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    The Miraculous Spells - from worst to best

    Master of Destruction
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    The Miraculous Spells - from worst to best Empty The Miraculous Spells - from worst to best

    Post by LordSommerhill 26.09.20 13:34

    So in DM-11 we got the first multiciv spells, and this includes the 5 Miraculous Spells. These are all super/very rare and were not printed for very long before the game was discontinued. So they werent really seen in decks all that much when the game was alive, and usually just 1 when used, cause thats what people had. Today i still dont really see them used nearly as much as they should. The one i see the most is Plague, and Plague is a really good card, but i dont think it is the best one. So i have decided to make this top 5 Miraculous Spell list, that shows in my opinion what is the worst to the best of them, and why. These are really cool cards, and some of them are pretty damn good haha. So here we go!

    The Miraculous Spells - from worst to best Miracu12

    Probably not a big surprise, but the 5th and first and by far worst of them is Miraculous Truce, 1 out of 2 of the very rare ones. Truce itself isnt really all that bad, considering it is a trigger and has a decent defensive effect. So it lets you avoid being attacked by anything of a chosen civ until the next turn. This could save you in certain situations, and the card would be decent if there wasnt already a card named Holy Awe....... that is also a trigger that indirectly does the same thing, except it protects you from ALL your opponents creatures until the next turn. Unlike Truce it can also be used offensively to tap things so you can kill them and control the board. it also only requires only light mana, and is therefore more splashable and just better in every way shape or form. So Truce is decent, but there is just never ever a reason to use it when Holy Awe exists...

    The Miraculous Spells - from worst to best Miracu14

    So the 4th slot on the list is the second of the two very rare ones, which is Miraculous Snare. This is a card i barely ever see in people's decks, and i can kinda understand it, as the card only appears to be mediocre at first. Its not a card i feel like any deck really "needs", but if you have a flex spot or two in a deck with W/L that doesnt run Dark, this is the only 3 turn removal card you will find. Sure you do give your opponent an extra shield, but in control decks that is really not an issue, and it means the creature you target will be gone until later when you hopefully have control of the duel. Say your opponent plays a Gonta, a Melnia or something else really early that is a pain to deal with. Simply Snare it and be done with it. Spiral gate, Corile and Surfer can temporarily remove creatures as well, but this way they can summon the creature again on the following turn. So if you miss some early removal in your Light/Water deck, this is actually a good card. Its not OP or broken or anything, but its just good. I have used this card in my Starnoid deck for example, to get rid of Melnias (which are a pain for Starnoid) and other stuff like evo bait and beatsticks. Its like psuedo Terror Pit for 3 mana, so its quite underrated, but not nearly as good as the next 3 cards on the list!

    The Miraculous Spells - from worst to best Miracu15

    So on to the super rares, which are all very good cards that i dont see used nearly as much as they should be. The 3rd slot on the list is Miraculous Plague. This is easely the Miraculous Spell i have seen in play the most, as everybody who had it back in the day used the one copy they had as a tech removal card in their multicived controldecks. And Plague is definitely one of those cards you can tech 1-2 copies of in a control deck, and its gonna work well. It causes heavy disruption for your opponent when played, as it essentially removes two creatures on their field and two of their mana cards. A card that advantage wise is a 1 for 4, is usually always good, and Plague is just that. Yes they can usually play the creature that is bounced again next turn, and add the bounced mana back to the mana zone, but they have still been slowed down quite a lot in addition to completely losing the 2 other cards that went to the graveyard. Plague itself is rather slow as it costs 7 mana, but just like Apocalypse Wise (also costs 7 mana), it provides such great advantage and immediate impact on the board, that it is easely worth it. Great card in control decks, but still just shy of the two next spots on the list.

    The Miraculous Spells - from worst to best Miracu16

    So the 2nd slot on the list goes to Miraculous Rebirth. This is an amazing card for any deck that runs Fire and Nature, as it is a great removal card and the only spell in TCG (atleast that is worth using) that summons a creature directly from your deck. The options for this card are insane! It fits in any gameplan except for Rush, and it will surely be an improvement to basically any deck. If you run any evolution creature, Rebirth can summon bait cards for you, and if you have creatures with summon effects like Terahorn, Hulcus, Surfer, Corile, Loco or a speed attacker etc it works wonders with these as well. The card is effectively a 1 for 2 when it comes to card advantage, and cards with advantage like this should never be overlooked. Sure it is a super rare and not the easiest to get, but if you do have 2+ copies of it you should really make use of it. Killing something with 5000 power or less means you can target like 90% of creatures that see play, barring the big finishers. You may also not always want to destroy the most obvious threat, but sometimes the creature with the correct mana cost so that you can summon the creature you need from your deck. The card requires some skill to reach its full potential, but this is just a great great card for both control, offensive and defensive purposes. I put it in front of Plague, as it is faster and impacts the board itself more heavily than plague. So even though Plague also has a +2 effect on the board and disrupts mana as well, i find Rebirth better because of the value of the summon effect, and its lower mana cost. But they are both very even and both extremely good.

