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    4 Civi Wavestrikers (Endgame List)

    Master of Destruction
    Master of Destruction

    Posts : 121
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    Join date : 2017-07-07
    Location : Singapore

    4 Civi Wavestrikers (Endgame List) Empty 4 Civi Wavestrikers (Endgame List)

    Post by Promised. 20.10.19 23:42

    4 Civi WS's archetype is Threat based Midrange. (There are 2 different types of midrange decks, threat based and answer based)

    It aims to get creatures on the board that have a strong snowball effect if they are able to stick. Eg. Pala, Petrova, Rias, Wavestrikers.

    PS: I do not claim ownership of any of the lists I post. They came to be through the concerted efforts of the DM Community in Singapore. Credit largely goes to Kevin Ho and Kai Kit.

    Red ( 7 )
    4x Sapain Tark
    3x Goliac

    Yellow ( 13 )
    4x Merlee
    4x Asra
    3x Mist Rias
    2x Kilstine

    Green ( 7 )
    4x Turnip
    3x Soulswap

    Black ( 9 )
    2x Morbid
    1x Hazaria
    4x Jagila
    2x Terror Pits

    Multi ( 4 )
    4x Rebirth

    RED 11
    YELLOW 13
    GREEN 11
    BLACK 9


    ■Deck Archtypes
    ▪︎Aggro - Beatdown
    ▪︎Swarm - Aggro Combo
    ▪︎Tempo - Aggro Control
    ▪︎Midrange - Control Aggro (2types: Threat and Answer based)
    ▪︎Control - Control Combo

    ■ Here is a very brief competitve dm tcg 101 guide (For a detailed explaination, refer to Kevin's guide)

    Identify your deck archtype > build it to achieve its gameplan in the most efficient way, by balancing colors and card counts > In matches the first thing to do is to identify what deck your opponent is playing, which will allow you to determine who is playing the "control" and who is the "aggro"> play in a way that allows you to most efficiently achieve your deck's gameplan

    ■ Kevin Ho's comprehensive guide to dm tcg:

    ■ *Balancing color counts is extremely important! *
    Hypergeometric Calculator - https://stattrek.com/online-calculator/hypergeometric.aspx

    ■ TCG Tier List (Compendum of Meta Decks)

    ■ Shin's Youtube Channel: Promised. (telegram me your video duels I can upload them for you) - https://m.youtube.com/channel/UCTvfDBr-Al563DGeol6qEwQ

      Current date/time is 11.09.24 15:24