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    Strongest deck? (TCG)


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    Strongest deck? (TCG) Empty Strongest deck? (TCG)

    Post by tannyboy2 01.04.17 16:10

    Hi all, i would like to know which deck type you guys feel is the strongest in the TCG meta (bombazar aside). I duel in Singapore and there are many RUB, GRUB, marino control, hydrooze, fire-water rush and fire-nature rush decks here. Some of the less common decks that i have seen include FNDL control survivors, monowater beatdown, bolzard mana burn and BU upheaval control. I have always felt that RUB decks were the strongest but ever since fire-water rush decks started popping up, it seems like RUB has had a lot of trouble dealing with them. RUB also feels incredibly slow to me so im starting to think its a tier 2 deck. what are your thoughts on the current meta?

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    Strongest deck? (TCG) Empty Re: Strongest deck? (TCG)

    Post by Admin 02.04.17 11:50

    TCG meta is a very interesting one since it have had this long to evolve (10+ years) and still it's offering new things.

    I haven't put so much effort on Duel Masters decks lately in general so I mainly know what's happening on TCO. Decks you mentioned have also been apparent there as well as in Finnish DM meta.

    Bolme RUBs seems to be weak against rushes/aggros since many players build them too slow thinking that control decks couldn't work against rushes. They can but you have to optimize and not just focus on slow control.
    Master of Destruction
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    Strongest deck? (TCG) Empty Re: Strongest deck? (TCG)

    Post by LordSommerhill 26.08.17 11:44

    In my opinion Starnoid and Phal Control are the best decks aside from Bombazar decks. They have good matchups against everything, and they beat rush most of the time as well. RUB is very good, and so is Light/Water (either Initiate or liquid people variants), as well as Rush and Aggro decks. But really i would say that Starnoid and Phal are the best decks, as they have good matchups no matter what they play against. Phal can even beat Bombazar decks when they get the right hands, as they have both discard, blockers, removal and draw power, and not to mention Holy Awes and Emerals to put them down.
    Bronze-Arm Sloth
    Bronze-Arm Sloth
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    Strongest deck? (TCG) Empty Re: Strongest deck? (TCG)

    Post by Bronze-Arm Sloth 26.08.17 19:26

    Actually al decks can be tricky to beat. Depending on how many time and change you invest into it and how good you are with it. I personally had great experiences with field control decks and as many others, standard decks with crystal lancers
    Master of Destruction
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    Strongest deck? (TCG) Empty Re: Strongest deck? (TCG)

    Post by LordSommerhill 16.09.17 9:38

    Yeah standard water and light/water decks with Lancers are always a pain. Dark/water too. The matchups mean a lot too, depending on your decks weaknesses. Unless you're playing against the most OP versions of Bombazar, in which case almost all decks fall short.
    Bronze-Arm Sloth
    Bronze-Arm Sloth
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    Strongest deck? (TCG) Empty Re: Strongest deck? (TCG)

    Post by Bronze-Arm Sloth 16.09.17 18:00

    Bombazar can easily kill the opponent's play haha, imo he is shit not op,
    I personally mainly play a black/blue lancer/nemesis deck
    Master of Destruction
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    Strongest deck? (TCG) Empty Re: Strongest deck? (TCG)

    Post by LordSommerhill 19.10.17 11:44

    Oh and i forgot to mention Marino Control. When built correctly they are extremely good and cosistent, and have in my opinion the best hand advantage in the game. It destroys rush, beats most control decks, and can sometimes even put up somewhat of a fight with Bombazar Blue (the most OP deck in the game). Marino Control really has no bad matchups, and is very fun to play with. I have a profile of my Marino Control deck in the "Deck building" list on this site if you wanna check it out. Bombazar Blue is about the only deck it ever loses to (can also lose to Starnoid sometimes). Marino is also a deck that can try out different engines, and still be great. You can try out anywhere between 2-4 Craze Valkyrie, you can use Bluum Erkis, Miraculous Plague, Lost Soul, Crystal Lancer etc. You just use whatever fits your meta best, or just optimalize it to have the best possible matchup in general.

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    Strongest deck? (TCG) Empty Re: Strongest deck? (TCG)

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