user, on behalf of every user on DM Reborn to the wonderful world of online trading. Online trading grants you an access to many cards without the necessity of using money. Whether you are a new or an experienced user, this guide to trading ought to bring answers to the questions you are seeking answers for.

    0. Introduction
    1. The Basics
    2. About Feedback Points
    3. Who Is Sending First
    4. Middleman Trading
    5. Creating a Trading Thread
    6. Posting on Threads
    7. Confirming a Trade
    8. Sending out your End
    9. The Exchanging of Feedback
    10. Useful Tips when Trading Online

    By reading and understanding the following guide and our Trading Rules, you get the right to trade on Duel Masters Reborn. The staff may adjust these rules when they see fit. When you are trading here you commit to respect these rules.

    1. The Basics
    What is online trading exactly? Simply put, it's an agreement between 2 parties to send items or money to each other. Usually the person with fewest feedback points sends first if not stated otherwise. More about who is sending first can found in our trading rules. Writing your own set of rules doesn't overrule our rules. Exceptions to this rule has to be clearly stated when exchanging messages.

    If the other party only is to pay money for cards, then the above mentioned rule is still applicable if not stated otherwise.

    2. About Feedback Points
    Feedback points are points that tell other users how trustworthy a user is. Online trading isn't risk free so it's possible that you don't always get what you are promised. This is the exactly why we are using this feedback point system, as a user with a high feedback score is very likely to be trustworthy.

    2.2 Types of Feedback
    A) Positive Feedback
    Trade went smoothly, there may have been a few complications along the way but in the end everything worked out fine. This one adds a positive feedback point (+1) to a user's feedback score.

    B) Neutral Feedback
    Complications arose and the trade did not go as planned, but you feel it wasn't severe enough for a negative feedback point. Misinformed conditions, and incomplete ends (with or without compensation) may both classify for this feedback. This adds nothing to a user's feedback score.

    C) Negative Feedback
    Horrible trading experience, nothing was accomplished and time and money was wasted. Backing out after trade confirmation, not sending, taking too long to send out, horribly misinformed conditions and very incomplete ends (without any compensation) all classify for this feedback. This adds a -1 to a user's feedback score.

    2.3 Not Leaving Feedback
    If you decide not to ref a user, that usually mean that the trade was not to your standards, but that you do not wish to ruin a trader's reputation over it with a neutral or negative feedback point. End not arriving (And you didn't send first), backing out (If you believe that it really wasn't their fault), or misinformation all classify for this.

    2.4 Appealing Feedback
    If you believe that you received an unjust feedback, you can ask administration or moderators to look into the matter if you have evidence to back up your claim. This is where saving PM's and having photo evidence comes in handy.

    2.5 How does One Get Feedback
    Feedback can only be obtained when the following criteria is met in a successful trade:
    A) All trade negotiations must have been started and be connected on our forum and when asked you must be able to offer us a chat history either here or on another messaging platform or on e-mail.
    B) Both users have sent their items through the mail. If you are trading for money, then you have to transfer the money online. In other words, trading in person doesn't constitute. If either trading part don't do as agreed, then it's allowed to give that user a neutral or a negative feedback point according to the rules of this forum.
    C) Both users cannot be close friends or family relatives who see each other on a regular basis, so at least once a week.
    D) Both users must live a substantial distance apart. (Being a few blocks away doesn't count)
    E) At least one of the person must have sent cards during the trade.

    Giving a feedback point while not fully adhering to the above criteria is accounted as feedback scamming and a penalty will follow.

    2.6 Feedback Fraud
    Feedback frauds can take the shape of may forms however they always have consequences. Things that are considered feedback fraud are the following:
    A) Obtaining a ref while not following any one of the listed rules in the above section.
    B) Making multiple accounts in order to give references to one account to increase your trader rating.
    C) Also giving feedback points for no acceptable reason whatsoever is also thought of as fraud.

    If you are caught executing a feedback fraud, all of your positive feedback points shall be deleted and you will be commanded to send first on all trades for a while. Even after your sentence is up, the reference fraud will be visible on your feedback points, but it might get removed and your positive feedback points returned if you show good trading partnership.

    There may be a time where proof of a trade may be requested - mainly when facing problems - so make sure to save all messages regarding the trade until at least a month (30 days) after confirming it.

    2.7 Checking Feedback
    In order to see a person's current feedback score, all you need to do is to visit this forum's thread for trading feedback.

    3. Who Is Sending First
    To determine who sends first you have to check which one has the fewest feedback points. The one with the least points usually sends first. More on this can be found from our trading rules.

