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    Blissey in Pokemon Go = Giovanni Squall in revolution final.

    Master of Destruction
    Master of Destruction

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    Blissey in Pokemon Go = Giovanni Squall in revolution final. Empty Blissey in Pokemon Go = Giovanni Squall in revolution final.

    Post by Mr-ex777 19.02.17 15:59

    I fought a blissey in pokemon go today and it is IMPOSSIBLE in 90 seconds and alone if the blissey is 2000 cp or above. At 3000 cp it is completely impossible. You need around 120 to 130 seconds to kill one and despite i have an extensive pokemon pool, nothing i ever did can be used against it, and even fighting types fail to tickle it if at all. It's just as bad as Giovanni Squall in Revolution Final meta and i'm not kidding. Reason: Both are stalling for timeouts and are impossible to breaktrough.

    Any suggestions if anyone plays pokemon go here?

      Current date/time is 11.09.24 15:25