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    [OCG] Strange Civilization Symbol found in promotional card

    Master of Destruction
    Master of Destruction

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    [OCG] Strange Civilization Symbol found in promotional card Empty [OCG] Strange Civilization Symbol found in promotional card

    Post by Mr-ex777 09.02.17 15:26

    [OCG] Strange Civilization Symbol found in promotional card Strang10

    This is strange; I guess it's just zero civilization but something tells otherwise.

    Also we are pretty much sure that shigenobu drawn Jolly the Johnny Joe.

    Posts : 140
    Join date : 2017-02-02

    [OCG] Strange Civilization Symbol found in promotional card Empty Re: [OCG] Strange Civilization Symbol found in promotional card

    Post by Yami_Michael 09.02.17 17:35

    It might just be exclusive to the "Jokers", who right now, I'm assuming are a race but may be some sort of archetype.

    This card looks like Joe again, but gunhorse-less.

    [OCG] Strange Civilization Symbol found in promotional card PyjoDV3
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    [OCG] Strange Civilization Symbol found in promotional card Empty Re: [OCG] Strange Civilization Symbol found in promotional card

    Post by Admin 09.02.17 19:08

    Jokers hmmm... Hopefully it's not something totally unbalanced again.

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    [OCG] Strange Civilization Symbol found in promotional card Empty Re: [OCG] Strange Civilization Symbol found in promotional card

    Post by Sponsored content

      Current date/time is 11.09.24 13:26