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    Please tell me your favorite deck or list.


    Posts : 2
    Feedback Points : None
    Join date : 2022-04-08

    Please tell me your favorite deck or list.  Empty Please tell me your favorite deck or list.

    Post by Fujie-A 08.04.22 5:59

    Hi, everyone.
    I'm Japanese and interested in Duel Masters in other countries.If you talk about your deck or cards, I wanna chat.
    I've played it for six years old, so I know latest cards more than latter ones.

    I'm really waiting for your coments!

    Posts : 3
    Feedback Points : None
    Join date : 2022-10-11
    Age : 29
    Location : Australia

    Please tell me your favorite deck or list.  Empty Re: Please tell me your favorite deck or list.

    Post by Zoicite23 11.10.22 9:08

    Hey, I'm in Australia!

    Right now I have two decks I like using: Deadman AOTW and a modified Team Wave deck mainly focused on Rolemodeltiger. So the first deck has Deadman=The=Origin and uses his invasions to bring out All Over the World, if that wasn't clear.

    If we're talking TCG I think Midrange Hydro is pretty cool, so that's LWD civilizations.

      Current date/time is 11.09.24 13:14