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    Wave Strikers Ruling (TCG)

    Master of Evolution
    Master of Evolution

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    Wave Strikers Ruling (TCG) Empty Wave Strikers Ruling (TCG)

    Post by AustraliaDuelMasters 16.06.21 12:18

    Hey DM fans,  Very Happy

    I am wanting clarification around Wave Strikers - "The creature with Wave Striker is able to trigger its ability if you have 2 or more other creatures in the battle zone that have Wave Striker."

    Does this mean that if I have 2 Wave Strikers in the battle zone their abilities trigger or does there have to be 3 Wave Strikers in the battle zone for their abilities to trigger?

    2 or more to me means that 2 wave striker creatures trigger the abilities of those creatures and then if you have additional wave strikers (2 or more - more than 2) - meaning 3+ their abilities trigger as well.

    Is this correct, can anyone clarify? Is there any official DM ruling that anyone has?

    Thank you in advance. cheers

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    Wave Strikers Ruling (TCG) Empty Re: Wave Strikers Ruling (TCG)

    Post by madmicro0430 16.06.21 14:49

    I think you are missing another key word "other", so there must be 3 wave strikers in the battle zone for their abilities to trigger.

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    Wave Strikers Ruling (TCG) Empty Re: Wave Strikers Ruling (TCG)

    Post by Darksigner 24.06.21 14:30

    Yea there is the word "other" so @madmicro0430 clarified the ruling perfectly, only after the 3rd Wave Striker hits the baord their abilities will trigger.
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    Wave Strikers Ruling (TCG) Empty Re: Wave Strikers Ruling (TCG)

    Post by Halfar 29.06.21 16:34

    Yes when the 3rd WS hits the board he gets his effect.
    So if u have double Merlee and play Jagila, he gets his effect to discard 3 cards.

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    Wave Strikers Ruling (TCG) Empty Re: Wave Strikers Ruling (TCG)

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