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    Doboulgyser, Giant Rock Beast

    Master of Evolution
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    Doboulgyser, Giant Rock Beast Empty Doboulgyser, Giant Rock Beast

    Post by iamjason8 30.06.17 10:50

    Doboulgyser, Giant Rock Beast 250?cb=20120522090447

    It seems like a pretty cool card and might just be good enough to work since Meteosaur and Magmarex are some half-decent evo-bait.

    I tried a turbo W/F/N and well...fraudulent was the best way to put it haha. If it got a perfect start, it stood a good chance of winning but other than that it was too easy to play around. I'm thinking about playing it in W/F/N/D control.

    What are your opinions? Could the big Rock Beast be part of a good deck or is his effect not crazy enough to justify his inclusion?
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    Doboulgyser, Giant Rock Beast Empty Re: Doboulgyser, Giant Rock Beast

    Post by Mr-ex777 30.06.17 17:21

    It looks kinda lame. I mean the effect.
    Bronze-Arm Sloth
    Bronze-Arm Sloth
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    Doboulgyser, Giant Rock Beast Empty Re: Doboulgyser, Giant Rock Beast

    Post by Bronze-Arm Sloth 14.07.17 12:45

    I have build a deck around it, which worked pretty well actually, but this card itself isn't that good at all.
    What thread with 3000 power is still in game when this card finally hits the board?
    Searing wave does the job better in my opinion, there is no need for a yet heavy and strong evo, to kill just one creature.
    I rather played lancer which is more versatile and effective than this one.

    But it still is a playable card though, depending on your preferences.

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    Doboulgyser, Giant Rock Beast Empty Re: Doboulgyser, Giant Rock Beast

    Post by Admin 14.07.17 16:15

    Doboulgyser is a weird one. It has 8000 power and like mentioned by @iamjason8, it has decent evo baits. Doboulgyser isn't bad but I have yet to see it in a strong deck.

    Many Finns have build decks containing Doboulgyser, so maybe it will prove to be rather strong.
    Master of Evolution
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    Doboulgyser, Giant Rock Beast Empty Re: Doboulgyser, Giant Rock Beast

    Post by iamjason8 17.07.17 8:11

    Thanks for the replies. Given the limited card pool in the TCG I've found it increasingly challenging to come up with new or unique yet viable decks. No doubt Lancer is much better but Doboulgyser caught my eye in the name of variety in case anyone was curious.

    What kind of decks are the Finns using him in, ELTP?
    Bronze-Arm Sloth
    Bronze-Arm Sloth
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    Doboulgyser, Giant Rock Beast Empty Re: Doboulgyser, Giant Rock Beast

    Post by Bronze-Arm Sloth 17.07.17 16:58

    iamjason8 wrote:Thanks for the replies.  Given the limited card pool in the TCG I've found it increasingly challenging to come up with new or unique yet viable decks.  No doubt Lancer is much better but Doboulgyser caught my eye in the name of variety in case anyone was curious.

    What kind of decks are the Finns using him in, ELTP?

    Here's my outdated, yet still very effective RUB, using him:

    Fire: 14
    • 3x Doboulgyser, Giant Rock Beast
    • 2x Meteosaur
    • 3x Magmarex
    • 2x Pyrofighter Magnus
    • 2x Searing Wave
    • 2x Apocalypse Vise

    Darkness: 14
    • 4x Terror Pit
    • 3x Locomotiver
    • 3x Propeller Mutant
    • 3x Bloody Squito
    • 1x Lost Soul

    Water: 20
    • 4x Emeral
    • 3x Corile
    • 2x Illusionary Merfolk
    • 3x Aqua Hulcus
    • 3x Phantom Fish
    • 2x Energy Stream
    • 3x Spiral Gate

    I also have him teched in a water/fire aggro with Lancer and Valkrowzer, if you wanna see it, let me know Smile

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    Doboulgyser, Giant Rock Beast Empty Re: Doboulgyser, Giant Rock Beast

    Post by Admin 22.07.17 14:18

    iamjason8 wrote:Thanks for the replies.  Given the limited card pool in the TCG I've found it increasingly challenging to come up with new or unique yet viable decks.  No doubt Lancer is much better but Doboulgyser caught my eye in the name of variety in case anyone was curious.

