Hey guys,
today i want to show you my Hydrooze Deck.
I really love this Deck and its so crazy strong.
Water: 20
4x Emeral
4x Aqua Hulcus
4x Corile
4x Ilusionary Merfolk
4x Aqua Surfer
Darkness: 16
4x Propeller Mutant
4x Windmill Mutant
4x Locomotiver
4x Terror Pit
Multi: 4
4x Hydrooze, the Mutant Emperor
This Deck has everything.
It has 12 Removal, 12 (potentiel) Discard, 8 Draw, 12 Shieldtrigger and a Strong Boss Creature... and everything fits in exactly 40 cards.
I like the Fact that you have exactly 8 cards at each mana.
This Deck has never a bad Match-up and can recover easily against Control-Decks like Bolmeteus.
It even has a Chance against Bombazar.
today i want to show you my Hydrooze Deck.
I really love this Deck and its so crazy strong.
Water: 20
4x Emeral
4x Aqua Hulcus
4x Corile
4x Ilusionary Merfolk
4x Aqua Surfer
Darkness: 16
4x Propeller Mutant
4x Windmill Mutant
4x Locomotiver
4x Terror Pit
Multi: 4
4x Hydrooze, the Mutant Emperor
This Deck has everything.
It has 12 Removal, 12 (potentiel) Discard, 8 Draw, 12 Shieldtrigger and a Strong Boss Creature... and everything fits in exactly 40 cards.
I like the Fact that you have exactly 8 cards at each mana.
This Deck has never a bad Match-up and can recover easily against Control-Decks like Bolmeteus.
It even has a Chance against Bombazar.