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    You know what do i hate the most?

    Master of Destruction
    Master of Destruction

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    You know what do i hate the most? Empty You know what do i hate the most?

    Post by Mr-ex777 28.04.17 9:28

    When some guy running a silly looking deck beats my meta decks because he had like 3 or 4 removal triggers in his shield zone or the only possible triggers that can destroy me, then counterattacks and destroys me in one swing, or pulls out multiple 100% accurate revolution 0 triggers in a row and deplete my resources and offenses, OR the guy drawing every single possible card to destroy me while i draw dead every single turn from the start.

    And that's not counting cheaters who happen to have All Delete (As well as Cosmic Darts 100% of the time in his hand) or Bolmeteus White Flare 100% of the time in his shields, and acting like a smuglord. And i think everyone knows who he is.....

    And yes, call me out as much as you want, but these stuff piss me off the most, other than mass discards, VAN, Johnny and Tech Go/Cyberdice Vegas, in which i was beaten fair in some kind of way.

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    You know what do i hate the most? Empty Re: You know what do i hate the most?

    Post by DarknessPony 28.04.17 10:07

    I personally hate being table turned, especially by certain Dragon meta decks with stuff that's just made to hate: Buster, VAN, Onimaru, Deadman/Niga into any of the above, etc. Rush Masters is just as bad too.

    Oh, also smuglords who love to talk a lot instead of playing, but then again I think we know those already.
    Black Shadow
    Black Shadow

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    You know what do i hate the most? Empty Re: You know what do i hate the most?

    Post by OcaVan 28.04.17 15:07

    Yes, Duel Masters can habe frustrating moments. Some or luck based (it's still a card game) and sometimes you just face the most dangerous card for your deck to early.

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    You know what do i hate the most? Empty Re: You know what do i hate the most?

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