Duel Masters Reborn

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Duel Masters Community Forum - Duel, Discuss, Trade, Share

    Look for People to Duel Online with


    Posts : 556
    Feedback Points : +8
    Join date : 2016-11-22
    Location : Finland

    Look for People to Duel Online with Empty Look for People to Duel Online with

    Post by Admin 25.11.16 19:56

    Here you can look for people to duel online with. There are several dueling platforms available and hence you need to state which platform you desire to use for dueling. If you want to use web cam during the duel, don't forget to mention that, either.

    Dueling Platforms
    Trade Cards Online
    OCTGN - Duel Masters
    Duel Masters Civilizations

    Please mention at least the following when posting here:
    - Your username on the dueling platform
    - When would you desire to duel. It might be useful to mention your timezone.

    Dueling Schedules of Our Members
    @ELTP - eltp (TCO); TCG and OCG (TCO); Weekends 16 - 22
    @Mr-ex777 - lostofx (TCO); OCG only; Daily 13 - 00
    @Ninja - basara (TCO); TCG and *OCG* (TCO); Daily 23 - 06
    @ohdeer - ohdeer (TCO), TCG (TCO, DMC) and OCG (TCO); Daily 13-00

    HOW IT'S READ: @Username - Username on platform A, B and C (Platform: TCO, OCTGN, DMC etc.); Played Formats; When usually (Platform if several)

    When you inform us your dueling schedule, please give the times either in relation to GMT (like Finland would be now during the winter GMT +2) or directly in GMT.

    If you come across with unfair duelists, you can report them HERE.

    Happy dueling,

    Last edited by ELTP on 12.03.20 10:07; edited 7 times in total (Reason for editing : Typos)

    Posts : 16
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    Join date : 2017-02-06
    Location : Romania

    Look for People to Duel Online with Empty Re: Look for People to Duel Online with

    Post by LOGIC 06.02.17 11:11

    Hello. Welll, the link for the Duel Masters Civilization is no longer valid. The akashic data base is now a wreck page. 2 Years ago, I have the luck to speak with Grunt, and he passed me the DMC source code. So, for now I am the owner of the platform. Anways, the platform now is improved, almost all bugs removed, and now DMC is in some ways like the old KP, meaning you are playing in Reincarnation Saga(I added sets 14-17 and the second Promo pack), also I added some automations in the game.(Curently I work on the removal automations and for adding the server lobby)

    The available links for DMC can be found on my forum:


    Posts : 2
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    Join date : 2017-02-03

    Look for People to Duel Online with Empty TCO timings

    Post by Ninja 07.02.17 3:00

    Since everyone is from different countries and play different formats, It would be wise to be able to keep track of when each person is free on which days of the week in the event of future tournaments.

    To standardize things, the timings shall be in GMT (Click here to find out)

    Also, please include the format (OCG or TCG) that you are playing.


    User basara

    Available at 2300 - 0600 GMT

    TCG and OCG, but OCG preferred
    Master of Destruction
    Master of Destruction

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    Join date : 2017-02-03

    Look for People to Duel Online with Empty Re: Look for People to Duel Online with

    Post by Mr-ex777 07.02.17 7:02

    First, please don't spam. You made 3 threads with the same name.

    Second, my name is lostofx and i am basically available at almost any time, but you will generally find me at 1pm to 0am, sometimes up to 5am at the morning.

    OCG only please, i have zero interest in a card game that is stale and dead for 10 years.

    Posts : 556
    Feedback Points : +8
    Join date : 2016-11-22
    Location : Finland

    Look for People to Duel Online with Empty Re: Look for People to Duel Online with

    Post by Admin 07.02.17 13:34

    Thanks for letting us know, @LOGIC. I'll update that link into the first message.

    If you need help on maintaining or updating DMC, I'm certain there are capable people who could help you, here on DM Reborn. I actually already know someone who could be interested in doing that.

    Posts : 556
    Feedback Points : +8
    Join date : 2016-11-22
    Location : Finland

    Look for People to Duel Online with Empty Re: Look for People to Duel Online with

    Post by Admin 07.02.17 13:39

    Ninja wrote:Since everyone is from different countries and play different formats, It would be wise to be able to keep track of when each person is free on which days of the week in the event of future tournaments.

    To standardize things, the timings shall be in GMT (Click here to find out)

    Also, please include the format (OCG or TCG) that you are playing.

    This is a very nice idea but rather than having a separate thread for this, I'll merge this with the on one we already have for Online Duel enquiries. It makes things easier.

    Mr-ex777 wrote:OCG only please, i have zero interest in a card game that is stale and dead for 10 years.
    Naturally you wouldn't know, but in Finland TCG is the format which is booming and keeping Duel Masters alive. It also has nostalgia. I wouldn't consider dead, not even close.

    Posts : 16
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    Join date : 2017-02-06
    Location : Romania

    Look for People to Duel Online with Empty Re: Look for People to Duel Online with

    Post by LOGIC 07.02.17 16:13

    Well, that's cool ELTP. I would realy need some help in adding the server lobby, because each player that played on DMC knows that IP to IP connection is in most cases troublesome, and in most cases players need to use Hamachi for generating valid IP's. In other words, if anyone use has internet with router/modem, he can't play DMC without Hamachi program. If you have the net cable directly plugged in to the PC, it will work without Hamachi. In the connect box of the game, it will be displayed your IP. It must NOT start with 192...., otherwise, you'll need Hamachi. In short terms, these are the things related to the online play in DMC. Curently DMC is at Reincarnation Saga state, it uses the official Hall of Fame from that time, and it's authomatic implemented in the platform. (the hall of fame from the official time line on duelmasters.wikia from March 15, 2004 to January, 15, 2007.)

    Posts : 556
    Feedback Points : +8
    Join date : 2016-11-22
    Location : Finland

    Look for People to Duel Online with Empty Re: Look for People to Duel Online with

    Post by Admin 07.02.17 16:31

    I informed my friend, don't know how much he is able to help. I suggest that you @LOGIC create a specific thread for DMC on our Community Area & DM Worldwide section. It would help you getting people to know of the platform, offer you help and even leave you feedback.

    You could start the thread with the things you already wrote here. I wasn't even aware of DMC being still actively developed but it's nice to hear this is the case.
    Master of Destruction
    Master of Destruction

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    Location : Singapore

    Look for People to Duel Online with Empty Re: Look for People to Duel Online with

    Post by Promised. 22.01.18 23:42

    I am looking for people to duel on tco. Dm me and we can arrange a time Smile

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    Look for People to Duel Online with Empty Re: Look for People to Duel Online with

    Post by Sponsored content

      Current date/time is 11.09.24 15:06