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    Middleman Trades - Instructions & Requests


    Posts : 556
    Feedback Points : +8
    Join date : 2016-11-22
    Location : Finland

    Middleman Trades - Instructions & Requests Empty Middleman Trades - Instructions & Requests

    Post by Admin 25.11.16 20:20

    Our forum offers middleman trades for our members. You can always trade the traditional way but trades using middleman are more secure and thus recommended for high value trades.

    As the Admin of this forum I'm willing to be a middleman in trades. Usually, in addition to the postage, you need to pay me a small fee (usually 0-5€ for both). In the future there might be more eligible middlemen and they will be all be listed on this topic. Moderators automatically have the privilege of being a middleman but they don't have to do that.

    Read all the instructions here before sending a middleman request.

    When you are requesting a middleman, you need to give the following information but do not post that here in the open; use private messages. Here it's enough to just request a middleman by telling us the username of you trading partner and a short description of your trade.
    1. What's the deal (all cards involved and the amount of the money transferred).
    2. The username of your trading partner on DM Reborn.
    3. The address information of both parties.

    Post no new messages on this thread even if no-one replies you in less than a week. You will be contacted.

    Q: Why would I trade using a middleman?
    A: Because middleman prevents you from getting scammed while also being relatively cheap. Despite the references, using a middleman is always a wise choice when doing a high value trade.

    Q: How does middleman trading work?
    A: Here are the steps:
    1. You have confirmed the trade and agreed on using a middleman.
    2. The middleman approves/confirms that he is involved in this trade.
    3. Both trading parties exchanges addresses first with each other and then also with the middleman.
    4. Both parties send their end to the middleman, including the agreed middleman commission preferably electronically since postal offices generally won't approve sending money.
    5. After the middleman has received both end, he inspects them and forwards them to their respectful owners.
    6. After receiving your order you leave feedback for both the other party and the middleman.
    7. The middleman leaves feedback for both trading parties after they have received their ends.

    Q: From whom will I get feedback when completing a middleman trade?
    A: Usually everybody involved gets 2 Feedback points.
    Person A leaves feedback for Person B and the middleman.
    Person B leaves feedback for Person A and the middleman.
    The middleman leaves feedback for Person A and Person B.

    Q: Who is a recommended user?
    A: A non-moderator user who has the privilege to do middleman trades. For now, we don't have any such users.

    Q: Can a user that is neither a moderator, an admin or a recommended user be a middleman?
    A: We don't recommend this but if you both trust this person, you can complete the trade using him as well.

    Last edited by ELTP on 15.01.18 22:02; edited 3 times in total (Reason for editing : Typos)

      Current date/time is 11.09.24 14:06