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    UY Starnoid Swarm (Endgame List)

    Master of Destruction
    Master of Destruction

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    UY Starnoid Swarm (Endgame List) Empty UY Starnoid Swarm (Endgame List)

    Post by Promised. 20.08.19 5:55

    PS: I do not claim ownership of any of the lists I post. They came to be through the concerted efforts of the DM Community in Singapore. Although I am pretty sure I am WL Starnoids most ardent supporter, since no one in our community has this deck haha.

    Blue ( 17 )
    4x Emeral
    4x Aqua Hulcus
    2x Lucky Ball
    3x Corile
    4x Aqua Surfer

    Yellow ( 17 )
    2x Tulk
    4x Reusol
    4x Magris
    2x Kolon
    2x Petrova
    3x Holy Awe

    Multi ( 6 )
    3x Electro Explorer Syrion
    3x Wise Starnoid

    Color Counts
    Blue 23
    Yellow 23

    Deck Size: 40


    ■Deck Archtypes
    ▪︎Aggro - Beatdown
    ▪︎Swarm - Aggro Combo
    ▪︎Tempo - Aggro Control
    ▪︎Midrange - Control Aggro (2types: Threat and Answer based)
    ▪︎Control - Control Combo

    ■ Here is a very brief competitve dm tcg 101 guide (For a detailed explaination, refer to Kevin's guide)

    Identify your deck archtype > build it to achieve its gameplan in the most efficient way, by balancing colors and card counts > In matches the first thing to do is to identify what deck your opponent is playing, which will allow you to determine who is playing the "control" and who is the "aggro"> play in a way that allows you to most efficiently achieve your deck's gameplan

    ■ Kevin Ho's comprehensive guide to dm tcg:

    ■ *Balancing color counts is extremely important! *
    Hypergeometric Calculator - https://stattrek.com/online-calculator/hypergeometric.aspx

    ■ TCG Tier List (Compendum of Meta Decks)

    ■ Shin's Youtube Channel: Promised. (telegram me your video duels I can upload them for you) - https://m.youtube.com/channel/UCTvfDBr-Al563DGeol6qEwQ

    Last edited by Promised. on 01.11.19 17:16; edited 5 times in total
    Invincible Charge
    Invincible Charge

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    UY Starnoid Swarm (Endgame List) Empty Re: UY Starnoid Swarm (Endgame List)

    Post by Halfar 05.09.19 8:47

    Looking good but why did you choose Reusol over Wyn, the Oracle? king
    Master of Destruction
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    UY Starnoid Swarm (Endgame List) Empty Re: UY Starnoid Swarm (Endgame List)

    Post by Promised. 09.09.19 7:57

    Hey man nice to see you are still active. Wyn and Le quiest both have nice abilities but Reusol's additional 500 power to make it 2000 is the deciding factor because tempo is more important than what those 2 aforementioned creatures can do. Reusol being 2k power allows it to trade with hulcus and coriles or other importanty 2k bodies (of course the trading will be done by your opponent and not you because you are the aggressor in most matchups).
    Master of Destruction
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    UY Starnoid Swarm (Endgame List) Empty Re: UY Starnoid Swarm (Endgame List)

    Post by Promised. 19.10.19 4:39

    Once I have the time, I will make a detailed deck tech video covering this deck.
    In the meantime, please have fun with this list. I believe this is the final and most optimized version of UY Starnoid Swarm
    Invincible Charge
    Invincible Charge

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    UY Starnoid Swarm (Endgame List) Empty Re: UY Starnoid Swarm (Endgame List)

    Post by Halfar 26.10.19 21:37

    I have a similar Starnoid Deck but i like to tech 1x Ailzonius.
    (I play more Electro Explorer) and he comes awesome from time to time.

    It has the Advantage that your opponent cannot just focus on Starnoid.

    For that i play 1x Crystal Paladin too.
    Master of Destruction
    Master of Destruction

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    UY Starnoid Swarm (Endgame List) Empty Re: UY Starnoid Swarm (Endgame List)

    Post by Promised. 29.10.19 1:55

    I made some changes to the list. Phasing streams out for lucky ball and removing 2x tulks for 2x kolons to improve the trigger rate of the deck.

    Warlord isn't worth playing becuase there isn't enough bait. And 1 copy is extremely inconsistent. Paladin is kinda useless too since you don't have good evo bodies for it. Also 1 copy is extremely inconsistent.
    Invincible Charge
    Invincible Charge

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    UY Starnoid Swarm (Endgame List) Empty Re: UY Starnoid Swarm (Endgame List)

    Post by Halfar 29.10.19 17:21

    How could you say that ? Very Happy

    It doesnt matter that its inconsistent.
    I play it for the psychological effect and both are awesome.

    It has the benefit that your Opponent cant just focus on Light Bringer and Cyber Lord.
    Master of Destruction
    Master of Destruction

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    UY Starnoid Swarm (Endgame List) Empty Re: UY Starnoid Swarm (Endgame List)

    Post by Promised. 01.11.19 17:12

    Simple arithmetic. Following the principle of probablilty and selecting the best cards for your limited 40 slots for deck building, this is explained indept in Kevin's (diffindo) guide.
    Black Shadow
    Black Shadow

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    UY Starnoid Swarm (Endgame List) Empty Re: UY Starnoid Swarm (Endgame List)

    Post by OcaVan 03.11.19 17:58

    I would give Halfar a point there. It's not always important that a deck is consistent. Splashing single cards can surprise an opponnent either intimidate or leaving him careless. So playing mind games can be quite succesful and huge fun. And diffindos (or everbody elses) guide could always be used as a great and in-depth recommendation and strategy (or whatever) guide but ofc it's nothing that everyone has to agree to.

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    UY Starnoid Swarm (Endgame List) Empty Re: UY Starnoid Swarm (Endgame List)

    Post by Sponsored content

      Current date/time is 11.09.24 13:17