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    [TCG] Deck Profile - 'The Outlier' (F/L Rush)

    Master of Evolution
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    [TCG] Deck Profile - 'The Outlier' (F/L Rush) Empty [TCG] Deck Profile - 'The Outlier' (F/L Rush)

    Post by iamjason8 31.05.17 10:35

    Hi all,

    As I posted in my first post, I wanted to get into DM content creation, specifically for the TCG. I got back into the game with a small circle of friends and naturally we've developed our own meta. In our 'local meta', many cards from DM-10 onwards are in severe shortage and control decks have risen to the top. The reason this deck is called 'The Outlier' is because this deck is able to beat everything but can also lose to everythig, thus beating it or losing to it does not have any bearing on the other deck's spot in the tiering system.

    The way we build our decks is a compromise of the cards we have available and how good a deck would be irrespective of 'meta' (i.e. built to be as consistent as possible while able to cope with varying strategies). Thus, while some decks are inherently better than others, they're all fairly competitive with each other which I think makes it more fun since anyone can pick up a deck and play.

    About the Deck
    The deck was one we just threw together. We just happened to have most of the cards lying around not being used and did not have a dedicated rush deck so we thought why not build it. It's very easy to use and takes advantage of many underutilized cards that can really ruin someone's day namely Kooc Pollon and Larba Geer.

    Fire 24
    4 Deadly Fighter Braidclaw
    4 Kooc Pollon
    4 Rikabu, the Dismantler
    4 Pyrofighter Magnus
    4 Comet Missile
    4 Volcanic Arrows

    Light 16
    4 Solar Ray
    4 Sol Galla, Halo Guardian
    4 La Ura Giga, Sky Guardian
    4 Larba Geer, the Immaculate

    Total: 40

    Black Shadow
    Black Shadow

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    [TCG] Deck Profile - 'The Outlier' (F/L Rush) Empty Re: [TCG] Deck Profile - 'The Outlier' (F/L Rush)

    Post by OcaVan 02.06.17 16:38

    This is more interesting than your mono water deck! It's also risky and Volcanic Arrows is a very interesting choice. A nice alternative to all meta like control decks.
    I wonder if you could play an alternativ card for volcanic arrows.
    Why do you play 4 cards of every card? It could be more versatile. You could try out playing maybe a whisking whirling, smash warrior strangandu, choya, the unheeding, Rikabus's screwdriver, pala olesis, brad super kicking dynamo, supersonic jetpack or pharzi. Not allof those cards are seen in every deck but i think it's exciting to try out "new" alternatives!

    Anyway it's very cool that you create those videos with deck/stragey explanation so fast and i guess that's also the reason why there is 4 of everything.
    Master of Evolution
    Master of Evolution

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    [TCG] Deck Profile - 'The Outlier' (F/L Rush) Empty Re: [TCG] Deck Profile - 'The Outlier' (F/L Rush)

    Post by iamjason8 03.06.17 13:04

    OcaVan wrote:This is more interesting than your mono water deck! It's also risky and Volcanic Arrows is a very interesting choice. A nice alternative to all meta like control decks.
    I wonder if you could play an alternativ card for volcanic arrows.
    Why do you play 4 cards of every card? It could be more versatile. You could try out playing maybe a whisking whirling, smash warrior strangandu, choya, the unheeding, Rikabus's screwdriver, pala olesis, brad super kicking dynamo, supersonic jetpack or pharzi. Not allof those cards are seen in every deck but i think it's exciting to try out "new" alternatives!

    Anyway it's very cool that you create those videos with deck/stragey explanation so fast and i guess that's also the reason why there is 4 of everything.

    Thanks for the comment and suggestions! Very Happy

    If you're wanting to replace Volcanic Arrows, I think Solar Trap or Rikabu's Screwdriver might be good choices. Though I feel Volcanic Arrows is a very good fit for the deck. The idea is your opponent shouldn't be able to keep up with you in the shield race so you forgoing a shield for removal doesn't really matter. Another way to think about it is if used defensively. For example, if your opponent has 2 creatures out and breaks Volcanic Arrows, you might as well use it to destroy the other creature because whether or not you play it, you're down a second shield.

    Interesting ideas. My choices are a combination of not having access to said cards and thinking they aren't entirely necessary. Without getting into it too much and if I'm being completely honest, I just feel there isn't much slack in the deck. Cool

    I have considered playing Rikabu's Screwdriver but in the end don't like how it isn't really used for attacking.

    4 of everything for maximum consistency. Thank you for the kind words. I'm looking to upload some more deck profiles in the future for both established strong decks and some creative (but good) ones too.
    Bronze-Arm Sloth
    Bronze-Arm Sloth
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    [TCG] Deck Profile - 'The Outlier' (F/L Rush) Empty Re: [TCG] Deck Profile - 'The Outlier' (F/L Rush)

    Post by Bronze-Arm Sloth 03.07.17 12:00

    Standard light and fire rush, my versions uses tulk instead of volcanic arrows, the did not work fine for me, yet a powerful card!

    Also Screwdriver might work better than kooc pollon, thats my other difference, depending of what decks you play against
    Master of Evolution
    Master of Evolution

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    [TCG] Deck Profile - 'The Outlier' (F/L Rush) Empty Re: [TCG] Deck Profile - 'The Outlier' (F/L Rush)

    Post by iamjason8 17.07.17 8:18

    Bronze-Arm Sloth wrote:Standard light and fire rush, my versions uses tulk instead of volcanic arrows, the did not work fine for me, yet a powerful card!

    Also Screwdriver might work better than kooc pollon, thats my other difference, depending of what decks you play against

    Thanks for the reply.

    Unfortunately I do not have access to Tulk.

    Screwdriver is another big card when people give feedback. Maybe I'll try it if I can get four but I feel like the opponent will just stop playing blockers if they see it and can't get rid of it. Kooc Pollon works especially well because of the cards that let you bypass blockers, especially Volcanic Arrows. With that said though the same cards that deal with Screwdriver also get rid of Kooc Pollon too... silent

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    [TCG] Deck Profile - 'The Outlier' (F/L Rush) Empty Re: [TCG] Deck Profile - 'The Outlier' (F/L Rush)

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