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    Improving the Mana Curve

    Master of Evolution
    Master of Evolution

    Posts : 61
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    Join date : 2017-05-29

    Improving the Mana Curve Empty Improving the Mana Curve

    Post by iamjason8 10.01.19 3:45

    Hi guys,

    I made a video going over the importance of being able to play cards during the early turns of the game and how increasing the count of 2-cost cards could be useful. Examples of useful cards are provided for each civilization are also included.

    Zach Hartigan
    Zach Hartigan

    Posts : 121
    Feedback Points : +6
    Join date : 2017-01-20
    Age : 29
    Location : Finland

    Improving the Mana Curve Empty Re: Improving the Mana Curve

    Post by Zach Hartigan 05.02.19 21:02

    Where is Essence Elf?

    Your Eyes are like a space. So bright and deep. I just want to drown in to em'...

    Improving the Mana Curve Promo114
    Master of Evolution
    Master of Evolution

    Posts : 61
    Feedback Points : None
    Join date : 2017-05-29

    Improving the Mana Curve Empty Re: Improving the Mana Curve

    Post by iamjason8 20.02.19 3:40

    Zach Hartigan wrote:Where is Essence Elf?

    Good suggestion. Can't believe that slipped my mind!

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      Current date/time is 11.09.24 13:04