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    Is DM turning into an autistic game? Or is the developers smoking some really bad drugs?

    Master of Destruction
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    Is DM turning into an autistic game? Or is the developers smoking some really bad drugs? Empty Is DM turning into an autistic game? Or is the developers smoking some really bad drugs?

    Post by Mr-ex777 16.02.17 16:05

    Is DM turning into an autistic game? Or is the developers smoking some really bad drugs? Yattar10Is DM turning into an autistic game? Or is the developers smoking some really bad drugs? Bainar10Is DM turning into an autistic game? Or is the developers smoking some really bad drugs? Geracc10Is DM turning into an autistic game? Or is the developers smoking some really bad drugs? Pally_10

    I had saw many bad card designs but this is just hilarious. Are the developers turning DM into an Autistic Game? Or are they taking some hard psychedelics? Anyway this should be a note to the developers to stay off the drugs because this is literally worse than hamsters.

    I don't believe they are running out of ideas however but this is just a decision that only the heavily drugged/mentally insane can make. And since they made Mega Manalock Dragon and Evil Heat and Bombazar, i won't be suprised if they were on some serious drugs or something.

    Last edited by Mr-ex777 on 16.02.17 17:27; edited 1 time in total

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    Is DM turning into an autistic game? Or is the developers smoking some really bad drugs? Empty Re: Is DM turning into an autistic game? Or is the developers smoking some really bad drugs?

    Post by Qbius 16.02.17 17:10

    Was the usage of the word "autistic" as a negative really necessary? I guess I can't just edit it out but it bothers me.

    Granted, those designs -are- very silly.
    Master of Destruction
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    Is DM turning into an autistic game? Or is the developers smoking some really bad drugs? Empty Re: Is DM turning into an autistic game? Or is the developers smoking some really bad drugs?

    Post by Mr-ex777 16.02.17 17:24

    Qbius wrote:Was the usage of the word "autistic" as a negative really necessary? I guess I can't just edit it out but it bothers me.

    Granted, those designs -are- very silly.

    But it describes the creature designs they are throwing in these 4 perfectly. Hope i don't offend anyone.
    Black Shadow
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    Is DM turning into an autistic game? Or is the developers smoking some really bad drugs? Empty Re: Is DM turning into an autistic game? Or is the developers smoking some really bad drugs?

    Post by OcaVan 16.02.17 18:06

    I like the design, it's very absurd and weird like the japanese television commercials are too sometimes. But i also like wild veggies a lot, so thats maybe where this weird tastes if mine come from.
    But still, as long it's about the artwork it's really a matter of taste.
    Master of Evolution
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    Is DM turning into an autistic game? Or is the developers smoking some really bad drugs? Empty Re: Is DM turning into an autistic game? Or is the developers smoking some really bad drugs?

    Post by Secret_Wyvern 16.02.17 18:34

    I actually like the designs :/
    I mean they're not my favorites at all, my favorite designs coming from Episode 3 and Dragon Saga, but they aren't terrible.
    And do you have to use autistic so much? It's kinda annoying when you actually are autistic :/

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    Is DM turning into an autistic game? Or is the developers smoking some really bad drugs? Empty Re: Is DM turning into an autistic game? Or is the developers smoking some really bad drugs?

    Post by Admin 16.02.17 20:49

    As long as the abilities of the cards are pretty balanced, I don't mind what the illustrators come up with. Those cards are Jokers so I guess that's why they look so... weird and comic. I don't hate the illustrations and at least they are interesting.

    The word autistic as a negative surely is somewhat inappropriate since it's a serious disorder that shouldn't be joked about. That said, you surely didn't mean to offend anyone.

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    Is DM turning into an autistic game? Or is the developers smoking some really bad drugs? Empty Re: Is DM turning into an autistic game? Or is the developers smoking some really bad drugs?

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