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    Cavern Raider/Locomotiver


    Posts : 4
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    Join date : 2017-02-03

    Cavern Raider/Locomotiver Empty Cavern Raider/Locomotiver

    Post by margraf 21.02.17 13:37


    I ran into this situation while playing with a friend yesterday. His Cavern Raider destroys my shield and hits a shield trigger, Locomotiver. Which effect activates first, Cavern Raiders creature search or Locomotiver's discard ability?


    Posts : 25
    Join date : 2017-01-20
    Age : 30
    Location : Katowice, Poland

    Cavern Raider/Locomotiver Empty Re: Cavern Raider/Locomotiver

    Post by Qbius 21.02.17 13:51

    Cavern Raider's ability activates before you even choose what shield to attack, actually.

    It goes like this: You declare you're attacking your opponent with cavern raider, and he can choose to block the attack. If he doesn't, activate his ability. Then, you choose a shield to break, and if it's a locomotiver, your opponent can play it for free. So yeah, the order is raider's ability -> loco.

    It's just that 99.99% of the time it doesn't matter that the shield is chosen after attack effects, blocking etc. so people just say which shield they're attacking from the get-go.

    Posts : 16
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    Join date : 2017-02-06
    Location : Romania

    Cavern Raider/Locomotiver Empty Re: Cavern Raider/Locomotiver

    Post by LOGIC 26.07.18 20:15

    Yes, this is the case here obviously. You use cavern raider ability before the the shield is broken. Your opponent must wait until you resolve the ability of Cavern. But anyways, I understand where you want to go with the question: "the priority of the effects". Well, the answer is simple, the turn player always have priority. Ex: It's my turn, I summon Magmarex, while my opponent has Quixotic Hero Swine Snout in his battle zone. There are 2 effects that seems to activate simultaneously, but it's my turn so Magmarex ability will resolve 1st destroying Quixotic, before it receive +3k power. On the other hand if it's my opponent turn and he attacks me with quixotic and trigers Magmarex from shields, Quixotic ability will resolve 1st, so I won't be able to destroy his quixotic with my Magmarex beeing triger from shields cause his quixotic already has 4k.

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