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    FDN Deklowaz Control Deck


    Posts : 33
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    Join date : 2021-06-01

    FDN Deklowaz Control Deck Empty FDN Deklowaz Control Deck

    Post by madmicro0430 08.04.22 5:03

    Today, I would like to share a fun deck with you - FDN Deklowaz Control Deck. Deklowaz imo is a card that everyone wants it to work in a meta, but it never did. It is such a slow card with 6-cost and need to wait a turn for its tapping ability to work. Other fire mass removal works and darkness discard cards do their work without this delay.

    But I kinda want to build decks with cards that most players find useless, so I made this deck for fun.  

    "Fun" implies three things here:
    1. It is not competitive in the meta environment
    2. It is matchup-dependent
    3. When the deck does works against your opponent, it is quite satisfying

    The idea of the deck was to utilize Deklowaz - a risky yet high payoff creature to shatter your opponent's game plan.
    FDN Deklowaz Control Deck Fdn_de10

    To speed up summoning Deklowaz, BAT and faerie life is used for mana ramp, along with other removal cards like Terror Pit, fire mass removal cards to control your opponent.
    Can get out Deklowaz theoretically in Turn 4, with BAT and soulswap play

    Galklife is there to prevent power boost from petrova or pala-olesis
    Baza to clear stronger creatures
    Finisher would be bolmeteus. Without it, likely I am doomed.

    An evil play would be upheaval Smile, returning 3k or below creatures to your opponent's hand, and then use Deklowaz ability.
    But I guess it only works against Aggro decks with many creatures with 3k or below, otherwise it loses to rush and heavy control decks.

    Feel free to leave your comment

    Last edited by madmicro0430 on 11.04.22 14:06; edited 1 time in total

    Posts : 2
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    Join date : 2022-04-08

    FDN Deklowaz Control Deck Empty Re: FDN Deklowaz Control Deck

    Post by Fujie-A 08.04.22 6:22

    Hello madmicro0430.I read it.
    From my opinion, this deck will be defeated by many creatures because it doesn't bave the cards that can destroy some creatures.
    Bolmeteus is really good finisher,but it needs mana.I felt this deck doesn't have durability.
    Then, I recommend "Searing wave" to you.
    If I offend you, I apologize to you.
    I hope you make the best Deklowaz's deck.

    Posts : 33
    Feedback Points : None
    Join date : 2021-06-01

    FDN Deklowaz Control Deck Empty Re: FDN Deklowaz Control Deck

    Post by madmicro0430 08.04.22 6:48

    You didn't offend me Smile
    If I had space, I would definitely have added Searing wave, and burst shot which you didn't mention. Unfortunately not.

    So yeah it will lose to many decks. I guess in the setting of 40-cards limit, deklowaz is difficult to be great. Sad fact.

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    FDN Deklowaz Control Deck Empty Re: FDN Deklowaz Control Deck

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