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    TCG vs OCG duels

    Master of Destruction
    Master of Destruction

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    TCG vs OCG duels Empty TCG vs OCG duels

    Post by Mr-ex777 23.05.17 15:10

    TCG vs OCG duels are uncommon but there are a few things that OCG players must beware:

    • If you run ramp people will rush you to death, TCO rushes are very fast, or control you to death since they can run more than 1 upheaval or Nairel (Which is very difficult to deal with by some OCG decks
    • Beware of Mana Burn Control or discard control, very common and can kill off most ocg decks
    • Lots of unblockables or blocker removal so blocker strategies ineffective
    • Transmogrify very dangerous for various types of spell decks/ramps
    • A lot more cheap blockers so prepared with mass removal

    I assume 90 percent of tcg players will not duel ocg but there it is, sometimes it happens.

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    TCG vs OCG duels Empty Re: TCG vs OCG duels

    Post by DarknessPony 23.05.17 15:17

    I'd say that unblockables are not much of an issue in OCG nowadays as HG is still going strong.
    Other than that, pretty accurate. Also, even with just 1 Nariel and 1 Upheaval, Dromar is still a strong control.

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    TCG vs OCG duels Empty Re: TCG vs OCG duels

    Post by Enigmafiend 23.05.17 16:04

    Tbh its kinda unfair, TCG still has the Hof early cards such as slash, Nariel and bombazar and to duel that fuckfest one must pack the metaist meta.
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    Black Shadow
    Black Shadow

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    TCG vs OCG duels Empty Re: TCG vs OCG duels

    Post by OcaVan 23.05.17 16:21

    I never had that many problems with playing an OCG deck against TCG. Not everybody runs meta decks and thats good and mostly even more fun if the decks are not optimizimed to the maximum. Maybe Nariel can be very dangerous but i think it is really easy too remove, espicially if you play OCG where you have a bigger variety. But you may had worse experience with Nariel than me. Upheaval and Bombazar are unfair, that's very true. TCG lacks of balance.
    It's even hard not to play with an OCG deck against a TCG deck if you want to meet you DM duelist, which happens at least 3 times to me.
    Nevertheless playing against Meta, espicially mana burn control can be very frustrating. sometimes.

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