    The Miraculous Spells - from worst to best Miracu17

    I know some people will probably not understand this at first. But im absolutely 100% positive that Miraculous Meltdown is the best and most broken Miraculous Spell, and even one of the best spells in the game. I never really saw this card in play back when the game was active, and i just recently started using this card a lot myself. And after testing it a little i just had to laugh, at how ridiculous this card was..... Even in top tier duels, this card is a true gamechanger, that forces your opponent to completely change his playing style just by knowing that you have the card in your deck. So even without even casting it, it will have an impact on the game. Even if your opponent is killing you, he just cant break too many of your shields as long as you have a field. Meltdown basicly forces your opponent to keep you alive until he knows he has game, as otherwise he might all of a sudden lose a duel he was clearly about to win. And this is the effect the card has before even being played haha...
    I have been in the worst situations, with my opponent having a full field and x amount of shields remaining, and where i have been down to 1-0 shields but with a tiny creature or two remaining on the field and unable to do very much. Then all of a sudden i play Meltdown and just "wops i won" completely out of the blue. This is something no other card in the game can do. Even Bombazar requires good positioning to be able to win for you, but Meltdown can turn some of the worst situations to autowins instantly which is real nasty. Sure in a winning position Meltdown is worthless, but in that case what do you care if it is, your winning anyway?? Sure meltdown is not a card that any good deck really "needs", but the card can have such a major impact on the game that i would always play it if you have room for it. The card is litterally broken in my opinion, and has won me so many losing games that it was an easy number 1 pick as the best Miraculous Spell in the game.

    This was my list and my opinions, so now let me hear yours! Have you used any of these cards? How did it go? Which ones do you think are the best?

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    The Miraculous Spells - from worst to best Empty Re: The Miraculous Spells - from worst to best

    Post by Darksigner 30.09.20 22:59

    I totally agree on number 5, Miraculous Truce would be a very good counter to Bombazar decks though. It stops attacks during the extra turn which Holy Awe on Bombazar Turn 1 can´t do. But as a majority of the acticve communities/players in general have banned Bombazar it is like you said just inferior to Holy Awe.

    In my opinion Miraculous Snare is above Miraculous Plague! I think that would be my bold statement on a Top 5 for the Miraculous spells Very Happy
    In terms of power level Plague has a much higher impact than Snare but I think Plague isn´t played in too many standard control decks and rather sees play in dedicated mana burn control decks. In contrast I think Miraculous Snare is almost a perfect cheap removal card that can be splashed into many control variants (Marino, Phal & Hydro Hurricane) as well as LW aggro decks (Craze, Ailzonius & Starnoid). Additionally the shield zone isn´t as accessable as the graveyard which makes it basically a removal for nearly the whole duration of a game.

    On the Top 2 I agree again. You only mentioned that you can summon evo bait off of Miraculous Rebirth but you forgot to mention that if you already have the corresponding evo bait on board that you can summon an evolution creature on top of that creature straight out of your deck which is insane! It is especially useful with 5 Mana evolution creatures as you are killing mostly 5 drops like Corile with Rebirth.
    But even with all the power Rebirth packs I agree that Miraculous Meltdown is the ultimate comeback card which makes it appealing to many control decks and has basically no counter play when combined with a speed attacker afterwards.

    I personally only use the Top 2 at the moment but think every card except Truce is very playable!
    Hopefully you can use Miraculous Rebirth to its fullest potential next time you´re playing it Smile
    Master of Destruction
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    The Miraculous Spells - from worst to best Empty Re: The Miraculous Spells - from worst to best

    Post by loui-mh 01.10.20 14:37

    Lovely thread and nice to see that someone is talking about those five massive spells! Tbh, @Darksigner was faster than me, but I just wanted to add something from my side to your 1-5 listing.

    As you already mentioned, Truce is a very nice card, but the effect is only usefull in just a few matches - otherwise, Awe will do a way better job than Truce itself.

    Snare and Plaque couldn't be more different imo: Snare is almost the cheapest removal in the game and takes out the opp creature to a zone which isn't as easy accessible as the graveyard or mana. Plague is the most expensive spell in that top five, but only finds his way in hardcore control or mana-burn-comboish deck types - second are rarely to none seen in our german meta and overseas. So, in view of that cheap removal option of Snare I would definitely award the fourth place to Plague and Snare would rise up to the third place on top of the first step of the winner podium.

