Hello all:) First things first, all trading rules of DM Reborn apply! I mail anywhere but i live in Singapore so if we're trading, you'll have to be willing to mail here. I have 5 copies of english NM Soulswaps and 2 copies of english promo Terror Pits available for trade or sell, much preferably trade with my very small wants list. Also on a side note i also have tons of jap versions of english cards such as Bluum and Miraculous Plague that im trying to clear and would be happy to sell below market rates.
3 Promo Emeral(high priority)
2 Miraculous rebirth (low priority)
5 Soulswaps
2 Promo Terror Pits
3 Promo Emeral(high priority)
2 Miraculous rebirth (low priority)
5 Soulswaps
2 Promo Terror Pits