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    [TCG] Charmilia, the Enticer

    Invincible Charge
    Invincible Charge

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    [TCG] Charmilia, the Enticer Empty [TCG] Charmilia, the Enticer

    Post by Halfar 14.06.18 13:07

    So what do you guys think of Charmilia ?

    I like this card, because it can be a better "draw" card, that gives you what you need.

    On the other Side its a Tap Creature which is risky because she is useless in the first turn and can easily shutted down by the opponent.

    BUT that can also be good, because you bait Terror Pit or Craze Valkyre.
    Alsoooo, she has 3k power, which isn't really bad in turn 4.

    For example she cant killed by one of the most played destroying cards like volcano charger, crimson hammer, PDF and alsmost nobody would hit her with Searing Wave.

    [TCG] Charmilia, the Enticer Charmi11

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    [TCG] Charmilia, the Enticer Empty Re: [TCG] Charmilia, the Enticer

    Post by Jynkkymasiina69 14.06.18 15:42

    Risky to play. She's insane if you manage to play her on T3. But otherwise she feels kinda useless.

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    [TCG] Charmilia, the Enticer Empty Re: [TCG] Charmilia, the Enticer

    Post by Darksigner 14.06.18 21:00

    I think Charmilia is just way too slow to be good. It has to survive a turn to basically do what Rumbling Terrahorn does. Only if it survives another turn, it starts generating more advantage than other options like Terrahorn. If you can somehow protect Charmilia and the game lasts long enough it will surely help you winning the game, but most of the times it will do nothing or it takes too long to make a difference Neutral

    In my opinion it is inferior to cards like Terrahorn, Magris and Hulcus which give you immediate advantage and can also bait out destruction spells just like Charmilia. Personally I would rather play Magris in Turn 4 as it has the same power and provides immediate advantage or Rumbling Terrahorn if I am in need of a searcher card.

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    [TCG] Charmilia, the Enticer Empty Re: [TCG] Charmilia, the Enticer

    Post by Rishino 20.05.20 14:59

    I used to not like her, but after trying out 3 copies in a Aura Pegasus deck I've changed my mind. If you have a heavy blocker line-up, she can get insanely out of control as most people tend to go for immediate threats with removal. If you can keep her on the field, she is possibly THE best advantage card in the TCG. She will will probably net you advantage in the first couple of games, until your opponent catches on haha Smile
    Master of Evolution
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    [TCG] Charmilia, the Enticer Empty Re: [TCG] Charmilia, the Enticer

    Post by AustraliaDuelMasters 21.05.20 12:14

    Rishino wrote:I used to not like her, but after trying out 3 copies in a Aura Pegasus deck I've changed my mind. If you have a heavy blocker line-up, she can get insanely out of control as most people tend to go for immediate threats with removal. If you can keep her on the field, she is possibly THE best advantage card in the TCG. She will will probably net you advantage in the first couple of games, until your opponent catches on haha Smile

    +1 I agree with that completely, kinda reminds me of surrounding Mist Rias with blockers to take advantage of the draw power effect of every time a creature enters the battle zone draw a card, severely underrated.

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    [TCG] Charmilia, the Enticer Empty Re: [TCG] Charmilia, the Enticer

    Post by Rishino 21.05.20 20:55

    AustraliaDuelMasters wrote:+1 I agree with that completely, kinda reminds me of surrounding Mist Rias with blockers to take advantage of the draw power effect of every time a creature enters the battle zone draw a card, severely underrated.

    Yup. Many people sleep on Mist Rias. There's a reason as to why it was limited in the OCG Very Happy
    Master of Destruction
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    [TCG] Charmilia, the Enticer Empty Re: [TCG] Charmilia, the Enticer

    Post by LordSommerhill 12.09.20 13:01

    A prime example of a suuuuupercool card, with awesome artwork, that is just to ineffective for high tier duels. Very few creatures with tap abilities are any good, due to being slow and having zero impact on the first turn. Charmilia is beaten by all the popular cards that are played on the 4-5th turn, like Clamp, Corile, Magris and most importantly Terahorn. Terahorn is better than Charmilia in pretty much every way. It comes out a turn later, but thats the turn Charmilias effect would go off anyways, and it gets the effect instantly (without having to survive for a turn first). It also provides the same power and from the same civ. Sure Charmilia can potentially get the effect of multiple times, but this will rarely happen against a good deck. So yeah its a very cool card that would be fun to use, but its just too slow and vulnerable Sad
    Invincible Charge
    Invincible Charge

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    [TCG] Charmilia, the Enticer Empty Re: [TCG] Charmilia, the Enticer

    Post by Halfar 13.09.20 8:42

    I play Charmilia in my Mykee's Plier's Control deck.
    It focuses on that tap effect creatures like Deklowaz and Charmilia and its works fine.
    Master of Destruction
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    [TCG] Charmilia, the Enticer Empty Re: [TCG] Charmilia, the Enticer

    Post by LordSommerhill 23.02.21 12:53

    @Halfar yeah a combo with Mykee's Pliers is about the only way i can ever see Charmilia work competitively. It still lacks some consistency though, since you then have to depend on Mykee's Pliers to stick around. Its also not optimal that they have the same mana cost, but yeah i guess it can work to some extent.

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    [TCG] Charmilia, the Enticer Empty Re: [TCG] Charmilia, the Enticer

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