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    [TCG] Hydrooze Aggro

    Invincible Charge
    Invincible Charge

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    [TCG] Hydrooze Aggro Empty [TCG] Hydrooze Aggro

    Post by Halfar 30.05.18 10:57

    Hey guys,

    today i want to show you my Hydrooze Deck.
    I really love this Deck and its so crazy strong.

    Water: 20
    4x Emeral
    4x Aqua Hulcus
    4x Corile
    4x Ilusionary Merfolk
    4x Aqua Surfer

    Darkness: 16
    4x Propeller Mutant
    4x Windmill Mutant
    4x Locomotiver
    4x Terror Pit

    Multi: 4
    4x Hydrooze, the Mutant Emperor

    This Deck has everything.
    It has 12 Removal, 12 (potentiel) Discard, 8 Draw, 12 Shieldtrigger and a Strong Boss Creature... and everything fits in exactly 40 cards.

    I like the Fact that you have exactly 8 cards at each mana.

    This Deck has never a bad Match-up and can recover easily against Control-Decks like Bolmeteus.

    It even has a Chance against Bombazar.

    [TCG] Hydrooze Aggro 20180512

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    Location : Germany

    [TCG] Hydrooze Aggro Empty Re: [TCG] Hydrooze Aggro

    Post by Darksigner 31.05.18 13:50

    I would personally try to substitute Windmill Mutant for Energy Streams, if your opponent plays a heavy discard deck himself, as Mefolks Draw is conditional and Hulcus can´t always topdeck your way out of an empty hand.
    Otherwise, perfectly structured deck and really powerful as you already mentioned in your post Smile
    Master of Destruction
    Master of Destruction

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    [TCG] Hydrooze Aggro Empty Re: [TCG] Hydrooze Aggro

    Post by loui-mh 31.05.18 17:42

    Nice one dude (classic and standard Hydrooze Aggro/Control)!
    What about to tech a Maroll? Great combo options with Emeral (put down new shield trigger over and over again or get them back if you need them) and Corile (don't have to say much about those possibilities Very Happy )
    Invincible Charge
    Invincible Charge

    Posts : 315
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    Join date : 2018-01-18
    Age : 29
    Location : Germany

    [TCG] Hydrooze Aggro Empty Re: [TCG] Hydrooze Aggro

    Post by Halfar 02.06.18 10:13

    Darksigner wrote:I would personally try to substitute Windmill Mutant for Energy Streams, if your opponent plays a heavy discard deck himself, as Mefolks Draw is conditional and Hulcus can´t always topdeck your way out of an empty hand.
    Otherwise, perfectly structured deck and really powerful as you already mentioned in your post Smile

    I tried Stream instead of Windmill but the Problem is that you will have too much Water and in my Opinion you need to play constantly Creatures to put your opponent under pressure (same as Maroll, but nice Idea)
    . Discard isn't really a problem because of your fast and strong board.

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    [TCG] Hydrooze Aggro Empty Re: [TCG] Hydrooze Aggro

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