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    What can I get for these? The green ones are in spanish


    Posts : 2
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    Join date : 2022-06-28

    What can I get for these? The green ones are in spanish Empty What can I get for these? The green ones are in spanish

    Post by Kob 28.06.22 22:10

    I had these lying around the house from when I was younger, but have no idea what their value is. Mantis Xeno has the most wear and tear and Crystal Jouster has a very slight bend on it's top right side.

    What can I get for these? The green ones are in spanish Img_2010

    PS: I also have a bunch of other cards but those seemed the most valuable ones. I also have a lot of puzzle cards if anyone is interested.

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    Join date : 2017-02-02
    Age : 31
    Location : Hamburg, Germany

    What can I get for these? The green ones are in spanish Empty Re: What can I get for these? The green ones are in spanish

    Post by KazeBlack 02.07.22 21:55

    Generally Spanish cards especially popular ones like Dual Fang are not the easiest to come by however yours are sadly in very bad shape and Great Horn unfortunately is junk value so I doubt you will be able to get much out off them.

    Crystal Jouster definitely is the best one here, even if has some usage on it. It is hard to tell from those pictures how bad its border damage is, as long as it doesn't have any creases you'll probably get that one sold at least.

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    Join date : 2022-06-28

    What can I get for these? The green ones are in spanish Empty Re: What can I get for these? The green ones are in spanish

    Post by Kob 04.07.22 19:45

    How much would you value them each? I don't know where to base my selling prices off.

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    What can I get for these? The green ones are in spanish Empty Re: What can I get for these? The green ones are in spanish

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