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    Gigavrand + Transmogrify

    Black Shadow
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    Gigavrand + Transmogrify Empty Gigavrand + Transmogrify

    Post by OcaVan 08.04.17 1:59

    Will Gigavrands effect activate when i use Transmogrify on a creature of my opponnent?

    Gigavrand effects says that if my opponnemt drew more than 2 cards in any turn, my opponnent has to discard his hand.
    Here is the effect of Gigavrand:

    Transmogrify says that after the target creatures is destroyed the target player 'reveals' cards until he reveals a monster.

    So my question is:
    Is revealing a card the same as drawing a card?
    I'm really uncertain about it because i haven't found anything useful on dm wikia. Normally it's very detailed.

    The action of drawing seems very similar to the action of revealing a card. Both let you draw a card.
    I would be pleased if you guys could helo me with this question.
    Master of Destruction
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    Gigavrand + Transmogrify Empty Re: Gigavrand + Transmogrify

    Post by Mr-ex777 08.04.17 10:58

    No, it is not. Draw and reveal are 2 different things.

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    Gigavrand + Transmogrify Empty Re: Gigavrand + Transmogrify

    Post by Admin 08.04.17 12:04

    Mr-ex777 is correct. Drawing and revealing a card are two different things. When you draw, you add the top-most card of your deck into your hand. When you reveal a card from the top of your deck, it might not even get added to your hand or any other zone.

    Even if you reveal and add a card to your hand, it's not counted as drawing a card.
    Black Shadow
    Black Shadow

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    Gigavrand + Transmogrify Empty Re: Gigavrand + Transmogrify

    Post by OcaVan 08.04.17 13:15

    Is there any similar situation with other card effects? Maybe from a different forum?
    Because there isn't any official or something that has been already discussed about this two cards.
    Your answers are good and make sense but i really want to be sure about this.
    However Gigavrand should wirk with 2x Necrodragon Zalva.

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    Gigavrand + Transmogrify Empty Re: Gigavrand + Transmogrify

    Post by Yami_Michael 16.04.17 15:36

    No specific rules for it, no.

    Just that Draw and Reveal are different actions.

    And as it says, Gigavrand only cares about "draw". Reveal is just looking at a card, not putting it into your hand (although the rest of a cards effect may put it into your hand, it has to say "draw" to be a "Draw").

    Gigavrand and 2x Zalva is fine.

    Gigavrand + Transmogrify PyjoDV3
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    Black Shadow
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    Gigavrand + Transmogrify Empty Re: Gigavrand + Transmogrify

    Post by OcaVan 16.04.17 21:24

    Okay, thanks for your help. Now i know that they don't work together.
    Bronze-Arm Sloth
    Bronze-Arm Sloth
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    Gigavrand + Transmogrify Empty Re: Gigavrand + Transmogrify

    Post by Bronze-Arm Sloth 03.07.17 11:49

    Try using Cyclone Panic, the only card that can force vrands effect.

    - Other options are, 2 Zalva as stated above (too expensive and senseless)
    - wait for opponent to use stream or serum (unexpectable when vrand is down)

    You can create kinda rub deck, using Cyclone Panic, Gugavrand, Gigazald, Gigappi Ponto, Gigabalza, Volc Charger maybe and blue for draw.

    Black Shadow
    Black Shadow

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    Gigavrand + Transmogrify Empty Re: Gigavrand + Transmogrify

    Post by OcaVan 04.07.17 12:29

    Yeah, thanks for the Info, sonebody else told me also that i could use Gigavrand with Cyclone panic, a very mean combo.
    I originally planned to play Gigvrand in combination with Transmogrify in a DeckOut/Mill deck but it isn't working sadly. That's why i suggested Zalva...
    Bronze-Arm Sloth
    Bronze-Arm Sloth
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    Gigavrand + Transmogrify Empty Re: Gigavrand + Transmogrify

    Post by Bronze-Arm Sloth 04.07.17 18:04

    OcaVan wrote:Yeah, thanks for the Info, sonebody else told me also that i could use Gigavrand with Cyclone panic, a very mean combo.
    I originally planned to play Gigvrand in combination with Transmogrify in a DeckOut/Mill deck but it isn't working sadly. That's why i suggested Zalva...

    Can't really suggest Zalva for this, you would need 8 mana and 2 Zalva in one turn, discard will deny this combo, Cyclone is just 3 mana and can happen in every turn, since it's a trigger. The only requirement is just 2 or more hand cards in your opponents hand.
    I would also add Gigaclaws to the deck and melnia, this is a mean and easy combo Smile

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    Gigavrand + Transmogrify Empty Re: Gigavrand + Transmogrify

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