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    Blank Duel Masters card (mint)


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    Join date : 2021-11-12

    Blank Duel Masters card (mint) Empty Blank Duel Masters card (mint)

    Post by DonGrzechuj 28.12.21 23:41

    hi guys,
    I just pulled a blank duel masters cards from a booster.
    A couple people already asked me if im selling it so I'm taking offers.
    I know it is extremely rare but don't really know how much and how much its worth.


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    Join date : 2017-02-02
    Age : 31
    Location : Hamburg, Germany

    Blank Duel Masters card (mint) Empty Re: Blank Duel Masters card (mint)

    Post by KazeBlack 02.01.22 3:10

    Which set did you pull it from? That is very important as quality between sets can differ a lot, and with that the amount of errors in the printrun. Best is to have recording of pulling the card.

    It's pretty standard for a filler card. Generally pure blanks (white/black) or blanks with border like yours are the most common in DM TCG. We actually have little knowledge about OCG ones, but since it's all WoTC it should hardly differ, the Japanese are just more thorough in sorting bad copies out so Misprints hardly ever make it, and generally are eye catches, distribution errors (wrong rarity assortment in packs/boxes/cartons) but no filler cards.
    They become really pricy if they contain color, text or an unusual structure. Here is a list of the ones found in Magic, but DM's way of building sheets is identical and so is the possibility of pretty much the same/very similar fillers, just swap the Magic related fillers with DM ones (however none with the DM logo has been found yet, but ones with the card back do exist). There is actually more not shown here, in Pokemon many fillers come with CMYK printer lines: http://www.magiclibrarities.net/348-rarities-filler-cards-english-cards-images.html

    There is a few of these in the community, most are pure white. Since you can't really play them, most you find are mint, so condition is generally not even taken into account for these.

    Magic has a market for them. A filler like yours typically goes between 10 and 20€. You can thank Covid for that, collectibles like this have been steadily increasing in price since the pandemic has started so now is a pretty good time to sell.

    Posts : 3
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    Join date : 2021-11-12

    Blank Duel Masters card (mint) Empty Re: Blank Duel Masters card (mint)

    Post by DonGrzechuj 02.01.22 13:16

    It's from dm-02 english booster, but I pulled it without recording or anything.

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    Blank Duel Masters card (mint) Empty Re: Blank Duel Masters card (mint)

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