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    GRUY Rebirth Midrange Deck


    Posts : 33
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    Join date : 2021-06-01

    GRUY Rebirth Midrange Deck Empty GRUY Rebirth Midrange Deck

    Post by madmicro0430 08.04.22 3:56

    Hi today I would like to share with you another Rebirth Midrange Deck - GRUY

    To me, it is more powerful than the GRUB Rebirth Midrange posted previously, because of stronger creatures overall and more effective retrieval cards.
    For those who are interested in the GRUB one, can visit this link

    So, here is the deck:GRUY Rebirth Midrange Deck Gruy_r10

    Compared to the GRUB version, it has several advantages:
    1. Stronger creatures: Magris, Phal, Forbos, Ularus, Aqua skydiver. These cards are less vulnerable to fire mass removal like burst shot, searing wave (Aqua skydiver can return to hand when destroyed).
    2. Better retrieval cards: Belix is much better than Thrash Crawler to get back spells I want. Phal Eega can also allow retrieval of the powerful Miraculous Rebirth.
    3. Soulswap x 3 was added in this deck. It allows much flexible play.

    Feel free to share your thoughts Smile

    1. No graveyard Retrieval. That's why you can see that Bazagazeal Dragon is at 2 copies, in case 1 goes to the graveyard.
    2. Other weaknesses are pretty similar to the GRUB version. Basically the key card is Rebirth. If your opponent does not play many creatures or the creatures are mainly 1-2 drops as in FN rush etc, this deck has a very bad matchup.

      Current date/time is 11.09.24 14:48