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    DMR-rules Cryptic BollyTrigger


    Posts : 40
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    Join date : 2018-10-27
    Location : Denmark

    DMR-rules Cryptic BollyTrigger Empty DMR-rules Cryptic BollyTrigger

    Post by Rishino 24.06.20 20:47

    Shield trigger heavy deck focusing on Bolly and Cryptic Totem. DMR-rules (2 Soulswap, 1 Clamp)

    Fire: 9

    3x Bolmeteus Steel Dragon
    3x Tornado Flame
    3x Burst Shot

    Water: 9

    2x Emeral
    3x Aqua Surfer
    3x Brain Serum
    1x Crystal Memory

    Nature: 12

    2x Cryptic Totem
    3x Bronze-Arm Tribe
    3x Dimension Gate
    2x Mana Nexus
    2x Soulswap

    Darkness: 10

    3x Locomotiver
    2x Dark Reversal
    1x Cranium Clamp
    4x Terror Pit

    Total: 40

    DMR-rules Cryptic BollyTrigger Dmr_cr11

      Current date/time is 11.09.24 14:42