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    (TCG) Deklowaz, the Terminator

    Invincible Charge
    Invincible Charge

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    (TCG) Deklowaz, the Terminator  Empty (TCG) Deklowaz, the Terminator

    Post by Halfar 27.03.18 19:41

    Hey guys what do u think of Deklowaz?

    The effect surely can be a gamechanger but the problem of cards with tap effect is that there are too 'slow' because they need to stay 1 round on the field without making an instant impact like CIP cards. And there are a lot of cards who counters this cards really hard (like pit and corile). And waste 6 mana is hard too.

    On the other hand if you can use his effect he gives you huge advantage on field and hand control. He can kill for example magris and loco and can prevent enemy draw (and bait for craze) and discard.
    And with 5000 he isnt easy to beat.
    AND i think he is a good bait to thin out strong removal cards (like pit) and to clear the way for Bolmeteus.

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    (TCG) Deklowaz, the Terminator  Empty Re: (TCG) Deklowaz, the Terminator

    Post by Admin 28.03.18 12:21

    You pretty much nailed it there. Deklowaz is best with heavy disturbance like discarding and paves the way for cards like Bolmeteus. That way you leave only a little room for your opponent to use something like Corile on your Deklowaz (or Bolmeteus).

    You could also try to take advantage on Mykee's while having some kind of graveyard revival.
    Invincible Charge
    Invincible Charge

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    (TCG) Deklowaz, the Terminator  Empty Re: (TCG) Deklowaz, the Terminator

    Post by Halfar 28.03.18 14:05

    So would you say that Deklowaz is so good that it is a MUST HAVE in RUB Bolmeteus? 

    I see more RUB Bolmeteus without Deklowaz.

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    (TCG) Deklowaz, the Terminator  Empty Re: (TCG) Deklowaz, the Terminator

    Post by Admin 29.03.18 14:22

    I wouldn't probaly say it's a must have for Bolmeteus RUB. It actually depends on how you like to play. Corile is really the Achilles' heel of Deklowaz and in many communities this would prove to be very problematic for Deklowaz players.

    Deklowaz is great when you are able to create an opportunity to use it against your opponent. At the very least, you get to see your opponents hand and go from there. But creating that opportunity is not that easy, as it shouldn't be. Discarding and other sources of disturbance is needed.

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    (TCG) Deklowaz, the Terminator  Empty Re: (TCG) Deklowaz, the Terminator

    Post by nitrox 12.04.18 14:24

    Deklowaz is one of those cards that assist you in getting complete control of the battle zone, crippling a comeback and giving you an extra edge when you already have a fair control of the zone. So no, it's not ABSOLUTELY necessary in a RUB control but very good when the timing is right.

    One card I always thought would go well with Delkowaz is Slash and Burn. But then again, it becomes even more redundant, because it's like adding one more layer of control - you have to be absolutely controlling your opponent to even create an opportunity for this combo to deal the maximum damage. Every time I tried making a build centered around this, I realized that the deck could simply win without using the combo at all.
    Master of Destruction
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    (TCG) Deklowaz, the Terminator  Empty Re: (TCG) Deklowaz, the Terminator

    Post by Promised. 14.04.18 8:23

    Imo he is only viable in a meta which is slower and one which places more emphasis on hard controlling the board and your opponents hand. In such a meta, playing him with tanzanyte would be ideal.

    However, I think the meta we play in now is a lot faster , so most of the time deklowaz ends up getting destroyed (pitted) or coriled once it hits the board. Furthermore it being only 5k also makes it an easy target for bigger cards like craze valkyrie, twincannon, bazagazeal, bolmeteus, and cards buffed by petrova.

    In conclusion, I feel there are better ways to spend your mana to push the deck's (most likely RUB) gameplan compared to spending 6mana on trying to pull off deklowaz
    Master of Destruction
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    (TCG) Deklowaz, the Terminator  Empty Re: (TCG) Deklowaz, the Terminator

    Post by loui-mh 14.04.18 10:24

    Promised. wrote:However, I think the meta we play in now is a lot faster , so most of the time deklowaz ends up getting destroyed (pitted) or coriled once it hits the board. Furthermore it being only 5k also makes it an easy target for bigger cards like craze valkyrie, twincannon, bazagazeal, bolmeteus, and cards buffed by petrova.

    Yeah, imo that's the main reason why that card isn't that good to play.
    Sure, it's a nice card, great effect, power-cost-ratio is acceptable and fire/darkness is very useful too, but the tap-effect will take it's time. One turn for your opp to get rid of the D.
    I think, the only chance to play the D in our fast meta is to use the Jetpack to wipe out most of the field as a cip.

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    (TCG) Deklowaz, the Terminator  Empty Re: (TCG) Deklowaz, the Terminator

    Post by Rishino 10.09.19 9:57

    I run one copy in my RUB control. He would be amazing if Duel Masters had a sideboard. I think the main reason why people don't run him is because not many people own a copy. And as you said yourself, he is a great distraction/bait for Terror Pits and Coriles so that Bolly is relatively safe. The way he can nuke the field and act as a mini Lost Soul all in one is really great, especially in Control v Control
    Invincible Charge
    Invincible Charge

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    (TCG) Deklowaz, the Terminator  Empty Re: (TCG) Deklowaz, the Terminator

    Post by Halfar 10.09.19 16:27

    Rishino wrote:I run one copy in my RUB control. He would be amazing if Duel Masters had a sideboard. I think the main reason why people don't run him is because not many people own a copy. And as you said yourself, he is a great distraction/bait for Terror Pits and Coriles so that Bolly is relatively safe. The way he can nuke the field and act as a mini Lost Soul all in one is really great, especially in Control v Control

    I am playing 3 Deklowaz in my RUB Control and i love it Smile.
    That may be too much but as you stated in Control vs Control he comes really great.
    He baits the Pits and other Removal Cards for Bolmeteus.

    So yeah i totally agree with what you say king

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    (TCG) Deklowaz, the Terminator  Empty Re: (TCG) Deklowaz, the Terminator

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