    Finally, one of my favorite cards - or maybe even my absolut favorite card is the almighty Miraculous Rebirth (well known in our german community). The options are immense, which can have a huge impact to the opp creatures or the field than any other spells in the TCG. The TCG meta lives from CIP creatures such as Hulcus, Magris, Wind Axe, Skysword, Corile, Rias, Terahorn, Merfolk, Ancient Horn, Rothus, Unicorn, Surfer, BAT, and so on. So the targets for Rebirth are varied - from small creatures like Squito, Belix and Gonta over the more expensive creatures like BAT, Hulcus and Magris to high cost targets like ofc Corile and Skysword - which are played in most of the known decks.
    On the one hand you are killing on of your opp creatures and on the other hand you get a creature in return from your own deck plus maybe an even more topping due to the CIP effect of the new creature. But that's not the end and @Darksigner already mentioned the most exciting point: It's even possible to summon evo creatures straight from your deck (just image killing a Mist Rias from your opp and summon via Rebirth an Ailzonius straight to your field on top of a small Belix or Syrion - lovely!).
    So, I guess I raved enough about that red-green spell and I would definitely put him in first place. This means that Meltdown has to be in second place:

    1. Miraculous Rebirth
    2. Miraculous Meltdown
    3. Miraculous Snare
    4. Miraculous Plague
    5. Miraculous Truth
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    The Miraculous Spells - from worst to best Empty Re: The Miraculous Spells - from worst to best

    Post by Halfar 01.10.20 20:30

    5. Miracolous Truce (5/10)
    -> Everyone should agree on this, there are enough arguments lol.

    4. Miracolous Plague (8,5/10)
    -> Hmm difficult. I was thinking really hard about placing this one a bit higher on the third Place.
    Terrifying and fearsome in combination with Mana Burn.
    Sometimes function as a weaker version of Apocalypse Vise. I tried it in Control Decks that doesn't play Fire like Marino Control. But i
    feel like it doesn't fulfill its potential outside of Mana Burn.

    3. Miracolous Snare (8,5/10)
    -> In my opinion its one of the best Removal in the Game as its extremely cheap in comparison to other "hard removal".
    It stops Rush, Mist Rias or Finisher (Bluum/Bolly/Cryptic).
    Super versatile.

    2. Miracolous Meltdown (9,5/10)
    -> Its really hard to choose between Meltdown and Rebirth.
    Meltdown is the ultimate Comeback card ! This card wins unwinable games.
    This Card is so strong it even lets the opponent change their playstyle.

    1. Miracolous Rebirth (10/10)
    The well-deserved Winner of this Ranking.
    A card that lets you combo while killing a creature is insanely good.
    The fact that the Creature comes for free out of the nowhere is just crazy.
    I want to add that Rebirth is extremely crucial on 5 and 6 Mana Creatures.
    My favorite targets are Valdios, Mist Rias, Ailzonius, Ilusionary Merfolk and Forbos.
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    The Miraculous Spells - from worst to best Empty Re: The Miraculous Spells - from worst to best

    Post by AleksVin 08.11.20 10:34

    5. Miraculous Truce

    4. Miraculous Rebirth

    3. Miraculous Plague

    2. Miraculous Meltdown

    1. Miraculous Snare

    (Explanations will follow eventually)

    In a metagame that allows Bombazar, I would probably swap Truce and Rebirth.
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    The Miraculous Spells - from worst to best Empty Re: The Miraculous Spells - from worst to best

    Post by Halfar 10.11.20 18:50

    I am interested in the explanation why you see Plague over Rebirth Smile
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    The Miraculous Spells - from worst to best Empty Re: The Miraculous Spells - from worst to best

    Post by AleksVin 10.11.20 23:46

    Rebirth is the only card that isn't strictly necessary in a particular deck.
    It is a strong card, and usually a good addition, but never needed.
    In comparison Plague and Snare make entire decks work while Meltdown can turn games around by itself.

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    The Miraculous Spells - from worst to best Empty Re: The Miraculous Spells - from worst to best

    Post by Rishino 12.11.20 0:19

    People forget that you can also use 'Snare' on your own creatures in order to gain a shield. Can come in clutch if you want to recycle an Aqua Surfer, Locomotiver or Kolon, etc
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    The Miraculous Spells - from worst to best Empty Re: The Miraculous Spells - from worst to best

    Post by LordSommerhill 10.01.21 17:07

    @Rishino yes i know. This is usually not what you want to do, but it is a nice extra option to have, and i have done it here and there with success. So yes absolutely Smile
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    The Miraculous Spells - from worst to best Empty Re: The Miraculous Spells - from worst to best

    Post by Halfar 16.01.21 14:38

    Rishino wrote:People forget that you can also use 'Snare' on your own creatures in order to gain a shield. Can come in clutch if you want to recycle an Aqua Surfer, Locomotiver or Kolon, etc

    or use Snare on Phal Eega to loop a shield  Smile

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