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    I Keep on Losing - What's Going on?

    Master of Destruction
    Master of Destruction

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    I Keep on Losing - What's Going on? Empty I Keep on Losing - What's Going on?

    Post by Mr-ex777 04.02.17 19:17

    I'm already dueling the whole night today ever since Neos96 reported my facebook account (Not related) and every time opponent just crushes me. I never won any duels today save for the first two. It always happens either i have really bad shuffles, the opponent always has that perfect counter against my strategies and other cases i just get rushed to death. I'm currently losing 5 duels in a row.

    Is there anything that makes this happen? Tilt anyone?
    Zach Hartigan
    Zach Hartigan

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    I Keep on Losing - What's Going on? Empty Re: I Keep on Losing - What's Going on?

    Post by Zach Hartigan 04.02.17 19:27

    Kanashimidomino Twisted Evil

    Your Eyes are like a space. So bright and deep. I just want to drown in to em'...

    I Keep on Losing - What's Going on? Promo114

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    I Keep on Losing - What's Going on? Empty Re: I Keep on Losing - What's Going on?

    Post by Admin 04.02.17 22:48

    It's just some bad luck, I guess. Maybe already tomorrow you start winning again.

    I have had similar experience with my friend. Sometimes he kept winning, sometimes me and others we won pretty much equally often, although our decks stayed ultimately the same over this time. It's interesting.

    Don't be that guy who blames the system for not shuffling your deck properly or giving you a shitty hand. It's all random so in the end it's just probabilities.
    Black Shadow
    Black Shadow

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    I Keep on Losing - What's Going on? Empty Re: I Keep on Losing - What's Going on?

    Post by OcaVan 05.02.17 23:07

    Sure that happends to mee to in regular duels. Sometimes i loose like 7 times in a row. That can be very frustrating. And sometimes it's vice versa.
    But that's one thing i learned from Duel Masters (in real life duels), sometimes you have to be fine with loosing. If some matches are really close and i still lose, i make a respective handshake or just commenting on my bad luck can be funny sometimes... sometimes it's just one missing mana that makes you loose. And this doesn't mean these are tricks that work everytime, sometimes i'm just frustrated too...
    After all, it's still some kind of luck based card game =)

    I can imagine how frustrating loosing an online duel... maybe a voice chat is helpful to bring the human factor back in. That's the good thing about regular card games: your or the gloating of others can creating a charming atmosphere of competition.

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    I Keep on Losing - What's Going on? Empty Re: I Keep on Losing - What's Going on?

    Post by diabolicaldrew 07.02.17 11:07

    I feel with Duel Masters a lot of the time it comes to match-ups. Some decks just line up much better against others. The first time I started using my Cruel Naga deck it worked really well, but I faced a fire deck that just killed off my evo bait too fast. I lost 4 times straight with it then. While it is important to have a balanced deck, there will be some style decks out there that are just designed to beat that deck.

    Fun example, my friend used an Uberdragon Bajula deck against me and I told him I would create a deck which would make his useless. I came up with using Nariel the Oracle with Pala Olesis. He wasn't packing comet missiles in his deck so he forfeited after a few turns.

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    I Keep on Losing - What's Going on? Empty Re: I Keep on Losing - What's Going on?

    Post by Admin 07.02.17 13:24

    Even if your deck is very balanced and is suitable against your opponent's deck, you still could lose over and over again. It's not necessarily because you don't have the skills but because your opponent could be a bit more lucky. By balancing your deck well you can reduce the luck factor but it's still there.

    This topic is getting more directed towards a discussion on losing and what does it mean to lose or win. I'll move it to another section an maybe rename it.

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