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    Dokindam X Deck


    Posts : 1
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    Join date : 2021-05-26

    Dokindam X Deck Empty Dokindam X Deck

    Post by revenge_time 26.06.21 6:48

    Hi everyone, new here in DM Reborn.

    You guys might have known me from Trade Cards Online when I used to play back in 2015-2016 times.

    Well I didn't come across a Dokindam X deck here or any other Invasion deck in the recent topics. So anyone has a suggestion on this? I would love to have your opinion on this deck of mine. Thank you in advance.

    Here are some of the cards which I have in mind for adding :

    Creatures :

    1. The Red, Lightning Sonic x 4
    2. Redzone, Roaring Invasion x 4
    3. Turbo 3, Supersonic x 2
    5. Mach 55 , Supersonic x 2
    6. The Mach , Lightning Sonic x 4
    7. RedZone X, Forbidden Lightning Sonic x 2
    8. Trig, Forbidden C x 2
    9. Marmo , Forbidden C x 2
    10. Single, Lightning Sonic x 2
    11. Redzone Z , Passionate Invasion x 4
    12. The Zet, Lightning Sonic x 4

    Spells :

    1. Liberation of the End x 4
    2. The End of X x 4

    Forbidden The Sealed X x 1
    Dokindam X x 1

    Last edited by revenge_time on 26.06.21 7:13; edited 4 times in total (Reason for editing : Added my opinion , hope this helps someone. Open to any modifications on this. Thank You.)

      Current date/time is 11.09.24 14:28