DMX-26 Final Memorial Pack ~DS, Rev, RevF edition~ is the next DMX series set to be released Feb 18, 2017.
Like the DMX-25 set released before it, as well as most other DMX sets, its generally a reprint set. So not many new cards are expected. It has 69 cards (3 Legends, 8 Victory, 4 Double Victory, and 54 other.
The set like its name suggests a focus on cards from the previous 3 blocks; Dragon Saga, Revolution and Revolution Final.
Many of the cards we currently know are from the Gaiginga series of creatures, but also some Miradante/Dogiragon as well for Rev 0 Triggers. Some Forbidden focus is expeected as well, and I personally hope for more cards in Forbidden Characters.
The last set had 6 new cards, and currently this one has 4 (possibly 3, depending if you count New Generation).
*Dogiragon, Legendary Legend
*Please Marry Me!
*New Generation
*Dokindam Apocalypse