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    UB Hydrooze Midrange


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    UB Hydrooze Midrange Empty UB Hydrooze Midrange

    Post by Altina 15.02.18 2:34

    Darkness (16)
    4x Locomotiver
    4x Propeller Mutant
    2x Clamp
    2x Snake Attack
    4x Terror Pit

    Water (20)
    4x Corile
    4x Emeral
    4x Aqua Surfer
    4x Aqua Hulcus
    2x Energy Stream
    2x Merfolk

    Rainbow (4)
    4x Hydrooze the Mutant Empreror

    Very standard Hydrooze decklist. Only tech this decklist has over the more standard builds is the addition of Snake Attack.

    An issue with Hydrooze is the fact that there are no double breakers to help in closing out games. Snake Attack fits well in this deck, giving it the ability to do so and a tool to aggro back from a losing position.

    There is slight debate on whether Cranium Clamp has a place in Hydrooze because it doesn't provide a body like Loco. I play in Singapore meta where literally half the decks run Arque. Even then I believe that Clamp is still useful. The worst case scenario is if u knock out an Arque on T4 but you can follow it up with Corile t5 so damage is limited at worst. On the other hand, if u knock out 2 cards that are not an Arque, you have gained significant mileage over your opponent by knocking out what could have been 2 answers. Also, the decrease in hand size will make the Locos you hard summon more deadly.

    With a progression of 2 Drop>> Hulcus >> Hydrooze>> Corile/Merfolk, getting a 5k body turn 4 is huge as it can swing over bigger creatures that might pose a problem early game such as opposing Gonta. Following that up with Merfolk or Corile will then generate additional advantage. In Corile's case, it opens up an avenue for hulcus to swing if a blocker gets bounced. Merfolk provides the additional huge body that cannot be killed by searing wave + 3 hand cards is also rather important in this deck, considering how fast you deplete hand size by dropping bodies.

    Swinging with Propeller Mutant early game might be beneficial in some situations even if opponent has a creature that trades favourably i.e. Hulcus. With the option of snake attack,it is important to ensure that the opponent has an even number of shields to more easily close off games.

    Last edited by Altina on 17.02.18 3:19; edited 2 times in total

    Posts : 556
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    Join date : 2016-11-22
    Location : Finland

    UB Hydrooze Midrange Empty Re: UB Hydrooze Midrange

    Post by Admin 15.02.18 13:11

    I agree, even if Arque sould be played more here in Finland, it wouldn't really threaten Clamps power. Corile, Hide and Seek could still ake out Arque Delacerna.

    Snake Attack is a strong card amd here it is usuaööy played as 1-2 in Hydrooze decks.
    Invincible Charge
    Invincible Charge

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    UB Hydrooze Midrange Empty Re: UB Hydrooze Midrange

    Post by Halfar 15.02.18 14:29

    I think that clamp isn't the best choice in an Hydrooze deck, because it doesn't give you another Body.

    Last edited by Halfar on 20.09.18 9:33; edited 1 time in total

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    UB Hydrooze Midrange Empty Re: UB Hydrooze Midrange

    Post by diffindo 15.02.18 14:45

    Halfar wrote:I think that clamp isn't the best choice in an Hydrooze deck, because it doesn't give you another Body.
    Maybe add 2x Marrow Ooze cheers

    This isn’t hydrooze aggro, it’s hydrooze midrange. You won’t want to go all-out aggro against all decks - it depends on the situation and matchup. @altina also explained clamp’s purpose in the deck. For example, clamp can limit your opponent’s resources and makes it more difficult for him to build enough mana to play a sweeper to wipe your board.

    Marrow ooze would serve no purpose in this deck.
    Invincible Charge
    Invincible Charge

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    UB Hydrooze Midrange Empty Re: UB Hydrooze Midrange

    Post by Halfar 03.04.18 9:08

    You could add Zombie Carnival. In late game you could take Emeral, Corile and Hydrooze back from your graveyard and start a comeback.
    Master of Destruction
    Master of Destruction

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    UB Hydrooze Midrange Empty Re: UB Hydrooze Midrange

    Post by LordSommerhill 26.07.18 12:04

    @Altina this deck looks very good in my opinion. The only card im curious about is Snake Attack. Its a very interesting card, that has always had lots of potential in my opinion. I have never thought about running it in my Hydrooze deck, how has that been working for you? Seems viable because of your creatures being unblockable with Hydrooze on the field.

    Posts : 556
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    Join date : 2016-11-22
    Location : Finland

    UB Hydrooze Midrange Empty Re: UB Hydrooze Midrange

    Post by Admin 28.07.18 14:35

    I have used Snake Attack in my Hydrooze deck and it has even won games for me. You surely should try it in your deck as well @LordSommerhill. 1-2 copies is plenty.

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    UB Hydrooze Midrange Empty Re: UB Hydrooze Midrange

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