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    DM Strategy and Deckbuilding: a comprehensive guide


    Posts : 18
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    Join date : 2017-02-07
    Location : Singapore

    DM Strategy and Deckbuilding: a comprehensive guide Empty DM Strategy and Deckbuilding: a comprehensive guide

    Post by diffindo 29.06.19 21:45

    Hey all, I've written an article for anyone still interested in the competitive, play-to-win aspect of the DM TCG. It's a lot longer than I initially expected, and turned out to be almost book-length (86 pages and ~32000 words), so most people should be able to find something useful inside.

    Feel free to post here or PM me on Discord if you have any questions. I'll try to answer them to the best of my ability.

    Master of Evolution
    Master of Evolution

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    Join date : 2017-05-29

    DM Strategy and Deckbuilding: a comprehensive guide Empty Re: DM Strategy and Deckbuilding: a comprehensive guide

    Post by iamjason8 09.07.19 15:19

    This post is an absolute treasure trove for DM TCG information and some knowledge can transfer into other things too!  Such a shame it is so intimidatingly long very few will read it.  

    There's a big gap in the market for DM TCG content creation (imo) with most of the more heavily subbed Youtube channels being inactive so I think breaking down this written piece into 10-15 minute videos would be a great way to get the message out.

    From the bits and pieces I read, I think your knowledge and passion is impressive.  Even if you're not into the whole YouTube game, I hope you at least consider posting this on reddit to get more eyes on your writing.

    Posts : 18
    Feedback Points : +1
    Join date : 2017-02-07
    Location : Singapore

    DM Strategy and Deckbuilding: a comprehensive guide Empty Re: DM Strategy and Deckbuilding: a comprehensive guide

    Post by diffindo 10.07.19 7:05

    Hey there, thanks for the feedback!

    It was initially a toss-up between this and videos, but I eventually settled on a written piece considering the breadth and depth of content planned. I also thought that leaving it in writing could let people digest bits and pieces at their own pace.

    Might consider video duels and deck techs, but no concrete plans at the moment. I've put the article up on the DM subreddit in the meantime Smile

    Posts : 2
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    Join date : 2019-08-02

    DM Strategy and Deckbuilding: a comprehensive guide Empty Re: DM Strategy and Deckbuilding: a comprehensive guide

    Post by theslimskinnypanda 02.08.19 3:12

    This link is amazing. There's so much information on it. Thank you. I needed something like this.

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    DM Strategy and Deckbuilding: a comprehensive guide Empty Re: DM Strategy and Deckbuilding: a comprehensive guide

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