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    Oh Gosh.....

    Master of Destruction
    Master of Destruction

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    Oh Gosh..... Empty Oh Gosh.....

    Post by Mr-ex777 12.03.17 13:51

    New card:

    New Card 2:

    Gosh....i'm doomed, over half of my decks use cost tramples.

    The first one does not seem that bad unless you see that it can't be chosen. Being able to stop cost tramples is already bad enough, but unchoosable is just pure ridiculous. To be honest you can't even do anything against it with bearfugan or growth buster, and the rest can't do much against it because it's unchoosable.

    And the second one is terrible too but it can be removed, same matter as yadoc so not much of a big trouble.

    But either way it means that choice removal/mass power based removal is more important now. Otherwise It's just pure ridiculous and nothing else.

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    Location : Finland

    Oh Gosh..... Empty Re: Oh Gosh.....

    Post by Admin 12.03.17 21:03

    It is not that bad, you just have to start creating new decks if you can't counter them. It's easy to do that on Trade Cards Online and you can always see how Japanese people are doing that.

    It's just a shame that STs and Ninja Strikes also take the hit with these cards.
    Master of Destruction
    Master of Destruction

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    Oh Gosh..... Empty Re: Oh Gosh.....

    Post by Mr-ex777 13.03.17 9:01

    ELTP wrote:It is not that bad, you just have to start creating new decks if you can't counter them. It's easy to do that on Trade Cards Online and you can always see how Japanese people are doing that.

    It's just a shame that STs and Ninja Strikes also take the hit with these cards.

    Actually it's only during your opponent's turn and does not affect summoning, so st and ns should work fine.

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    Join date : 2017-02-03

    Oh Gosh..... Empty Re: Oh Gosh.....

    Post by Enigmafiend 13.03.17 13:58

    Its time to wip out those mana crisis/fearie life combos again
    "Behold, for in the darkness u shall find the light"

    Posts : 556
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    Location : Finland

    Oh Gosh..... Empty Re: Oh Gosh.....

    Post by Admin 14.03.17 17:35

    Mr-ex777 wrote:Actually it's only during your opponent's turn and does not affect summoning, so st and ns should work fine.
    You are right, how did I forgot that. So they are both pretty balanced then.

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