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    Old School 5 Civs Control


    Posts : 6
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    Join date : 2020-06-14

    Old School 5 Civs Control Empty Old School 5 Civs Control

    Post by cardtrader88 16.06.20 21:39

    Hey, found my old deck i use to rock at tourneys back in the day, a pretty cool control deck consisting of all 5 civilizations (ok so the only light i have is holy awe, shhhh)

    did me pretty good back then, not sure how it'd hold up in todays meta tho, probably get slaughtered, let me know what u guys think

    also use to rock a fire/dark rush deck but i can't seem to find it. if anything ill post a list here later. Old School 5 Civs Control 83112910

    Posts : 14
    Feedback Points : +2
    Join date : 2018-10-23

    Old School 5 Civs Control Empty Re: Old School 5 Civs Control

    Post by Daniitaka 17.06.20 9:25

    I like it because i have a pretty similar deck from the old days. My deck is only 4civ (without the awes). And it still works. I don't add Cards from the "new" series.
    I Count 56 Cards in your deck. i would try to reduce to 50 Cards ( i know ist difficult, i run 55 Cards Very Happy in this deck)
    Invincible Charge
    Invincible Charge

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    Age : 29
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    Old School 5 Civs Control Empty Re: Old School 5 Civs Control

    Post by Halfar 17.06.20 14:28

    cardtrader88 wrote:Hey, found my old deck i use to rock at tourneys back in the day, a pretty cool control deck consisting of all 5 civilizations (ok so the only light i have is holy awe, shhhh)

    did me pretty good back then, not sure how it'd hold up in todays meta tho, probably get slaughtered, let me know what u guys think

    also use to rock a fire/dark rush deck but i can't seem to find it. if anything ill post a list here later. Old School 5 Civs Control 83112910

    Hey i must say for the "old" time this deck is extremely well built.

    My experience is that everyone played Aggro back in the Days
    (mostly Barkwhip or Chaos Worm beatdown).

    Your Deck is very similiar to GRUB.

    I would just optimize it a little bit.
    Maybe cut the 4x Awe, 1-2 Thrash Crawler and 1-2 Magnus (you dont need 4 in a Control Deck).

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