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    Is there a place for Slash Charger in RUB Control?

    Master of Evolution
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    Is there a place for Slash Charger in RUB Control? Empty Is there a place for Slash Charger in RUB Control?

    Post by AleksVin 22.02.19 20:21

    The card always seemed too low impact against most decks.

    What do you guys think?

    I still have two, and would love to find a use for them in one of my current decks.
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    Is there a place for Slash Charger in RUB Control? Empty Re: Is there a place for Slash Charger in RUB Control?

    Post by iamjason8 23.02.19 1:22

    Really good question... I've never had this dilemma because I'm not lucky enough to own any copies of Slash Chargers, haha!

    My guess is you would make some cuts in the discard/fire spot removal sections?

    Would be keen to know about your findings. Smile
    Master of Evolution
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    Is there a place for Slash Charger in RUB Control? Empty Re: Is there a place for Slash Charger in RUB Control?

    Post by AleksVin 23.02.19 9:51

    Yeah, I would probably have to cut a bit of my discard.
    I will test it out next week, when I can get my Slash Chargers and a few of my other decks from my mothers place.

    Btw. What do you think about my RUB deck, how it currently is?
    Invincible Charge
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    Is there a place for Slash Charger in RUB Control? Empty Re: Is there a place for Slash Charger in RUB Control?

    Post by Halfar 02.03.19 11:51

    In RUB Mill surely haha....
    No for sure im pretty sure slash can be useful, because of
    -his charger ability -> fast mana generation is awesome
    -Mill threats --> f.e. lost soul
    -Gives you a lot of information, so you can adapt to your opponents deck.
    Black Shadow
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    Is there a place for Slash Charger in RUB Control? Empty Re: Is there a place for Slash Charger in RUB Control?

    Post by OcaVan 09.03.19 10:36

    Slash Charger is underrated imo, at least in our community. Maybe not in a mill deck, but like you said, the value of information about your opponnent deck and reusability in combination with Belix , Trash crwaler is effective
    Master of Evolution
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    Is there a place for Slash Charger in RUB Control? Empty Re: Is there a place for Slash Charger in RUB Control?

    Post by AleksVin 14.03.19 14:57

    The card is pretty fun against opposing Control Decks. Right now I'm testing 2 in my RUB.
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    Is there a place for Slash Charger in RUB Control? Empty Re: Is there a place for Slash Charger in RUB Control?

    Post by AleksVin 14.07.19 23:47

    It's fun, but sadly I had to cut it, since it didn't really help me gain any immediate advantage.
    Invincible Charge
    Invincible Charge

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    Is there a place for Slash Charger in RUB Control? Empty Re: Is there a place for Slash Charger in RUB Control?

    Post by Halfar 05.09.19 8:58

    AleksVin wrote:It's fun, but sadly I had to cut it, since it didn't really help me gain any immediate advantage.

    It depends on the Match up.

    Imagine if you are playing against RUB Control and you kill his Lost Soul king

    RUB Control Mirror Match is basically "who ever hits Lost Soul first wins".

    Master of Destruction
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    Is there a place for Slash Charger in RUB Control? Empty Re: Is there a place for Slash Charger in RUB Control?

    Post by Promised. 09.09.19 8:52

    Invincible Charge
    Invincible Charge

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    Is there a place for Slash Charger in RUB Control? Empty Re: Is there a place for Slash Charger in RUB Control?

    Post by Halfar 13.09.20 9:05

    Yep thats the problem with slash charger.
    The Turn 3 competitors are mostly better.
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    Is there a place for Slash Charger in RUB Control? Empty Re: Is there a place for Slash Charger in RUB Control?

    Post by LordSommerhill 26.09.20 15:51

    Hmm Slash Charger is good against decks that rely on specific finishers and certain key cards, but other than that its main effect is just being mana accel. It has a place in mill decks, but do you really feel like you need Slash Charger in a RUB deck? The problem in RUB is that all the other cards you use there are top of the game cards with high impact values and little risk. Slash Charger has zero impact on the board, and basicly just takes you 1 mana ahead. I would personally say no to your question, but maybe you have certain people in your meta playing a deck that is weak to Slash Charger? For example if somebody is playing a deck with a key finisher and only has a copy or two of it, then Slash Charger would be a nice way to counter them, as you could remove their chance of playing that card. But against any deck that runs 3-4 copies of all the important cards, removing one of them from the deck rather than impacting the board just doesnt really do very much for you. Much better off playing other better 3 drops on turn 3. So my conclusion would be that Slash Charger only has a place in Mill decks and decks where you desperately need mana accel (assuming you dont play nature). Volcano Charger and possibly Vine Charger are the only chargers i would ever consider using in regular decks.
    Invincible Charge
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    Is there a place for Slash Charger in RUB Control? Empty Re: Is there a place for Slash Charger in RUB Control?

    Post by Halfar 27.09.20 11:03

    Wait.. So you dont play Eureka and Corpse Charger?
    I love them! My RUB Control is basically Charger Turbo Very Happy

    4x Volc
    4x Eureka
    2x Corpse

    +2 Thrash

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    In my opinion topdecking Slash charger is almost as bad as Faerie Life.
    Master of Destruction
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    Is there a place for Slash Charger in RUB Control? Empty Re: Is there a place for Slash Charger in RUB Control?

    Post by LordSommerhill 28.09.20 12:27

    Nope i never play any of those. Eureka charger did cross my mind a few times in the past, but if you think about it, all it really does is add 1 mana like Faerie Life...
    Sure it draws a card, but card advantage wise all it does is replace itself (1 for 1). So you end up replacing it with a new card, which is exactly the same as not having the card in the first place and just drawing something else. So effectively you are just paying 4 mana to draw a card, when you could have done something else.

    When it comes to Corpse Charger i would say it is better than Eureka, but i have never liked graveyard return very much, as it really only works in control matchups. Against any sort of aggresive decks or in a losing position the card does nothing for you. So i will not be using any of those again any time soon Razz
    Invincible Charge
    Invincible Charge

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    Is there a place for Slash Charger in RUB Control? Empty Re: Is there a place for Slash Charger in RUB Control?

    Post by Halfar 29.09.20 20:40

    Eureka helps you to ramp with getting a fresh new card.
    It helps to win Lost Soul race better than every other Charger.

    Graveyard recycle is super strong in general and i wont say it is bad against Aggro.

    T2 Squito -> Block with him
    T4 Corpse to get him back or T5 for Corpse + Squito king

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    Is there a place for Slash Charger in RUB Control? Empty Re: Is there a place for Slash Charger in RUB Control?

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