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    (TCG) W/N/L Alcadeias Deck

    Master of Evolution
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    (TCG) W/N/L Alcadeias Deck Empty (TCG) W/N/L Alcadeias Deck

    Post by AleksVin 22.11.18 18:45

    Next to Ballom, Alcadeias is another one of the cards I really liked since my childhood.
    This is an Alcadeias Deck I first built a few months ago, that I now tried to improve.


    3x Alcadeias, Lord of Spirits
    4x Holy Awe
    1x Urth, Purifying Elemental (This card is only in the deck, because of Nostalgia)
    4x Valkyer, Starstorm Elemental
    2x Mist Rias, Sonic Guardian
    4x Magris, Vizier of Magnetism
    4x Kolon, the Oracle
    4x La Ura Giga, Sky Guardian


    2x Fighter Dual Fang
    2x Rumbling Terahorn
    4x Bronze-Arm Tribe
    4x Faerie Life


    3x Sanfist, the Savage Vizier

    The goal of the deck is to get to Alcadeias as fast as possible, in order to lock down the opponents options.
    Fighter Dual Fang is there for ramp and as a secondary finisher.

    What do you guys think?

    Last edited by AleksVin on 14.07.19 23:44; edited 1 time in total
    Master of Evolution
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    (TCG) W/N/L Alcadeias Deck Empty Re: (TCG) W/N/L Alcadeias Deck

    Post by iamjason8 02.01.19 8:46

    Hi! In my testing I found that Alcadeias needs to be used with water for fear of running out of cards in your hand. I found what would happen is the Alcadeias deck would easily gain field control but control/darkness decks would deplete the hand and eventually use bounce or destruction cards to regain field control. Finding the balance between continuing to charge and play cards would therefore become very challenging all while not having an efficient way to find the pieces for Alcadeias. As you can tell, my view is skewed due to the prevalence of Control decks in my immediate environment, haha...

    Here's the deck profile for my Alcadeias deck: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TtGnVaWE8YY
    Here's a video of the deck in action: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zs813hfA8Pw
    Invincible Charge
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    (TCG) W/N/L Alcadeias Deck Empty Re: (TCG) W/N/L Alcadeias Deck

    Post by Halfar 12.01.19 11:52

    iamjason8 wrote:Hi!  In my testing I found that Alcadeias needs to be used with water for fear of running out of cards in your hand.  I found what would happen is the Alcadeias deck would easily gain field control but control/darkness decks would deplete the hand and eventually use bounce or destruction cards to regain field control.  Finding the balance between continuing to charge and play cards would therefore become very challenging all while not having an efficient way to find the pieces for Alcadeias.  As you can tell, my view is skewed due to the prevalence of Control decks in my immediate environment, haha...

    Here's the deck profile for my Alcadeias deck: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TtGnVaWE8YY
    Here's a video of the deck in action: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zs813hfA8Pw

    I think Alcadeias can also be strong with Nature instead of Water as it can rely on cards like Sanfist, Arque, Mist Rias. Also if Mist Rias comes in the Roll, the Deck is nearly unpossible to beat, BUT honestly its sometimes hard to build up the Board and then you lose pathetic Laughing Laughing Laughing

    BTW: Your Version with Water is great, i really like it. king
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    (TCG) W/N/L Alcadeias Deck Empty Re: (TCG) W/N/L Alcadeias Deck

    Post by AleksVin 19.03.19 0:35

    I tried adding Water now.


    4x Alcadeias
    4x Holy Awe
    4x Valkyer
    3x Aeris
    3x Rain of Arrows


    2x Rumbling Terahorn
    4x Poisonous Mushroom
    2x Faerie Life


    2x Sanfist


    4x Aqua Surfer
    4x Aqua Hulcus
    4x Energy Stream

    What do you think @IamJason8 ?
    Master of Evolution
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    (TCG) W/N/L Alcadeias Deck Empty Re: (TCG) W/N/L Alcadeias Deck

    Post by iamjason8 21.03.19 13:49

    AleksVin wrote:I tried adding Water now.


    4x Alcadeias
    4x Holy Awe
    4x Valkyer
    3x Aeris
    3x Rain of Arrows


    2x Rumbling Terahorn
    4x Poisonous Mushroom
    2x Faerie Life


    2x Sanfist


    4x Aqua Surfer
    4x Aqua Hulcus
    4x Energy Stream

    What do you think @IamJason8 ?

    It looks good! I would max out of Faerie Life over Poisonous Mushroom because it alleviates pressure on your hand and once Alc has hit the field Faerie Life is going into mana anyway. I also feel like Bronze-Arm could be pretty important since it sets up for T4 Aeris/Valkyer but I suppose Shroom/Faerie Life already do that for you.

    How are you coping without any blockers outside Valkyer?
    Master of Evolution
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    (TCG) W/N/L Alcadeias Deck Empty Re: (TCG) W/N/L Alcadeias Deck

    Post by AleksVin 14.07.19 23:43

    @IamJason8 Sorry for the late reply. It works fine without any other blockers besides Valkyer, since he comes relatively fast and most people I know play control nowadays.

    Here is an updated version, taking your ideas into account. It works well.


    4x Alcadeias
    4x Holy Awe
    4x Valkyer
    3x Aeris
    3x Rain of Arrows
    2x Solar Ray


    2x Charmilia, the Enticer
    2x Bronze Arm Tribe
    2x Poisonous Mushroom
    4x Faerie Life


    4x Aqua Surfer
    2x Aqua Hulcus
    4x Energy Stream

    Charmilia may seem weird, but it has a better Mana Cost for this deck than Terahorn:

    4 mana: Charmilia
    5 Mana: Valkyer/Aeris (Also use Charmilia to get Alcadeias from deck)
    6 mana: Alcadeias

    Edit: wording

    Last edited by AleksVin on 18.07.19 8:28; edited 1 time in total
    Master of Evolution
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    (TCG) W/N/L Alcadeias Deck Empty Re: (TCG) W/N/L Alcadeias Deck

    Post by iamjason8 18.07.19 6:51

    I am glad you are enjoying the deck and things are working well!

    Yes, I can see why you like Charmilia. Playing Faerie Life or Shroom will allow you to summon her on T3 at which point your opponent won't really have the mana to deal with her yet. Based on the timing of her ability you still get the searched card at the same time as with Terrahorn except you may have the option to reuse her. Great shout! Very Happy

    I'd steal this list to try for myself but we already have a WNL deck hahaha. BTW what's Solar Ray mainly used for?
    Master of Evolution
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    (TCG) W/N/L Alcadeias Deck Empty Re: (TCG) W/N/L Alcadeias Deck

    Post by AleksVin 18.07.19 8:25

    Cool that you like it @iamjason8. As with Solar Ray, I don't actually remember why I originally added it, maybe it was because I couldn't find any Kolon at the time. Not really sure anymore.^^"

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    (TCG) W/N/L Alcadeias Deck Empty Re: (TCG) W/N/L Alcadeias Deck

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