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    Zenith turbo


    Posts : 10
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    Join date : 2019-01-24

    Zenith turbo Empty Zenith turbo

    Post by _wkloh 14.02.19 17:03

    Zenith turbo Img_2010

    Hi everyone! I am an OCG player from Singapore. Here's a Zenith Turbo deck i made recently. Would appreciate any comments on how I might improve it! For those who don't know the cards, they are here:

    4x faerie life
    4x pixie life
    4x lifeplan charger
    4x Ragnarok
    1x 7th tower
    1x Gachinko roulette
    4x faerie shower
    3x Intense vacuuming twist
    4x Kolencocco tank

    Zero cards:
    1x zenith requiem
    3x prelude of horror
    2x wedding
    2x VAN Beethoven
    3x Radio roses
    Black Shadow
    Black Shadow

    Posts : 166
    Feedback Points : +12
    Join date : 2017-02-02
    Location : germany

    Zenith turbo Empty Re: Zenith turbo

    Post by OcaVan 09.03.19 10:47

    nice build there! My Zenith Ramp Deck is pretty much less controll focus but more accel. than this as i don't use any whater. I'm fine with Niyare and Lifeplan Charger but i'm lacking your great triggers as Ragnarok and Intense Vacume Twist. I found Faerie Gift to be useful.
    And as i have more zero cards i use Detroit Techno which is great fun but always target number one on the next turn xD. And you could give Kiramaru , great Miracke a try, whuch is fun =). I also play the regular Beethoven and Onimaru Ogre "Golden Dragon" which combinate quite well together imo. However, i never need to face any dragon decks here as most players are tcg around here... as well against colourless civ cards. Looks really good btw! =)

    Posts : 10
    Feedback Points : None
    Join date : 2019-01-24

    Zenith turbo Empty Re: Zenith turbo

    Post by _wkloh 09.03.19 12:26

    I personally feel Kiramaru has more use in a Kaiser Baki deck or anything with a high cost for gachinko purposes. Onimaru Ogre is almost pointless as it is power and civilization restricted. I prefer to keep the water triggers for defense against getting punched before summoning a Zenith
    Black Shadow
    Black Shadow

    Posts : 166
    Feedback Points : +12
    Join date : 2017-02-02
    Location : germany

    Zenith turbo Empty Re: Zenith turbo

    Post by OcaVan 11.03.19 14:42

    Yep, you would need more and bigger creatures to make Kiramaru more effective, it would help to make Gachinko Roulette more effective. Suspense, Zenith of Curse offers an alternative finishing off your opponnent. However, I also prefer Wedding and Zenith Reqiuem. Feels super powerful Very Happy

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      Current date/time is 11.09.24 13:46