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    Grinning Hunger's peculiar wording - SOLVED


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    Grinning Hunger's peculiar wording - SOLVED Empty Grinning Hunger's peculiar wording - SOLVED

    Post by Qbius 08.02.17 14:22

    I've stumbled upon a weird question which I'm forwarding here.

    Player 1 casts Grinning Hunger. Its effect states that the opponent has to put either a creature or a shield into his graveyard. Note that the word "destroy" is nowhere to be seen.
    Some people understood it as something that's above a mere "destroy", and that it would bypass Aqua Soldier's effect, for example, since he would technically never be destroyed.

    Personally I think that in the case of creatures, being "put into graveyard" and "destroyed" are one and the same. But I would still like to hear the opinion of someone who is well versed in the weird parts of the ruleset.

    Last edited by Qbius on 08.02.17 16:25; edited 1 time in total
    Master of Destruction
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    Grinning Hunger's peculiar wording - SOLVED Empty Re: Grinning Hunger's peculiar wording - SOLVED

    Post by Mr-ex777 08.02.17 14:26

    Yes, put into graveyard = destroyed.

    Also some cards in OCG Put cards into graveyard. If a card that puts cards to graveyard targets a regular creature, yes, that creature is counted as destroyed.

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    Grinning Hunger's peculiar wording - SOLVED Empty Re: Grinning Hunger's peculiar wording - SOLVED

    Post by Yami_Michael 08.02.17 15:59

    Yeah, even though it doesn't use the word destroy, the act of "putting a creature into a graveyard" is a "destroy", no matter what. Unlike other games, theres not even a confusing "sacrifice".

    Grinning Hunger's peculiar wording - SOLVED PyjoDV3
    Duel Masters Wiki - A site for all of your Duel Masters Information!

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    Join date : 2017-01-20
    Age : 30
    Location : Katowice, Poland

    Grinning Hunger's peculiar wording - SOLVED Empty Re: Grinning Hunger's peculiar wording - SOLVED

    Post by Qbius 08.02.17 16:24

    Thanks Yami. Actually someone found a page on the japanese wiki that says exactly that. I guess I'll paste it here.

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    Grinning Hunger's peculiar wording - SOLVED Empty Re: Grinning Hunger's peculiar wording - SOLVED

    Post by Yami_Michael 08.02.17 16:42

    Ah, right. The page linked from http://duelmasters.wikia.com/wiki/Destroy

    I'll need to add more stuff from the jpwiki page onto it.

    Grinning Hunger's peculiar wording - SOLVED PyjoDV3
    Duel Masters Wiki - A site for all of your Duel Masters Information!

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