    4. Middleman Trading
    In a trade like this, trading partners send their end to a trustworthy middleman, who then sends the cards to the trading partners after checking that both ends of the deal are there. Though this will cost a bit, it's the best way to guarantee that you will not be taken advantage of.

    This is how a middleman trading usually goes:
    A) Traders decide that they want to do the trade using a middleman, because they are new or the trade is valuable.
    B) Traders send their end to a trustworthy middleman.
    C) When the middleman has received both ends, he sends these ends to their respective owners.
    D) If something is insufficient on either of the ends or one of them doesn't arrive at all, all cards are sent back to the original owners.

    Keep in mind that not only Moderators or someone we recommend can be middlemen, but in this case you have to be absolutely sure that the middleman is trustworthy.

    If you would like to request for a Mod to be your middleman, then post on this thread.

    5. Creating a Trading Thread
    Now that you know the basics of trading, it's time to make an orthodox trading thread. Make sure that you are submitting your trade thread on the correct category (Trading).

    More information on creating a trading thread can be found on our trading rules.

    6. Posting on Threads
    Now that you have your trading thread up and running, it's time to hit the scene. To post on a person's thread, all you need to do is type your post in the quick message box at the bottom of a person's list.

    Here are some general tips to keep in mind while posting:
    A) If you wish for a user to take a look at your list, please provide the link somewhere in your post. This makes things a lot easier.
    B) Make sure to read and understand the rules of the thread.
    C) Be respectful of other peoples' responses and of their thread.

    7. Confirming a Trade
    Once you and another user have come to an agreement in terms of a trade, it's now time to confirm it.

    Because trades contain sensitive information, all confirmation must be done over private messages. A standard confirmation must contain the following:
    A) Who sends what, which would be every card involved in the trade as well as money if applicable.
    B) Any questions regarding the trade, like when and how you are sending.
    C) Who is sending first. If not stated in the messages, it's determined by the feedback point rule, which is mentioned above.

    Once that is all done make sure the information is accurate. You must then exchange addresses. Once one trader sends an address, the other trader has a maximum of 3 days to send the other address or account information to complete confirmation. If more than 3 days passes by then the trader who sent his address first may void the deal without consequences. Once addresses have been exchanged on both ends, the trade is confimed and becomes a legal binding contract and you can now get a negative feedback point for backing out.

    Make sure that any trade related discussion and material is documented so that you can offer it to us even a month (30 days) after confirming the trade, just in case.

    8. Sending out your End
    Here are some key pointers when sending your end out to prevent any complications:
    A) Make sure your end is protected (efficient use of Toploaders, Bubblewrap for bendables, etc.).
    B) Use an envelope that will withstand your contents. Don't try to stuff 100 cards into a single postcard sized envelope. Make sure the material of your envelope will sustain the shipping.
    C) Print their address clearly and in either permanent marker or Black/Blue Ink. Make sure to include you return address in case the mail is undeliverable.
    D) Make sure their address is correct and it's written in the correct format (often shown when giving it to you in the confirming message).
    E) Be sure to include your name and address somewhere in the envelope in case it gets misdelivered. Also include the correct destination of the package.

    9. The Exchanging of Feedback
    Once a trade has been completed, both users can give each other feedback. It is up to the individual on which feedback point to leave (if any), but you have to remember that feedback has to be justified.

    To give feedback go to the feedback thread of our forum, which is located in the trading section of our forum.

    10. Useful Tips when Trading Online
    A) If a trade looks too good to be true, it probably is. Countless people get suckered into sending expensive items without getting anything in return, use your discretion when getting these types of offers.
    B) For all expensive trades, there's middlemen. Every user has the right to a middleman trade. If you are sending items that you don't want to lose, asking for a middleman is a surefire way to make sure that doesn't happen. No matter how many refs the other user may have, a middleman is recommended for high end trades.
    C) Go with your gut feeling. If you feel uneasy about a user, then don't do a trade. You are not obligated to trade, so feel free not to.
    D) Check out feedback given for our users before confirming trades. Though a user may have a higher feedback point score than you, make sure they don't have an active penalty or many negative points.

    By reading and understanding the following guide and our Trading Rules, you get the right to trade on Duel Masters Reborn. Remember to stay cautious and ask our admins or moderators if you need clarification regarding something.

    The staff may adjust these rules as they see fit. When you are trading here you commit to respect these rules.

    DATE: 2.2.2017 - February the 2nd 2017

    Happy Trading,
    ELTP - in Behalf of Duel Masters Reborn's Staff

    Last edited by ELTP on 12.03.20 10:08; edited 9 times in total (Reason for editing : Typos. Added links.)

      Current date/time is 11.09.24 14:28