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    BLU nostalgia


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    Join date : 2018-07-31

    BLU nostalgia Empty BLU nostalgia

    Post by Renaleika 02.08.18 16:52

    Melnia The Aqua Shadow x4
    Gigaslug x2
    Cloned Nightmare x4
    Chilias, the Oracle x2 x2
    Energy Stream x2
    Nariel the Oracle x2
    Cloned Spiral x4
    Cranial Clamp x2
    Corile x3
    Marinomancer x2
    Holy Awe x3
    Terror Pit x3
    Aqua Surfer x2
    Wise Starnoid, Avatar of Hope x1
    Bluum Erkis Flare Guardian x2
    Miraculus Plague x1
    Tanzanyte the Awakener x1

    So I had a deck back in the day, right before the game was stabed with a rusty shovel and buried in a shalow grave.
    It was very fun to play, and extreamly good (within the local meta), it eaven had a 50/50 win rate against a Bombazar deck (again, local version).

    So time passes an I am once again chasing the DM Dragon, this time draged in by a friend who spent a few thousand bucks creating a few top tier decks and needed to justify his purchase.

    We play a couple nights and he anahilates me an a couple times each turn, so I realize I need to change a few things (Remove Deathsmoke, Miracle Gate and a few other things).

    This is the new version of that deck, it's not optimal, but better than it was. It still has the all-important nostalgia-factor, and hopefuly is both fun to play and can hold its own against Bobazar/MarinoContol/Starnoid.

    Hope for some creative feedback.

    Last edited by Renaleika on 05.08.18 21:11; edited 1 time in total
    Invincible Charge
    Invincible Charge

    Posts : 315
    Feedback Points : +12
    Join date : 2018-01-18
    Age : 29
    Location : Germany

    BLU nostalgia Empty Re: BLU nostalgia

    Post by Halfar 05.08.18 10:17

    Renaleika wrote:
    Melnia The Aqua Shadow x4
    Gigaslug x2
    Cloned Nightmare x4
    Pala Oesis, Morning Guardian x2
    Energy Stream x2
    Nariel the Oracle x2
    Cloned Spiral x4
    Cranial Clamp x2
    Corile x3
    Marinomancer x2
    Holy Awe x3
    Terror Pit x3
    Aqua Surfer x3
    Bluum Erkis Flare Guardian x2
    Miraculus Plague x1
    Tanzanyte the Awakener x1

    So I had a deck back in the day, right before the game was stabed with a rusty shovel and buried in a shalow grave.
    It was very fun to play, and extreamly good (within the local meta), it eaven had a 50/50 win rate against a Bombazar deck (again, local version).

    So time passes an I am once again chasing the DM Dragon, this time draged in by a friend who spent a few thousand bucks creating a few top tier decks and needed to justify his purchase.

    We play a couple nights and he anahilates me an a couple times each turn, so I realize I need to change a few things (Remove Deathsmoke, Miracle Gate and a few other things).

    This is the new version of that deck, it's not optimal, but better than it was. It still has the all-important nostalgia-factor, and hopefuly is both fun to play and can hold its own against Bobazar/MarinoContol/Starnoid.

    Hope for some creative feedback.

    looking good imo, but i would add a few more draw cards Smile

    Posts : 5
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    Join date : 2018-07-31

    BLU nostalgia Empty Re: BLU nostalgia

    Post by Renaleika 05.08.18 19:31

    Good Idea, but I dont know what I should take out and I dont want to go over 40 cards.

    EDIT: I made a small change, adding starnoid and switchig in two Chilias
    Invincible Charge
    Invincible Charge

    Posts : 315
    Feedback Points : +12
    Join date : 2018-01-18
    Age : 29
    Location : Germany

    BLU nostalgia Empty Re: BLU nostalgia

    Post by Halfar 06.08.18 9:16

    Renaleika wrote:Good Idea, but I dont know what I should take out and I dont want to go over 40 cards.

    EDIT: I made a small change, adding starnoid and switchig in two Chilias

    I would take out all cloned spiral, but you must know if it hurt your nostalgia feeling king

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