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    Shiny, Dragon Armored / Edge Spark Ruling/Translation question


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    Join date : 2020-01-01

    Shiny, Dragon Armored / Edge Spark Ruling/Translation question Empty Shiny, Dragon Armored / Edge Spark Ruling/Translation question

    Post by LDiscoStick 03.01.20 17:23

    Hey guys,

    this might be more of a translation than a ruling question, but still:

    Is it really true, that Edge Spark taps a creature FOREVER? Without any downsides? Not like freezes them for 1 extra round but taps them forever?

    This seems like crazy power creep and I honestly can't really believe that this is right. Permanently tapping something is nearly as strong as destroying something, sometimes even stronger, but Terror Pit is 6 Mana and this is 2.

    Does anyone know anything about this?

    Edit: Link https://duelmasters.fandom.com/wiki/Shiny,_Dragon_Armored_/_Edge_Spark

      Current date/time is 11.09.24 13:47