Duel Masters Reborn

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    DM back in 2010


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    Join date : 2020-02-21

    DM back in 2010 Empty DM back in 2010

    Post by dannx 21.02.20 14:44

    Im from Germany and found old stuff in my basement a few weeks ago.
    Ive played multi TCG back in i think it was 2009-2012 probably.
    In this times is played mostly in my hometown Hannover, GER so back then we had a big Duel Masters Community here, i think it was Duel Masters Global Forum.
    After i had those cards in my hands ive started my research about the old times, find a Topic in DM Wiki from the Administrator back then and a Reddit topic about this Forum here.

    Now I ask:
    Someone here knows this Forum or has played back then ?

    Maybe its just for my own  interest but maybe someone can help ?

    And mostly i dont know what i should do with the old cards (a lot of Japanese OCG Stuff we played back then)

    Thanks in advance

    (P.S. Please apologizes my bad englisch i think i wrote here)

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    DM back in 2010 Empty Re: DM back in 2010

    Post by Admin 12.03.20 10:15

    Hi @dannx,
    I also were involved with DM Global and were actually one of the moderators there. Sentrionic was the admin but he is not into DM anymore.

    I recommend you to contact @OcaVan, he used to live in Hanover but has since moved. He has a big OCG collection and has been very interested in the oldschool OCG metagame.
    Black Shadow
    Black Shadow

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    Join date : 2017-02-02
    Location : germany

    DM back in 2010 Empty Re: DM back in 2010

    Post by OcaVan 12.03.20 22:24

    hey @dannx! I have also been part of the DM Community in the old days in Hanover. I also knew was a member of DM Global Forum back then. Maybe we even had met each other back then.

    If you have any further questions about cards or the old Hanover DM, i will try my best to answer them =).
    If you like you can send me your phone number via PN here and we can chat on WhatsApp (and if you like to of ofc) i can invite you to a german DM whats app group. However, i might be interested in your OCG cards Wink.

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    DM back in 2010 Empty Re: DM back in 2010

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