    What kind of decks are the Finns using him in, ELTP?
    The last one I saw was some kind of fire/light/water control but I can't remember how effective it was. That deck posted by Bronze-Arm Sloth seems pretty decent and a bit more lively than those Bolme RUBs.

    It's hard to come up with unique ideas anymore but it's still doable. One Finn got Fort Megacluster on the map in TCO after he started to adjusting and playing his deck containing it there.
    Bronze-Arm Sloth
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    Doboulgyser, Giant Rock Beast Empty Re: Doboulgyser, Giant Rock Beast

    Post by Bronze-Arm Sloth 25.07.17 19:04

    iamjason8 wrote:
    It's hard to come up with unique ideas anymore but it's still doable. One Finn got Fort Megacluster on the map in TCO after he started to adjusting and playing his deck containing it there.

    Pretty curious about that Megacluster deck.
    I have a deck with him as well, are you able to get the list?

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    Doboulgyser, Giant Rock Beast Empty Re: Doboulgyser, Giant Rock Beast

    Post by Admin 31.07.17 18:17

    Certainly, it's a bit off-topic but why not. Here's one version of his Megacluster deck:

    Darkness (17)
    3x Cranium Clamp
    3x Death Smoke
    4x Gigabalza
    2x Gigamente
    2x Gigarayze
    3x Phantasmal Horror Gigazald

    Water (24)
    3x Aqua Hulcus
    2x Aqua Surfer
    4x Battery Cluster
    4x Corile
    4x Energy Stream
    3x Fort Megacluster
    2x Pinpoint Lunatron
    2x Titanium Cluster

    Multicolored (9)
    3x Hide and Seek
    3x Melnia, the Aqua Shadow
    3x Soderlight, the Cold Blade
    Bronze-Arm Sloth
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    Doboulgyser, Giant Rock Beast Empty Re: Doboulgyser, Giant Rock Beast

    Post by Bronze-Arm Sloth 31.07.17 19:49

    Cool deck he has!
    Would prefer Pit oder Smoke and 3/3 Surfer/Corile though, but good one! Really different to how I play Cluster Smile
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    Doboulgyser, Giant Rock Beast Empty Re: Doboulgyser, Giant Rock Beast

    Post by LordSommerhill 26.08.17 10:06

    I would absolutely say that Valkrowser Ultra Rock Beast is better. The water stealth pretty much makes it unblockable, as most good decks that have blockers run water, essentially making him a bigger Crystal Lancer. And the fact that it has 9000 rather than Doboulgysers 8000 is a pretty big deal. Valkrowser gets over Lancer, Bluum, Apocalypse Vise etc. it can also trade with Starnoid and Tanzanyte.
    Doboulgysers is not a bad card at all in itself, but Valkrowser is better. If your gonna run a deck with rock beasts, i would definitely include water to make it more consistent, and for some early aggro cards like Emeral and Aqua Hulcus. I have never tried a dedicated Rock Beast deck before, but i would go with something like this:

    x4 Blazosaur Q
    x4 Phantom Dragons Flame
    x2 Pyrofighter Magnus
    x4 Meteosaur
    x4 Magmarex
    x4 Valkrowser Ultra Rock Beast / Doboulgyser Giant Rock Beast

    x4 Aqua Guard
    x4 Emeral
    x3 Aqua Hulcus
    x3 Energy Stream
    x4 Aqua Surfer

    Im sure this is not the optimal build, but it was the first one that came into my head.
    Bronze-Arm Sloth
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    Doboulgyser, Giant Rock Beast Empty Re: Doboulgyser, Giant Rock Beast

    Post by Bronze-Arm Sloth 26.08.17 19:23

    Sure valk is better but thats not the topic lol.
    I like your deck though, would just change Dragon flames for Tornadoes, bc they are more versatile
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    Doboulgyser, Giant Rock Beast Empty Re: Doboulgyser, Giant Rock Beast

    Post by LordSommerhill 30.08.17 17:34

    Yeah i know, so i included Doboulgyser in the list as well.
    Yeah Tornado Flame is good too, since Tajimal can be kind of a pain in the ass for this deck, especially if you're using Doboulgyser instead of Valkrowser.

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