Well I was looking at Duel Masters cards to find something to build around, and I came across Gaiglen. I understand that he's not the best Victory Rare but I thought he was still pretty interesting and could work out in a deck so this is my Gaiglen Turbo deck profile.
Finishers:8 cards
4X Gaiglen, Violent Dragon Incident-the main finisher of the deck. We try to get to 9 fire mana as fast as possible and use him to finish the opponent and if they have tapped creatures we want to kill as many of them as possible first to increase his power and to wipe the board as much as possible
2X Gaial Mobius, Victory Emperor-He's big and he has creature removal. We run him just to have an extra finisher with creature removal
2X Bolshack Cross, Passion Dragon-He's anti-psychic creatures. For any deck that doesn't run psychics he's just a beat stick but he's still pretty big
Main Creatures:12
4X Bakudoragon, Passion Dragon-He's a cheap dragon we can hopefully play on the third turn and then use him to draw big dragons to be used later
4X Genji Triple Cross, Passion Dragon-He's a mid-range dragon that can rid the field of pesky blockers or just break shields if needed
4X Johnny Walker, Exploding Mask-early mana accel/weenie removal
Shield Trigger Creatures:8
4X Batocross Dragon, Passion Dragon-classic fire shield trigger
4X Mettagils, Passion Dragon-conditional shield trigger card removal
4XScramble Change-Do I need to explain?
4X Mendelssohn-Early game mana accel hopefully to get 5 mana on turn 3
4X Blue Dragon Earth-Shield Trigger pull dragons out of mana. And I have some good dragons to pull out during the opponent's turn to hopefully disrupt them.
What I hope to do-
Turn 1- Charge with f/n card
Turn 2- Charge with f card cast Mendelssohn to gain 2 mana
Turn 3- Charge with f to summon Bakudoragon and attack and draw a dragon that will help with the match, or just Gaiglen
Turn 4-Charge with f or f/n then Mendelssohn and Johnny to hopefully gain 3 mana
Turn 5+-Charge with f Either summon Gaiglen then go in for it or use Scramble change to summon something else to do things, or even use Blue Dragon Earth to pull something from mana repeat this every turn alive
[Link to TCO deck Profile]
Well that's build#1 of my Gaiglen Turbo.
I really find this deck fun and even though it's not close to being meta, it can still make some very cool plays once it's set up.
Though it does have weaknesses:
-It's weak in creature removal with most of the removal being just battling
-It's incredibly weak to rushes such as Redzone
-It really hates discard, but what deck doesn't? You know besides decks that run alot of Madness cards and Deadzone
-It's only draw is Bakudoragon and that might end up a problem
-This isn't the most consistant deck with Mendelssohn being the main mana accel meaning I need dragons at the top of my deck to get that mana quickly meaning a lot of the times the Turn 5+ play could be on turn 7 worst case scenario.
If there are any tips on how to make this deck better, I'm all ears! Though if you suggest an extra civilization could you also suggest some cards that would work well. Also I'm trying to keep all the cards part fire so I can use Gaiglen easily. And I don't want to use something like Courtney, Summer Breeze Faerie cause while Mega ManaLock is restricted I don't want to risk it locking every card in my mana.
Finishers:8 cards
4X Gaiglen, Violent Dragon Incident-the main finisher of the deck. We try to get to 9 fire mana as fast as possible and use him to finish the opponent and if they have tapped creatures we want to kill as many of them as possible first to increase his power and to wipe the board as much as possible
2X Gaial Mobius, Victory Emperor-He's big and he has creature removal. We run him just to have an extra finisher with creature removal
2X Bolshack Cross, Passion Dragon-He's anti-psychic creatures. For any deck that doesn't run psychics he's just a beat stick but he's still pretty big
Main Creatures:12
4X Bakudoragon, Passion Dragon-He's a cheap dragon we can hopefully play on the third turn and then use him to draw big dragons to be used later
4X Genji Triple Cross, Passion Dragon-He's a mid-range dragon that can rid the field of pesky blockers or just break shields if needed
4X Johnny Walker, Exploding Mask-early mana accel/weenie removal
Shield Trigger Creatures:8
4X Batocross Dragon, Passion Dragon-classic fire shield trigger
4X Mettagils, Passion Dragon-conditional shield trigger card removal
4XScramble Change-Do I need to explain?
4X Mendelssohn-Early game mana accel hopefully to get 5 mana on turn 3
4X Blue Dragon Earth-Shield Trigger pull dragons out of mana. And I have some good dragons to pull out during the opponent's turn to hopefully disrupt them.
What I hope to do-
Turn 1- Charge with f/n card
Turn 2- Charge with f card cast Mendelssohn to gain 2 mana
Turn 3- Charge with f to summon Bakudoragon and attack and draw a dragon that will help with the match, or just Gaiglen
Turn 4-Charge with f or f/n then Mendelssohn and Johnny to hopefully gain 3 mana
Turn 5+-Charge with f Either summon Gaiglen then go in for it or use Scramble change to summon something else to do things, or even use Blue Dragon Earth to pull something from mana repeat this every turn alive
[Link to TCO deck Profile]
Well that's build#1 of my Gaiglen Turbo.
I really find this deck fun and even though it's not close to being meta, it can still make some very cool plays once it's set up.
Though it does have weaknesses:
-It's weak in creature removal with most of the removal being just battling
-It's incredibly weak to rushes such as Redzone
-It really hates discard, but what deck doesn't? You know besides decks that run alot of Madness cards and Deadzone
-It's only draw is Bakudoragon and that might end up a problem
-This isn't the most consistant deck with Mendelssohn being the main mana accel meaning I need dragons at the top of my deck to get that mana quickly meaning a lot of the times the Turn 5+ play could be on turn 7 worst case scenario.
If there are any tips on how to make this deck better, I'm all ears! Though if you suggest an extra civilization could you also suggest some cards that would work well. Also I'm trying to keep all the cards part fire so I can use Gaiglen easily. And I don't want to use something like Courtney, Summer Breeze Faerie cause while Mega ManaLock is restricted I don't want to risk it locking every card in my mana.