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    Mono D Worms


    Posts : 14
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    Join date : 2019-10-24
    Location : Germany

    Mono D Worms Empty Mono D Worms

    Post by Spaulding 18.12.19 13:25

    Hey guys,

    I wanted to share a fun deck of mine and I hope that you could help me to improve the deck.
    I know that it is unlikely that it will beat Meta decks consistantly but the deck makes a lot of fun.
    So here is the list with some explanations:

    Mono D Worms (40):

    1x Tyrant Worm (worst Worm, but instantly evolves into Chaos on T6, synergy with Mongrel-->1 mana draw 1)
    3x Bloody Squito (standard blocker)
    4x Propeller Mutant (best T2 attacker)
    2x Critical Blade (remove opponents blocker for Gacack und Horrid attacks)
    4x Horrid Worm (best non evolution Worm)
    1x Gray Balloon (played 3-1 blocker split instead of 4-0 because of only 6x 3 drops)
    1x Gachack (tech card, good with Mutant and Blade)
    4x Locomotiver (standard)
    4x Shadow Moon (synergy with 34 Darkness creatures total, keeps 2000+ creatures save from Searing Wave)
    3x Gregorian Worm (only 3 copies because of already 11x 4 drops, in my opinion the worst of the 4 drops)
    4x Chaos Worm (best Worm)
    3x Mongrel Man (only card draw engine, 10x destruction effects + Gachack)
    4x Terror Pit (standard)
    2x Trox (synergy with 34 Darkness creatures total)

    The things I considerd is adjusting the amount of evolution bait (current version is 8 Worm evo baits and 4 evos). Maybe add another Tyrant and Gregorian (or remove a Chaos? Altough its the signature card of the deck) and remove a Trox (since it is hard to get to 7 mana without any mana accelaration and have a board so its effect would be useful) and a Shadow Moon or Locomotiver.

    So let me know what you guys think about the build and where i could improve it.

    Invincible Charge
    Invincible Charge

    Posts : 315
    Feedback Points : +12
    Join date : 2018-01-18
    Age : 29
    Location : Germany

    Mono D Worms Empty Re: Mono D Worms

    Post by Halfar 14.01.20 20:41

    Your deck looks awesome Smile

    I have a Mono Darkness - Worm deck by myself.

    I know the problem with the lack of good 3 Mana cards.
    I recommend try slash charger.
    Some like it, some hate it but imo it really helps in this case.

    Also try out more Tyrant worm, he is soooo awesome, especially with instantly evolving it into Chaos Worm.

    I kinda like to "tribute" him to draw with Mongrel man.

    Last but not least, try Zombie Carnival, its just so good (obviously) lol!

      Current date/time is 11.09.24 13:32