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    RUB Midrange (Endgame list)

    Master of Destruction
    Master of Destruction

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    RUB Midrange (Endgame list) Empty RUB Midrange (Endgame list)

    Post by Promised. 29.08.19 3:13

    RUB Midrange (Answer)

    PS: I do not claim ownership of any of the lists I post. They came to be through the concerted efforts of the DM Community in Singapore. Credit largely goes to kevin Ho

    Red ( 10 )
    2x Bazagazeal Dragon
    1x Apocalypse Vise
    1x Mechadragon's Breathe
    2x Searing Wave
    2x Volcano Charger
    1x Pyrofighter
    1x PDF

    Blue ( 13 )
    4x Aqua Hulcus
    3x Energy Stream
    1x Trash Crawler
    2x Crystal Memory
    3x Corile

    Black (15)
    3x Bloody Squito
    3x Locomotiver
    2x Cranium Clamp
    1x Morbid Medicine
    1x Ice Vapor
    3x Terror Pit
    2x Lost Soul

    Green (1)
    1x Terradragon Arque Delacerna

    Multi ( 1 )
    1x Miraculous Meltdown

    Color Counts
    Red 11
    Blue 13
    Black 15
    Green 1

    Deck Size: 40


    ■Deck Archtypes
    ▪︎Aggro - Beatdown
    ▪︎Swarm - Aggro Combo
    ▪︎Tempo - Aggro Control
    ▪︎Midrange - Control Aggro (2types: Threat and Answer based)
    ▪︎Control - Control Combo

    ■ Here is a very brief competitve dm tcg 101 guide (For a detailed explaination, refer to Kevin's guide)

    Identify your deck archtype > build it to achieve its gameplan in the most efficient way, by balancing colors and card counts > In matches the first thing to do is to identify what deck your opponent is playing, which will allow you to determine who is playing the "control" and who is the "aggro"> play in a way that allows you to most efficiently achieve your deck's gameplan

    ■ Kevin Ho's comprehensive guide to dm tcg:

    ■ *Balancing color counts is extremely important! *
    Hypergeometric Calculator - https://stattrek.com/online-calculator/hypergeometric.aspx

    ■ TCG Tier List (Compendum of Meta Decks)

    ■ Shin's Youtube Channel: Promised. (telegram me your video duels I can upload them for you) - https://m.youtube.com/channel/UCTvfDBr-Al563DGeol6qEwQ

    Last edited by Promised. on 27.10.19 13:49; edited 12 times in total
    Master of Destruction
    Master of Destruction

    Posts : 121
    Feedback Points : +10
    Join date : 2017-07-07
    Location : Singapore

    RUB Midrange (Endgame list) Empty Re: RUB Midrange (Endgame list)

    Post by Promised. 17.10.19 17:03

    Once I have the time, I will make a detailed deck tech video covering this deck.
    In the meantime, please have fun with this list. I believe this is the final and most optimized version of RUB Midrange.

    Posts : 8
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    Join date : 2019-04-17

    RUB Midrange (Endgame list) Empty Re: RUB Midrange (Endgame list)

    Post by DiamondDust 18.10.19 20:52

    Keep up the good work. Both here and on YouTube. Great content. The community needs more active content creators like you

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    Location : Germany

    RUB Midrange (Endgame list) Empty Re: RUB Midrange (Endgame list)

    Post by Spaulding 06.11.19 11:16

    Promised. wrote:RUB Midrange (Answer)
    Red ( 10 )
    2x Bazagazeal Dragon
    1x Apocalypse Vise
    1x Mechadragon's Breathe
    2x Searing Wave
    2x Volcano Charger
    1x Pyrofighter
    1x PDF

    Blue ( 13 )
    4x Aqua Hulcus
    3x Energy Stream
    1x Trash Crawler
    2x Crystal Memory
    3x Corile

    Black (15)
    3x Bloody Squito
    3x Locomotiver
    2x Cranium Clamp
    1x Morbid Medicine
    1x Ice Vapor
    3x Terror Pit
    2x Lost Soul

    Green (1)
    1x Terradragon Arque Delacerna

    Multi ( 1 )
    1x Miraculous Meltdown

    Color Counts
    Red 11
    Blue 13
    Black 15
    Green 1

    Deck Size: 40

    Hello Promised,

    I saw you had changed the deck by adding some Melnias and Wind Axe and now back to the more "traditional" type. Could you explain your thought process behind that and now on the newly added Pyrofighter and Ice Vapor?
    I guess Magnus is for the mini Meltdown-Combo but isn't it too hard to get to 9 mana in time vs an aggressive deck and in my opinion the combo doesn't come up in the rest of the match-ups very often?
    Master of Destruction
    Master of Destruction

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    Join date : 2017-07-07
    Location : Singapore

    RUB Midrange (Endgame list) Empty Re: RUB Midrange (Endgame list)

    Post by Promised. 23.11.19 2:57

    In addition to the meltdown combo, Pyro can be used to pressure your opponent into discarding your arque when you aggro with it. It is also better than pdf at removal since it goes back to your hand. Volcano helps you reach the 9mana for the combo. Ice vapor and the phasing out of bolmeteus is meant to gear the deck towards the midrange archetype.
    Master of Evolution
    Master of Evolution

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    Join date : 2018-04-03
    Age : 28
    Location : Germany

    RUB Midrange (Endgame list) Empty Re: RUB Midrange (Endgame list)

    Post by AleksVin 27.02.20 7:19

    Hi. A few questions regarding this version.

    What is Ice Vapor for?

    Why only 3 Pit?

    Why no Bolmeteus?

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    RUB Midrange (Endgame list) Empty Re: RUB Midrange (Endgame list)

    Post by Sponsored content

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